Forming regular adverbs ending in -mente in Spanish Flashcards
Ellas son lentas: caminan lentamente.
They are slow: they walk slowly.
Los coches son rápidos: van rápidamente.
Cars are fast: they go quickly.
Ellos duermen plácidamente.
They sleep placidly.
How do you form a regular adverb in Spansih?
Take the feminine form of the adjective and add -mente at the end. Sometimes the feminine and masculine form are the same, in which case, you just use the adjective outright. Make sure to keep the accent.
Finalmente voy a ser médico.
I’m finally going to be a doctor.
Puedes hacer los ejercicios fácilmente.
You can do the exercises easily.
Nos atienden amablemente.
They serve us kindly.
Debes atar los cordones fuertemente.
You must tie your laces tightly.
Ustedes deben tirar suavemente.
You must pull gently.