Formula 3 Flashcards
Da Qin Jiao Tang
King herb - Qin Jiao
Deputy - Qiang Huo (guides other herbs to tai yang & du channels)
Du Huo
Fang feng
Bai zhi
Xi Xin
Assistant - dang gui
Bai Shao
Shu di
Churn xiong
Bai zhu
Fu ling
Shen di
Shi gao
Huang qin
Envoy - gan cao
Disperses wind, clears heat, nourishes & invigorates the blood
For early stage wind attack of the channels & collaterals or wind stroke syndrome
Da Qin Jiao Tang
King -
Qin jiao
Qiang huo
Du huo
Fang feng
Bai zhi
Xi xin
Dang gui
Bai shao
Shu di
Chuan xiong
Bai zhu
Fu ling
Sheng di
Shi gao
Huang qin
Gan cao
Disperses wind, clears heat, nourishes and invigorates blood.
For early stage wind attack of the channels and collaterals or wind stroke
Qian Zheng San
Bai Fu Zi (dries dampness, explels PHL, expels wind & stops spasms)
Jiang can (extinguishes wind, stops spasms &!convulsions esp due to LV wind or wind PHL heat)
Quan xie
Dispels wind, transforms PHL & stops spasms.
Pathogenic wind & PHL invade & obstruct the channels & collaterals of the head & face. Sudden facial paralysis w/ deviation of eyes & mouth & facial muscle twitch.
Xiao Huo Luo Dan
Chuan wu (zhi) *toxic, stops pain, eliminates wind & damp & opens the channels.
Cao wu (zhi)
Tian nan xing (zhi) dry damp, eliminate PHL & stop pain
Ru Xiang (moves Qi & activates the blood)
Mo yao
Di long (opens the channels & activates blood)
Old wine (helps get it into the channel)
Dispels wind, eliminates dampness, transforms PHL, unblocks collaterals & alleviates pain.
Wind cold damp Bi & wind stroke (Zheng Feng)
chronic pain, weakness, numbness of lower limbs also fixed or migrating pain in the bones or joints with reduced range of motion due to wind cold damp obstruction.
Xiao Xi Ming Tang
Ma huang (expels wind)
Chuan Xiong
Fang ji (Han) (wind damp)
Xing Ren (bring Qi up)
Fang feng
Sheng jiang (warming interior)
Ren shen
Fu Zi
Gui zhi (harmonize & tonify)
Bai shao
Huang qin (clear heat)
Gan cao (warm channels, support righteous Qi, expels wind)
Warms the channels, unblocks the Yang, supports the righteous Qi & expels wind.
Wind stroke (zhong feng) hemiplagia, asymmetry of the face, slow & slurred speech due to external wind, usually accompanied by fever & chills. In severe cases there is loss of consciousness.
Yu Zhen San
Bai Fu Zi (wind, damp, upper)
Tian nan xing (PHL & stops pain)
Qiang huo (dispel wind from internal/external - push it from the inside out)
Fang feng
Bai zhi
Tian ma
Hot wine or male infant urine.
Dispels wind, transforms PHL, relieved muscular tetany & alleviates pain.
Wind due to incised wounds. (Po Shang Feng)
Xiao Feng San
TCM Benadryl
King herbs -
Jing jie (eliminate external wind)
fang feng
niu bang zi (treats itching)
chan tui
Deputy -
cang zhu (internal damp heat)
ku shen
mu tong
shi gao
zhi mu
Assistant -
dang gui (treats blood deficiency to treat itch) (tonifies)
sheng di (cools blood)
hei zhi ma (black sesame seed) )moistens dryness, nourishes yin.
Envoy -
gan cao (clear heat, relieve toxicity)
1st dispels wind, nourishes the blood, clears heat & eliminates dampness
wind rash or damp rash caused by wind heat or wind dampness with preexisting damp heat. (itchy weepy, red skin lesions over large part of the body or oozy after scratches the skin).
Dang Gui Yin Zi
King herbs -
Dang gui
bai shao
chuan xiong
Bai Ji li (calm LV wind)
fang feng (internal & external wind)
sheng di huang
he shou wu (moisten dryness, skin tonic)
jing je
huang qi (bring the herb to the surface)
zhi gan cao (tonify sp)
nourishes the blood, moistens dryness, disperses wind & stops itch
chronic itching skin due to blood deficiency syndrome. Itching skin that is worse at night may or may not be accompanied by rash or flaking skin.
Ling Jiao Gou Teng Tang
(antelope horn)
King -
ling yang jiao (cool LV, stop wind)
gou teng
sang ye (clear heat, extinguish wind)
ju hua
sheng di huang (replenish fluids, nourish yin, soften LV)
bai shao
chuan bei mu (transform PHL, cooling
zhu ru (fresh)
fu Shen mu
gan cao
cools the LV, extinguishes wind, generates fluids & relaxes the sinews.
excess LV channel heat generates internal wind syndrome
persisitent high fever, irritability, restlessness, spasms of the extremities convulsions in sever cases there may also be loss of consciousness.
Zhen Gan Xi Feng Tang
huai niu xi
dai zhe shi (sedating, anchor yang, extinguish wind by bringing yang down)
long gu
mu li
gui ban (anchors LV, softens, nourishes yin & body fluids)
bai shao
xuan shen
tian men dong
yin chen hao (cools LV, breaks up LV Qi stag)
chuan lian zi (“)
mai ya-digestion (LV yang rising effects digestion)
gan cao
Sedates the LV, extinguishes wind, nourishes yin & anchors the yang.
internal wind stroke or similar windstroke syndrome.
dizziness, vertigo, tinnitus, headache w/feverish sensation, restlessness & flushed face. possibly frequent belching, facial asymmetry, progressive motor dysfunction, etc
Tian Ma Gou Teng Yin
tian ma (nourish LV, anchor LV wind)
gou teng(drains LV heat & pacifies the LV yang. Extinguishes wind.
shi jue ming
chuan niu xi (guide downward to blood & KD’s
huang qin
yi mu cao
zhi zi (gardenia seeds) guide LV down & anchor, clear heat
du Zhong
sang ji sheng (parasite of mulberry) - tonify KD & LV, tonifies muscles & tendons
ye jiao teng
fu Shen (calm the Shen, help w sleep
calms the LV, extinguish wind, clears heat, activates blood & tonifies the LV & KD’s
LV yang rising & LV wind blazing upward syndromes.
headache, dizziness, tinnitus, blurred vision, sensation of heat rushing to head, insomnia w dream disturbed sleep.
commonly used for HYPERTENSION
E Jiao Ji Zi Huang Tang
e jiao (donkey hide gelatin) (nourish yin & blood)
ji zi huang (egg yolk) (calms the Shen)
Sheng di (treats the deficiency - replenish yin & blood & fluids. its used before the anchoring herbs)
bai shao
zhi gan cao
gou teng (anchor wind)
shi jue Ming
mu li
fu Shen mu (calm shen)
luo shi teng (open sinews)
nourishes yin, tonifies blood, softens the LV & extinguishes wind.
for def wind syndrome
(rigid extremities, muscle spasms & twitches in the extremities, dry mouth, parched lips, maybe dizziness or vertigo.)
Da Ding Feng Zhu
ji zi huang (nourish yin & fluid, calming down wind)
e jiao
sheng di
mai men dong (post febrile, need to nourish yin more)
bai shao
gui ban
bie jia (supres yang & nourish yin)
huo ma ren (nourish yin, lubricate dryness)
mu li (anchor & smooth LV)
wu wei zi (sour to astringe fluids
zhi gan cao
nourishes the yin & extinguishes wind.
yin deficiency creates internal wind syndromes (*post febrile dz)
(weariness, muscle spasms w alternating flexion & extension of the extremities, often the patient will appear as if he is about to go into shock)
San Jia Fu Mai Tang
“restore the pulse”
zhi gan cao *18g (calm irregular pulse) (gan cao in large amounts is natures cortisol. calms down)
sheng di huang
bai shao
mai men dong
huo ma ren
e jiao
Sheng mu li
sheng bie ia
sheng gui ban
nourishes yin, restores the pulse, clears heat, anchors the yang & extinguishes wind.
yin deficiency in late stage of warm febrile dz.
spasms, loss of consciousness, quivering fingers, 5 centers heat. dizziness, vertigo, tinnitus, dry throat, palpitations, bleeding s/sx.
signs & symptoms of upper dryness
LU’s rebel
dry cough
s/sx of dryness in middle jiao
SP (nausea or belching)
s/sx of dryness in lower
KD, L.I.
stool dryness
Xing Su San
(moisture dryness formula)
zi su ye (these 2 king herbs treat the external attack, create warmth, mild sweat)
xing ren
qian hu
Jie geng
zhi ke (regulating Qi)
ban xia (PHL)
chen pi (regulate Qi)
fu ling (drain dampness)
sheng jiang
da zao
gan cao (3 candies, regulating PHL)
gentle disperses cool dryness, ventilates LU Qi & transforms PHL
External cool dryness attack syndromes
slight headache, aversion to cold w/o sweating, cough with watery sputum (external level still) & stuffy nose & dry throat.
Sang Xing Tang
(gentle formula for external attack)
Sang Ye (disperses wind heat, moistens LU’s & stops cough)
xing ren (stops cough)
dan dou chi (dispersing attack & calming irritability
sha shen (nourish LU yin, cool heat)
zhe bei mu (PHL)
li pi (asian pear skin) (moisten LU’s & stop cough)
zhi zi (clear SJ heat)
gently disperses warm dryness, moistens LU’s & stops cough
External warm dryness attack syndromes
(headache, moderate fever, dry cough w no sputum or sticky & scanty sputum, thirst & dry throat).
Qing Zao Jiu Fei Tang
sang ye (ventilate & moisten LU’s, disperse wind heat)
shi gao
mai men dong (clear severe heat in LU’s, nourish yi & lubricate.
hou ma ren (lubricate & nourish yin)
e jiao
xing ren
pi pa ye (zhi) (benefits LU Qi, clear LU heat, stop cough, help LU Qi descend, transform PHL, harmonize & clear ST heat)
ren shen (tonify Qi (a little dose)
gan cao (strengthen SP, harmonize)
clear dryness & moisten the LU’s
for severe warm dryness injuring the LU’s syndromes
headache, fever, dry cough w/o sputum* (damaged body fluids),wheezing, dry nose & throat, chest fullness, hypochondriac pain, irritability & thirst.
Yang Yin Qing Fei Tang
(nourish yin & clear LU’s decoction)
sheng di (nourish KD yin)
mai men dong (nourish LU yin, moisten LU, stop cough, nourish ST yin, moisten INTS, clear HT heat)
xuan shen (#1for deficiency sore throat
mu dan pi (cools the blood, eliminate swelling)
bei mu (moisten LU’s
bai shao (nourish yin)
bo he (disperse attack, release toxicity & help throat)
gan cao
nourish yin, clear the LU’s, relieve toxicity & benefits the throat
diphtheria (white throat or Bai Ho)
swollen & sore throat, raspy breathing resembling wheezing, dry nose & lips, may be cough & fever.
Bai He Gu Jin Tang
(lily bulb decoction to preserve the metal)
bai he (cools LU heat, moistens LU’s, stops cough & nourishes yin, clears HT heat & calms Shen, nourishes ST yin, harmonizes MJ)
sheng di (nourish KD yin, cool blood)
shu di (nourish KD yin)
mai men dong - LU’s
xuan shen - KD’s
Jie geng
chuan bei mu
dang gui (nourish blood)
bai shao (astringes yin)
gan cao (harmonize
nourishes the yin, moistens the LU’s, transforms PHL & stops cough
LU & KD depletion with ascent of vacuity fire syndromes
Mai Men Dong Tang
mai men dong
ban xia (descend rebellious Qi)
ren shen (tonify MJ Qi - helping MMD to tonify)
jing mi
da zao
zhi gan cao (3 to tonify the SP)
lung atrophy (fei Wei) due to heat syndromes
wheezing, SOB, coughing up PHL that’s sticky & difficult to expectorate, nausea, dry inhibited throat, PHL & hoarseness.
Yu Ye Tang
shan yao
huang qi
zhi mu
tian hua fen
ji nei jin
ge gen
wu wei zi (astringent yin)
augments qi, generates fluids, moistens dryness & quenches thirst.
wasting thirsting disorder (Xiao ke) longterm
excessive thirst, frequent urination w copious urine (possibly turbid) SOB & fatigue