Conjugate traer and caer in the present tense in Spanish (El Presente) Flashcards
to bring
to fall
Are traer and caer regular or irregular verbs? If so, do they follow a pattern?
Irregular, but only in the “yo” form. Yo-go form, but with -ig instead of -g
What is different between the two?
Caer is generally used with the reflexive pronouns.
What is the present tense conjugation of traer?
yo- traigo
tú- traes
él/ella/usted- trae
nosotros/nosotras- traemos
ellos/ellas/ustedes- traen
What is the present tense conjugation of caer?
yo- caigo
tú- caes
él/ella/usted- caemos
nosotros/nosotras- caemos
ellos/ellas/ustedes- caen
Yo traigo mi maleta.
I bring my suitcase.
¿Tú traes a tus padres a la graduación?
Are you bringing your parents to the graduation ceremony?
Ella trae la tarta para tu fiesta de cumpleaños.
She’s bringing the cake for your birthday party.
Nosotros traemos las herramientas.
We’re bringing the tools.
Ellos traen el pastel a la fiesta.
They are bringing the cake to the party.
¿Ustedes traen todo el dinero en la maleta?
Are you bringing all the money in the briefcase? [lit: do you bring]
Siempre me caigo bajando las escaleras.
I always fall going downstairs.
Va a doler si te caes.
It is going to hurt if you fall.
Ella nunca se cae.
She never falls.
¡Nos caemos!
We are falling!
Las llaves se caen al suelo.
The keys fall on the floor.
El árbol cae encima de la casa.
The tree falls on top of the house.