Formula 3 Final Flashcards
Er Chen Tang
damp PHL accumulation in the MJ & or causing cough. (often SP & LU’s fail to T/T the fluids)
Dries damp, transforms PHL, regulates Qi & harmonizes the MJ
T: white, moist, greasy coat
P: slippery
key s/sx: cough w/ copious white phl easily to expectorate
distention & stifling sensation in the chest & diaphragm, palpitation, nausea or vomitting or dizziness.
Ban Xia
ju hong or chen pi
Fu ling
zhi gan cao
(sheng jiang)
(wu mei)
Wen Dan Tang
GB & ST disharmony w/ PHL heat obstructing the Qi mechanism. *invisible PHL accumulation.
regulates the Qi, transforms PHL, clears GB heat & harmonizes the ST
T: greasy yellow coating
P: rapid, slippery or wiry
key s/sx: irritability, body not hot to the touch, dry throat w/no desire to drink & insomnia w/o feeling hot.
other s/sx: irritability, anxiety, nervous, easily frightened, insomnia, excessive dreams, dizziness, vertigo, nausea or vomiting, palpitation, bitter taste in the mouth, oppressed sensation in the chest, intermediate gnawing hunger or epilepsy w copious sputum.
ban xia
zhu ru
zhi shi
chen pi
fu ling
zhi gan cao
sheng jiang
da zao
Qing Qi Hua Tan Wan
PHL heat cough symptom
clears heat, transforms PHL, directs rebellious Qi downward & stops cough
T: red, greasy yellow coating
P: rapid, slippery, wiry
s/s: cough w yellow, viscous sputum, difficult to expectorate & focal distention & feeling of fullness in the chest & diaphram.
nausea, vomit, severe cases, difficulty breathing.
dan nan xing
gua lou ren (PC 6 - nothing opens the LU’s more, unstick PHL)
huang qin
zhi shi
chen pi
fu ling
ban Xiang
xing ren
Xiao Xian Xiong Tang
know herbs
indication: PHL heat accumulation in the chest
Function: clears heat, transforms PHL, expands the chest & dissipates clumps
T: greasy, yellow coating
P: slippery, either rapid or floating
s/sx: *focal distention (w or w/o nodules in the chest or the epigastrium that are painful upon palpitation, possible cough w yellow & sticky sputum, constipation & bitter taste in the mouth.
Gua Lou (opens the chest & descends rebellious Qi)
Jiang Ban Xia
Huang Lian (cooling, descends the Qi downward)
Bei Mu Gua Lou San
know herbs
indication: dry PHL cough syndromes
function: moistens the LU’s, clears heat, regulates the Qi & transforms PHL.
T: red dry, white, little coating
P: rapid, thin, but strong pulse, slippery
s/sx: cough w deep seated sputum that is difficult to expectorate, wheezing, dry & sore throat. (THERE IS NO TIDAL fever or night sweats) because this is not for yin deficiency.
(chuan) bei mu
gua lou
tian hua fen (cool heat, transform PHL, moisten LU’s)
ju hong
fu ling
Jie geng
c/ci: cough due to yin deficiency
Ling Gui Zhu Gan Tang
indication: congested thin fluid (Tan - Yin) in the epigastrium syndrome (*cold PHL) (HT yang & SP deficiency - not circulating fluids)
function: warms the yang, transforms PHL & water, strengthens the SP & resolves dampness.
T: pale, swollen with white slippery or greasy coating
P: slippery, either wiry or soggy pulse.
s/sx: **clear watery sputum **fullness in the chest & hypochondria area, palpitation,
SOB & cough up ; dizziness or vertigo
Fu Ling
Gui Zhi
Bai Zhu
Zhi Gan Cao
Ling Gan Wu Wei Jiang Xin Tang
know herbs, all in title
indication: cold congested thin fluid (Han Yin) syndromes
Function: warms the LU’s & transforms congested fluids
T: white, slippery coat
P: slippery, wiry pulse
s/sx: cough w profuse, thin, watery & white sputum with discomfort in the chest & diaphragm
(currently used to treat chronic bronchitis, emphysema & chronic obstructive pulmonary dz)
Gan Jiang (warms the LU’s, scatters cold, transforms fluid, strengthens SP yang)
Xi Xin (warms)
Fu Ling
Wu We ZI (astringes LU Qi & stops cough)
Gan Cao
San Zi Yang Qin Tang (3 seed decoction)
Indication: PHL & food accumulation w Qi stagnation syndromes
Function: descends the rebellious Qi, relaxes the diaphragm, transforms PHL & reduces food stagnation.
T: white, greasy coat
P: slippery pulse
s/sx: coughing & wheezing, copious sputum, focal distention in the chest , loss of appetite & digestive difficulties.
Bai Jie Zi (white mustard seed, warms LU’s, opens diaphragm, transforms PHL)
Zi Su Zi (descend Qi, calm asthma, transform PHL)
Lai Fu Zi (daikon radish seed, helps digestion, moves Qi, transforms PHL)
c/ci: dont take long term
Ban Xia Bai Zhu Tian Ma Tang
know herbs
indication: wind PHL blazing upward syndromes
Function: strengthens the SP, dries dampness, transform PHL, & extinguishes wind
T: white, greasy coat
P: wiry, slippery
s/sx: dizziness, vertigo, headache, stifling sensation in the chest, nausea or vomit, copious sputum
Ban Xia (dry damp, descend rebellious Qi, stop wind)
Tian Ma (extinguishes wind, stops dizziness (esp head area/headache)
Bai Zhu (stregthen SP,dry damp)
Fu Ling (drain damp downward)
Ju Hong (regulating Qi)
Sheng Jiang
Da Zao
Gan Cao (harmonizes SP & ST)
c/ci: no deficiency syndromes
Zhi Sou San
know herbs
indication: cough caused by sequelae external wind cold attacks syndromes (lingering cough due to external wind attack)
Function: stops cough, transforms PHL, extinguishes wind & ventilates LU’s
T: thin, white coat
P: moderate floating pulse
s/sx: coughing w or w/o slight chills & fever with itchy throat & difficult to expecortate PHL
zi wan
bai bu
bai qian
Jie geng
chen pi
jing jie
gan cao
c/ci: chronic cough due to yin def
Xiao Luo Wan
indication: scrofula (Luo Li syndromes) NODULES on the side of the neck with firm & rubbery consistency accompanied by dry mouth and throat. (*scrofula due to LV & KD yin def causing PHL fire accumulation)
Function: clears heat, transforms PHL, softens hardness & dissolves nodules.
T: red
P: rapid, slippery or wiry pulse
Bei Mu (transfrom PHL, dissolves nodules, clears heat)
Mu Li (dissolves nodules)
Xuan Shen (goes to KD’s (which channel goes through throat) dissolves PHL nodules)
C/ci: congealing nodules due to cold or inflamed and ulcerated nodules.
Hai Zao Yu Tang
Indication: Goiter (Ying Liu) syndromes
Masses in the center of the neck which are rock-like in hardness, immobile, no color change in the skin, no pain & no ulceration.
LV & SP disharmony due to Qi & PHL stagnation
transforms PHL, softens hard masses, reduces & dissipates nodules
T: thin, greasy
P: slippery, wiry
Hai Zao
Kun Bu
Hai Dai (3 seaweeds/ salty to dissolve nodules)
Zhe bei mu (softens hardness)
ban Xia (zhi) (dissolves PHL)
Qing pi (break Qi stagnation)
chen pi (regulate Qi)
dang gui (move the blood)
chuan xiong
du huo (PHL nodules)
lian qiao (release toxic - good for nodules)
gan cao
Bao He Wan
know herbs
indication: food stagnation.
s/sx: fullness in the chest & epigastrium, abdominal acid regurgitation, rotten smelling belching.
T: yellow (thick) greasy
P: slippery pulse
Shan Zha (hawthorn berry) #1 for digesting greasy meat & foods.
She Qu (helps digest, alcohol, minerals & grains)
Lai Fu Zi (rich in digestive enzymes)
- & er chen tang *
ban Xiang
chen pi
fu ling
lian qiao (clearing toxic heat from stagnation)
c/ci: SP def
Wu Mei Wan
expel parasites.
indication: collapse from roundworm because they’re blocking the Qi.
s/sx: intermittent attacks of abdominal pain, a stifling sensation, irritability, cold hands feet (disrupting Qi mechanism), maybe vomiting roundworms.
wu Mei (calms & contracts worm)
chuan ciao
xi xin
huang lian
huang bai
gan jiang
gui zhi
fu zi
ren shen
dang gui
Da Huang Mu Dan Tang
indication: early stage of excess intestinal abscess. Damp heat accumulating in the INTS & obstructing the flow of Qi & blood.
ex. acute appendicitis, PID etc.
s/sx: distention & pain that increases upon palpitation with rebound tenderness usually over the right lower abdomen, limited extension of the right leg due to severe pain, therefore maybe irregular intermittent fever, spontaneous sweating w/ aversion to cold in the initial stage.
T: thin yellow, greasy
P: slow, tight, beginning; surging & rapid later stage.
da huang (push out old & generate new)
mang Xiao (dissipates clumps, helps push out bowel movement)
tao ren (breaks up blood stagnation)
mu dan pi (nourish blood)
dong gua ren (clear INTS damp heat)
Wu Wei Xiao Du Yin
indication: early stage of boils, carbuncles & sores.
s/sx: any kind of localized, redness, swelling, hot, painful skin lesions; small size with hard deep root, maybe comes with chills & fevers.
T: red w yellow coat
P: rapid
ex. mastitis, conjunctivitis, UTI’s
jin yin hua
zi hua di ding
tian kui zi
pu gong ying
ye ju hoa
Huo Xiang Zheng Qi San
-sudden turmoil disorder (diarrhea/vomit)
-exterior wind cold plus interior damp.
s/sx: *fever/chills, headache, sensation of fullness & stifling oppression in chest, pain in epigastrium & abdomen, nausea, vomit, borbygmus, diarrhea & loss of taste.
T: white greasy
P: moderate, soggy
*this formula is better to transform dampness & harmonize ST rather than release exterior wind cold.
Yin Chen Hao Tang
damp heat or Yang type jaundice
s/sx: whole body jaundice, bright yellow color esp sclera, & skin. Slight abdominal distention, difficulty urinating with thirst.
T: yellow greasy coat
P: slippery & rapid
yin chen hao
zhi zi
da huang
Wu Ling San
Tai Yang Fu organ water build up syndromes: (cold pattern)
1- headache, fever, irritability, strong thirst but w/vomiting immediately after drinking & scanty urination.
2-Edema- interior water damp accumulation without exterior syndrome: generalized sensation of heaviness, diarrhea, difficult, scanty urination or sudden turmoil disorder.
3-congested fluids syndrome:
throbbing sensation below the navel, vomiting frothy saliva, vertigo, possible SOB & cough
T: white coat
P: floating (superficial) or moderate
ze Xie
fu ling
zhu ling
bai zhu
gui zhi
Zhu Ling Tang
water & heat clumping in the UB (cold enters the Yang Ming or Shao Yin & transforms into heat) (heat pattern)
1- difficulty urination, fever, thirst, irrtability, insomnia, cough, nausea, diarrhea
2- bloody Lin : difficult, dripping, painful urination & distended pain in lower abdomen.
T: red dry or slight yellow coat
P: thready & rapid
(biggest difference between WLS & ZLT is e jiao (nourish yin), hua shi (cool heat)
Wu Pi San
skin edema due to spleen qi def w/ excess dampness
s/sx: generalized edema w sensation of heaviness, distention & fullness in epigastrium & abdomen, labored heavy breathing and urinary difficulty.
T: white greasy coating
P: submerged & moderate
fu ling pi
sang bai pi
da fu pi
sheng jiang pi
chen pi
Fang Ji Huang Qi Tang
wind water (Feng Shui) or wind damp (Feng Shi)
s/sx: sweating, aversion to wind, heavy sensation in the body, urinary difficulty & superficial edema.
T: pale, white coat
P: floating (superficial)