Formula 3 - Midterm Flashcards
Wu Ling San (5 ingredient powder w/ poria)?
Indication: Tai Yang Fu organ water build up (Xu Shui) syndromes:
Headache, fever, irritability, strong thirst, but w/ vomiting immediately after drinking & difficulty scanty urine
Edema - interior water damp accumulation without exterior syndrome: generalized sensation of heaviness, diarrhea, difficult & scanty urination or sudden turmoil disorder (diarrhea & vomiting)
Congested fluids syndrome:
Throbbing sensation just below the navel, vomiting frothy saliva, vertigo, possible SOB & cough.
S/SX: scanty, difficult urination
T: white coating
P: floating, superficial or moderate
ze Xie- (purge water, drain damp)
fu ling-
zhu ling-(drain damp downward)
bai zhu- (strengthen SP)
gui zhi- (tai yan herb, warm, vaporize damp by moving the Qi to transform water)
FUNCTION: promotes urination, drains dampness, strengthens SP, warms the yang & promotes the transforming functions of Qi.
Zhu Ling Tang
Water & heat clumping in the UB (cold enters the Yang Ming or Shao Yin & transforms into heat syndrome)
Difficult urination, fever, thirst, irritability, insomnia, cough, nausea, diarrhea
bloody Lin syndrome: difficult, dripping, painful urination& distended pain in the lower abdomen
T: red dry or slightly yellow coat
P: thready & rapid (deep & heat)
S/SX: key: difficulty urination, thirst, fever w red tongue & rapid pulse. currently used for cystitis, UTI’s, urethritis, cirrhosis or insomnia.
king herb-
zhu ling-
ze Xie-
fu ling- (1st 3 herbs working together to drain damp
hua shi- (cools the heat)
e jiao- (sweet & salty = nourish yin)
FUNCTION: promote urination, drains damp, clears heat & nourishes yin.
Wu Pi San (5 peel powder)
skin edema (pi shui) due to SP Qi deficiency with excess dampness.
T: white greasy coat
P: submerged & moderate
S/SX: key: generalized edema w heaviness sensation, distention & fullness in epigastrium & abd. urinary difficulty.
FUNCTION: promote urination, reduces edema, regulates QI & strengthens SP
fu ling pi- (strengthen SP,drain damp)
sang bai pi-
sheng jiang pi-(move water, help edema)
da fu pi-
chen pi- harmonize Qi, transform turbidity
Fang Ji Huang Qi Tang
wind water (feng shui) or wind damp (feng shi)
sweating, aversion to wind, heavy sensation in the body, urinary difficulty & superficial edema.
T: pale, white coat
P: floating (superficial)
Key s/sx: sweating, aversion to wind, heavy sensation in body & urinary difficulty.
(han) fang ji- (expel wind, move water)
huang qi- (benefit Wei qi)
bai zhu- (strengthen SP)
zhi gan cao-
sheng jiang-
da zao- (3 candies, harmonize MJ)
augments Qi, strengthens SP, expels wind, promotes urination to reduce edema.
Zhen Wu Tang (true warrior decoction)
water retention due to SP & KD yang deficiency: urinary difficulty, deep aching & heaviness in the extremities, painful abdominal, loose stool or diarrhea; maybe generalized edema or heaviness sensation in the head & palpitation.
overly promotes sweating in Tai Yang dz depletes the yang & body fluid: fever not reduced from sweating. palpitations, dizziness, vertigo, shivering, trembling with an unsteady appearance as well as the feeling of unstable on the feet.
T: white, slippery coat, or swollen w teeth marks
P: submerged, thin, forceless
S/SX: key: urinary difficulty, heavy extremities, loose stool or edema in the limbs
fu zi- (warms KD’s & SP and strengthens KD yang)
bai zhu-( strengthen SP-TNT, drain damp)
fu ling- (drain water retention)
sheng jiang- helps Fu Zi to warm & helps Fu Ling to warm and drain damp.
bai shao- (sour to soften the LV, stop abdominal pain)
FUNCTION: warms the yang & promotes urination
**USED ALOT in practice, in the North where its cold.
patients getting dialysis & Parkinson’s
Shi Pi Yin (Bolster the SP drink)
yin edema due to yang deficiency
key S/Sx: severe edema in the lower body, semiliquid or unformed stools, distention & fullness in the chest & abdomen caused by deficiency yang qi fails to transform water leads to internal accumulation of water & dampness.
T: pale thick greasy coating
P: submerged, slow or thin
zhi fu zi- (tonify KD yang)
gan jiang- (tonify the SP)
fu ling-
bai zhu-
mu gua-
hou po-
mu Xiang-
da fu pi-
cao guo- (all aromatic, waking up the SP, transforming damp)
zhi gan cao-
sheng jiang
da zao- (3 candies / harmonize)
strengthens the sP, warms the KD yang & promotes urination to reduce edema.
Bie Xie Fen Qing Yin (Tokoro drink to separate the clear)
cloudy turbid Lin due to deficiency cold
S/SX: frequent urination, painful urinary dribbling, milky urine like rice water or pasty coagulation in the urine.
T: pale, white coat
P: deep (def)
bi xie- (seperate turbidity)
yi zhi ren- (warms KD’s, stop constant urination)
wu yao-
shi chang pu- (warms BL to stop urination)
Salt (after cooking a pinch of salt to guide formula to the KD’s to warm the LJ & separate turbidity from clear)
warms the KD yang, drains dampness, transforms & separates turbid from the clear
Qiang Huo Sheng Shi Tang
exterior wind damp evil attack with pain syndromes
S/SX: heaviness & painful in the head, stiffness of the neck, shoulder or back pain, difficult to rotate or bend trunk, generalized sensation of heaviness, mild fever & chills.
T: white coat
P: floating
Qiang huo- (upper body)
du huo- (lower body)
fang feng-
gao ben-
chuan xiong- (move blood, stop pain)
man jing zi-
gan cao-
Expels wind & overcomes dampness.
Juan Bi Tang
(remove painful obstruction decoction)
wind cold damp Bi syndrome with Ying & Wei deficiency
S/SX: stiffness & pain in the shoulder, neck arms, upper back & numbness in extremities (difficult to move)
T: thick, white coating
P: moderate
qiang huo-
fang feng-
dang gui-
chi shao (bai shao)-
huang qi-(honey fried)
jiang huang-
zhi gan cao-
sheng jiang-
da zao- (3 candies)
FUNCTION: expels wind dampness, alleviates painful obstruction, tonifies Qi & activates blood.
Gui Zhi Shao Yao Zhi Mu Tang
wind cold damp Bi syndrome with local heat.
swollen & painful joints that are warm to the touch & worse @ night, reduced range of motion in affected joints, chills, no sweat, emaciation, dizziness & nausea.
T: white, greasy coat
P: wiry, slippery
gui zhi-
shao Yao-
zhi mu-
ma huang-
fu zi-
bai zhu-
fang feng-
sheng jiang-
gan cao-
expels wind, overcomes dampness, moves the yang qi, removes obstruction, nourishes yin and clears heat.
Xuan Bi Tang
Bi syndrome due to damp-heat obstructing the channels & collaterals.
key s/sx: heat & painful joints, scanty & dark urine.
other s/sx: fever & shaking chills, lusterless & yellow complexion.
T: gray or yellow greasy coating
P: wiry, slippery
fang ji- (drain damp, expel wind, move water)
xing ren- (clear heat)
yi yi ren- (drain down, MJ)
can sha- (clear LV heat)
ban xia-
lian qiao- (clear toxicity)
zhi zi- (clear 3 jiao heat)
hua shi- (promote urination)
chi Xiao dou- (clear water retention in HT)
clears heat, overcomes dampness, unblocks the channels & removes painful obstruction.
Du Huo Ji sheng Tang
chronic Bi syndrome, damp obstructing the channels due to LV, KD, Qi & blood deficiency
key s/sx: cold & pain in the lower back & knees, limited movement.
other s/sx: aversion to cold, better with warmth, palpitations or short of breath.
T: pale, white coat
P: thin, weak, slow
(joint pain)
du huo- lower part of the body- finds hidden wind in LJ between tendon & bone.
sang ji sheng- (good for tendons & joints, tonifies LV & KD)
fang feng- (expel wind, overcome damp)
qin jiao- (expels wind damp, good for tendons & sinews)
xi xin- (warm, dispersing, clear wind cold in tendons)
rou gui-(warm ming men fire)
du Zhong-
niu xi- (all 3 tonify KD & LV)
dan gui-
bai shao-
chuan xiong-
sheng di huang- (all the above tonify Qi & blood, good for tendons & sinews. expels wind cold damp.
ren shen-
fu ling-
gan cao-
expels wind damp, disperses painful obstruction, benefit LV & KD & tonify qi & blood.
Er Miao San
San Miao Wan
Si Miao Wan
two marvel powder (huang bai & can zhu to clear heat & drain damp)
three marvel powder (er Miao san &Niu Xi for damp heat - sensation in the feet)
four marvel powder -
San Miao Wan & Yi yi ren for atrophy due to damp heat. strengthen the bones (gout)
Yin Chen Hao Tang (virgate wormwood decoction)
damp heat or Yang type jaundice.
s/sx: whole body jaundice with bright yellow color especially in the sclera, skin, slight abdominal distention, difficulty urination & thirst.
T: yellow & greasy coating
P: slippery & rapid
yin chen hao
zhi zi
da huang
Yin Chen Si Ni Tang
yin jaundice due to cold dampness & yang deficiency
jaundice with dark yellow color, skin cold in touch, aversion to cold, reduced appetite, lethargy & frigid extremities.
P: submerged, thin & weak
San Ren Tang
(3 seed decoction)
early stage of damp-warm or summer heat warm febrile dz (qi stage)
s/sx: headache, chills, afternoon fever, heaviness or pain in the body, pale yellow complexion, fullness in the chest, loss of appetite & no thirst.
T: white coating
P: wiry, thin & soggy
Gan Lu Xiao Du Dan
damp warm febrile dz (Qi stage) and early stage of damp warm epidemic dz
s/sx: fever, lethargy (damp), stifling sensation in the chest, abdominal distention, sore & heavy limbs, swollen throat, thirst, scanty, dark urine, possible vomitting & diarrhea, jaundice or turbid Lin syndrome.
T: white, greasy or yellow, dry coating
P: soggy, rapid
Ba Zheng San (8 powder for rectification)
acute damp heat Lin syndromes
s/sx: dark, turbid, scanty, difficult, dripping & painful urination; there may be urinary retention & lower abdominal distention & pain w dry mouth & throat.
T: red tongue w yellow and greasy coat
P: slippery & rapid
qu mai
bian xu
mu tong
hua shi
che qian zi
zhi zi
da huang
deng xin cao
gan cao
function: clears heat, purges fire, promote urination & unblocks (painful urination) Lin syndrome.
Shao Yao Tang (peony decoction)
damp heat dysentery with Qi & blood stagnation
s/sx: abdominal pain, tenesmus, difficult defecation, pus and bloody diarrhea, burning sensation around the anus, dark & scanty urine.
T: greasy, & slightly yellow coat
P: wory, rapid
Ping Wei San
dampness obstructing the sp & st syndromes
s/sx: distention & fullness in the epigastrium & abdomen, loss of taste & appetite
(SP) heavy sensation in the limbs, loose stool or diarrhea, fatigue, increased desire to sleep, nausea & vomitting, belching, acid regurgitation. (chronic gastritis, colitis, peptic ulcer)
T: swollen, thick, white & greasy coat
P: moderate or slippery
Huo Xiang Zheng Qi San
sudden turmoil disorders
stomach flu
exterior wind cold, interior dampness stagnation syndromes.
s/sx: fever & chills (exterior), headache, a sensation of fullness & stifling oppression in the chest, pain in the epigastrium & abd, nausea, vomitting, borborygmus, diarrhea, lost of taste.
T: white greasy coat
P: moderate, soggy
Xiao Feng San
wind rash or damp rash caused by wind heat or wind damp.
red, oozy, weepy large rash, hives.
P: floating, rapid
T: yellow or white coat
Jing Jie chief herb
fang feng
niu bang ziu
Chan Tui (extinguish external wind)
Cang Zhu (dry)
Ku Shen (resolve itch)
Mu Tong
shi gao (these 2 clear heat, drain fire)
Sheng di huang
dang gui
hei za ma (move blood, cool & moisten)
gan cao (harmonize)
Xiao Huo Luo Dan
wind cold damp Bi syndrome. wind stroke.
chronic pain, weakness, numbness in lower limbs also for fixed or migrating pain in bones or joints w/ reduced ROM.
rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, sciatica, blood stasis.
T: pale or purple with white moist coat
P: wiry tight or soft & moderate.
Yu Zhen San
tetanus. wind due to incised wounds.
stiffness, spasms of the jaw, closed mouth, rigidity of entire body, might have chills & fever.
P: wiry & tight