Foundation Engineering Flashcards
the lowest division of a building, its substructure, or other construction, constructed partly or wholly below the surface of the ground, designed to support and anchor the superstructure above and transmit its load directly to the earth
that part of the structure that supports the weight of the structure and transmits the load to underlying soil or rock
applies the knowledge of soil mechanic, rock mechanics, geology and structural engineering to the design and construction of foundation for buildings and other structures.
foundation engineering
a foundation system type which is employed when stable soil of adequate bearing capacity occurs relatively near to the ground surface, they are placed directly below the lowest part of the sub-structure and transfer building loads directly to the supporting soil by vertical pressure
shallow foundation
a foundation system type employed when the soil underlying a foundation is unstable to transfer building loads to a more appropriate bearing stratum of rock or dense sand and gravel well below the superstructure
deep foundation
that part of a foundation bearing directly upon the supporting soil, set below the natural grade line and enlarged to distribute its load over a greater area.
a reinforced concrete beam distributing the horizontal forces from an eccentrically loaded pile cap or spread footing to other pile caps or footings
tie beam/footing tie beam/grade beam
a reinforced concrete beam supporting a superstructure at or near a ground level and transferring the load to isolated footings, piers or piles
tie beam/ footing tie beam/ grade beam
that part of a building or structure which is above the level of the adjoining ground or the level of the foundation
the underlying structure forming the foundation of a building or other construction
something that underlies or serves as a base or foundation. also called substrate
the actual pressure developed between the footing and the supporting soil mass, equal to the quotient of the magnitude of the forces and the area of contact
soil pressure/contact pressure
the horizontal component of resistance developed by a soil mass against the horizontal movement of a vertical structure through the soil
passive soil pressure
occurs usually at the side of the retaining walls between the walls and the surrounding soil
passive soil pressure
the horizontal component of pressure that a soil mass exert on a vertical retaining wall
active soil pressure
the maximum unit pressure a foundation is permitted to impose vertically or laterally on a supporting soil mass
allowable bearing pressure/ allowable bearing capacity/allowable soil pressure
a layer of coarse granular materials placed and compacted on undistributed soil prepared fill to prevent the capillary rise of moisture to a concrete ground slab
base course
the gradual reduction in the volume of a soil mass resulting from the application of a sustained load and an increase in compressive stress
a reduction in volume of a soil mass under the action of a sustained load, due chiefly to a squeezing out of water from the voids within the mass and a transfer of the load from the soil water to the soil solids. also called primary compression
primary consolidation
a reduction in volume of a soil mass under the action of a sustained load, due chiefly to adjustment of the internal structure
secondary consolidation
the gradual subsiding of the structure
the relative movement of parts of a structure caused by uneven settlement
differential settlement
a single spread footing supporting a freestanding column or pier
isolated footing
a type of isolated footing having inclined top, sloping towards the edges
square sloped footing
a type of footing that changes levels in stages with the center having the thickest part of the footing
stepped footing
a footing rectangular in plan and supporting load of unequal magnitudes in both axes
rectangular footing
a reinforced concrete footing for a perimeter column or foundation wall extended to support an interior column load
combined footing
a type of combined footing rectangular in plan and supporting two columns. column loads are assumed to be of the same magnitude
rectangular combined footing
column loads on this type of footing are assumed to be unequal magnitude
trapezoidal combined footing
a type of beam-like footing placed underneath the ground in order to transmit and provide additional rigidity to two or more columns
footing tie beam
reinforced concrete beam supporting a bearing wall at or near the ground level and transferring the load to isolated footings, piers or piles
grade beam
a reinforced concrete footing extended to support a row of columns
continuous footing
the continuous spread footing of a foundation wall
strip footing
a reinforced concrete footing connected by a tie beam to another footing in order to balance an asymmetrically imposed load
strap/cantilever/connected footing
a thick, slab-like heavily reinforced concrete footing supporting a number of columns or an entire building
mat foundation
a mat foundation reinforced by grid or ribs
ribbed mat
a composite structure of reinforced concrete slabs and basement walls
cellular mat
a mat providing a footing on yielding soil, usually for an entire building, placed so that the weight of the displaced soil exceeds the weight of the construction
raft foundation
a framework of crossing beams for spreading heavy loads over large areas
grillage/grid foundation
a foundation used in yielding soil, having for its footing a raft placed deep enough that the weight of excavated soil is equal to or greater than the weight of the construction supported
floating foundation
a system of piles, pile caps, and tie beams for transferring building loads down to a suitable bearing stratum, used esp. when the soil mass directly below the construction is not suitable for the direct bearing of footings
pile foundation
a footing-like member which joins the heads of a cluster of piles in order to distribute the load from a column or grade beam equally among the piles
pile cap
a type of precast footing provided with a socket to receive a precast column
precast socket foundation
a continuous type of footing intended to support as well as transmit the load imposed by the wall directly to the ground
wall footing
a long-slender column of wood, steel, or reinforced concrete, driven or hammered vertically into the earth to form part of a foundation system
a pile depending principally on the bearing resistance of soil or rock beneath its foot for support. also called point-bearing pile
end bearing pile
a pile depends principally on the frictional resistance of surrounding earth for support
friction pile
log driven usually a friction pile, often filled with a steel shoe and a drive band
timber pile
a steel H-section, sometimes encased in concrete to a point below the water table to prevent corrosion
heavy steel pipe driven with the lower end either open or closed by a heavy steel plate or point and filled with concrete
pipe pile
has a round, square or polygonal cross section and sometimes an open core; often prestressed
precast concrete pile
pile constructed by driving a steel pipe or casing into the ground until it meets the required resistance and then filling it with concrete
cased pile
pile constructed by driving a cncrete plug into the ground along with a steel casing until it meets the required resistance, and then ramming concrete into place as the casing is withdrawn
uncased pile
pile that carries superimposed loads
bearing pile
driven at an inclination to resist forces that are not vertical
batter pile
used in cofferdarn construction to support the horizontal wall that in turn supports vertical sheet piling
guide pile
driven at wharves or in front of a large masonry structure to protect them from sudden blows
fender pile
used to resist lateral pressure of the earth and to form a wall intended to be watertight
sheet pile
a h-section steel pipe driven vertically into the ground to support horizontal lagging
soldier pile
heavy timber planks joined together side by side to retain the face of an excavation
deviation of the pile from its plan location or from the vertical which may result in a reduction of its allowable load
pile eccentricity
a machine for driving piles
pile driver
a type of pile driver which is raised by means of a rope and then allowed to be dropped
drop hammer
a type of pile driver that is automatically raised and dropped a short distance
steam pile hammer
the steam is applied to raise the striking part of the hammer, then allowed to fall by gravity
single acting steam hammer
the steam pressure raises the hammer and also reinforces the action of gravity during descent
double acting steam
a cast-in-place concrete foundation
a pier to permit inspection of the bottom
a caisson that is drilled into a stratum of solid rock rafter than belled
socketed caisson
a socketed caisson having a steel h-section core within a concrete-filled pipe casing
rock caisson
a watertight box made of timber and concrete, having a bottom, but no top
box caisson
a self-contained box structure made of timber, metal and concete
open caisson
a type of caisson having opening at the bottom and closed at the top
pneumatic caisson
a temporary enclosure in a river, lake, etc. to keep water from the enclosed area