Formative Flashcards
What does this show?

Right ACA territory infarct
What does this image show?

Tri-malleolar fracture dislocation right ankle
What does this image show?

Fracture right Neck of Femur
What is labelled?

Left MCA
What does this image show?

Left sided rib fractures & pneumothorax
What does this image show?

Intra-parenchymal haemorrhage right cerebral hemisphere
What is labelled?

Right external iliac artery
This ultrasound image has the spleen and diaphragm labelled inferiorly, is has been acquired in the sagittal plane. What is shown above the diaphragm?

Left pleural effusion
This liver is labelled in this image, what is indicated by the other 3 green arrows?

What is labelled?

What is labelled?

Brachiocephalic artery
What is labelled?

What is labelled?

Middle hepatic vein
What is labelled?

Right diaphargm
What is labelled?

What is this structure shown by ultrasound?

What is labelled?

Left adrenal gland
What does this image show?

Massive right pleural effusion
What is labelled?

Identify this structure.

Identify this vessel.

Pain is referred here from…

Identify this structure.

Right ventricle
Which part of the heart conducting system is in this area?

SA node
Lymph from this area will eventually drain to…

Left venous angle
To which group of lymph nodes does this belong?

Inferior tracheobronchial
A patient with a history of asthmatic attacks is admitted to your ward. She is extremely breathless, and while you attempt to ask her questions, she leans forward to hold on to the back of a chair. In this position, accessory muscles being recruited to assist respiration include…
Pectoralis minor & serratus anterior
Which chamber of the heart is represented by the area shaded blue?

Right ventricle
A patient presents with an intracranial haemorrhage affecting the area indicated in red.
Where are his motor symptoms most likely to manifest?

Lower limb
A patient, shown below, presents to A&E while you are on duty.
Which nerve is most likely to have been injured?

Which artery is indicated by the arrow?

Internal carotid artery
Which nerve injury is most likely in Fracture of mid-shaft of humerus?
Radial nerve
Which nerve injury would be affected in fracture of neck of fibula?
Common peroneal nerve
Which nerve could be affected in Anterior dislocation of the glenohumeral joint?
Which nerve could be affected in Supracondylar fracture of humerus?
Which nerve may be affected in Posterior dislocation of the hip joint?
A patient arrives in A&E after an accident. Suspecting a fracture, you send her for radiological examination. Here is the result.
After looking at the X-Ray - Which bone / bony feature has been injured?

Olecranon of ulna
You are asked to examine a patient with a facial droop on the left side. You find that he is unable to show his teeth fully on the left side, but can close his left eye. Your anatomical explanation for the signs in this patient is that the corticonuclear (corticobulbar) innervation:
of the seventh cranial nerve (CN VII) is bilateral to the upper facial muscles
Which nerve is affected in Anaesthesia of the lateral skin of the forearm?
A patient has suffered a stab wound at the location marked ‘X’ which abdominal organ would it most likely affect?

Pain from this organ would refer to which abdominal region?

The arch of the aorta begins and ends at which vertebral level?
The artery being palpated in this image is a direct continuation of which vessel?

Anterior tibial artery