Forming Impressions Flashcards
Observed behaviour
we quickly and automatically form impressions based on observed behaviour; may or may not accurately represent the circumstance
Correspondent inference theory
you actively analyze a person’s behaviour to make inferences based on three variables; degree of choice, expectation, intended consequences
Degree of choice
despite the logic of degree of choice, it may be difficult to appreciate its role in a chosen behaviour
if a person behaves in a way typical to what you expect, less information is available to infer an underlying cause
Intended consequences
motivation behind behaviours may have a hidden goal
Covariation theory
how a person’s behaviour can be attributed to either personal disposition or situational circumstances through the analysis of three variables; consistency, distinctiveness, consensus
does the individual usually behave this way in this situation
does the individual behave differently in different situations
do others behave similarly in this situation
Functional attribution error
tendency to over-value dispositional factors for the observed behaviours of others while under-valuing situational factors
Actor/observer effect
positive events = actors = dispositional observers = situational; negative events = actors = situational observers = dispositional
Cultural differences
fundamental attribution error is diminished in collectivist societies; however, children in individualistic societies attribute behaviour equally
Self-serving bias
tendency to perceive yourself favourably
Above-average effect
identify dispositional causes for your successes but situational causes for your failures
False consensus effect
the belief that your thoughts are similar to others;
this effect helps to protect our self-esteem -
general approaches to problems that usually work out;
although we can sometimes make mistakes, heuristics are generally useful approaches to social reasoning
more likely to be attracted to those you live or work closely with;
lies not only in physical distance, but also functional distance
more positive towards familiar than unfamiliar stimuli
Physical attractiveness
used as an indicator of personal characteristics; what is beautiful is good
Others opinions
we like those who like us back, especially when we have low self esteem;
previous impressions of likeability influence novel impressions of likeability
Illusory correlation
occurs when individuals believe that two variables are related even though there is no evidence for that relationship;
relevant to the formation of stereotypes
Implicit association test
speeded categorization task where participants categorize stimuli into four categories using two response keys;
if the participant view two categories requiring the same response as related, the performance will be more accurate
Reducing inherent prejudices
be mindful and attempt to uncover implicit biases to keep them in check;
change implicit associations
Stereotype threat
no gender difference has been found = similar results;
test usually produces a gender difference = men performed much higher than women
beliefs about attributes that are thought to be characteristic of members of particular groups
a negative attitude or affective response toward a certain group and its individual members
negative behaviour towards members of a particular group based on their membership in that group
In group vs. out group
in-group = positive attitudes, heterogeneity; out-group = negative attitudes, homogeneity
William’s syndrome
amygdala less reactive to social fear associated with reduced racial but not gender bias