Formation Of Tissue Cells Flashcards
Totipotency is the ability of a single cell to divide and produce all the differentiated cells in an organism, including extraembryonic tissues.[2] Totipotent cells include spores and zygotes
: not fixed as to developmental potentialities; especially : capable of differentiating into one of many cell types
Epithelial lining external surfaces of the body, and terminal parts of passage opening to outside and are derived from
Gut lining epithelium is ……. I origin
Urogenital tract lining epithelium is derived from
Endochrondal ossification
A cartilaginous model is first formed and is later replaced by bone
Intra membranous ossification
Bones that are formed by direct ossification
Primary centre of ossification gives rise to
Secondary centre of ossification gives rises to
Epiphyseal plate separates
Diaphysis from epiphysis in growing bone .
So mites undergo three divisions
Dermatome, myotome, sclerotome
Dermatome forms
Dermis of the skin
Mytome forms the
Skeletal muscle
Sclerotome helps to
Form the vertebral coluMn
The myelin sheaths of peripheral nerves are derived from
Schwann cells
The myelin sheaths of CNS is derived from
Epithelial derived from the ectoderm
Epithelium of skin, hair follicles, sweat glands, and mammary glands
Epithelium over cornea and conjunctiva, external acoustic and outer surface of tympanic membrane
Mouth, lower part of anal canal, terminal part of male and female genitalia
Epithelium Entire gut except part of the mouth and anal canal, auditory tube and middle ear, respiratory tract, urethra and vagina
Epithelial derived from mesoderm
Tubules of kidneys, ureter, trig one of urinary bladder,, uterine tubes, uterus, part of vagina, testis and its duct system, endothelium lining the heart, blood vessels and lymphatics.
Which mesenchymal cells forms many different types of blood cells
Lymphoblast and haemocytoblast
At the site of formation of loose connective tissue the mesenchymal cells
Get converted into fibroblast
Which cells secrete ground substance and synthesize the collagen, reticular and elastric fibre.
Which bone cells are seen in mature bone?
Cells responsible for bone removal.
Fate of somites
Paraxial mesoderm becomes segmented to form a number of so mites that lie on either side of the developing neural tube.
Ventomedial part of somite
The cells of sclerotome migrate medially
Surround the neural tube
The first cervical somite is not most cranial somite. True or false
What somites are above first cervical somite,
The occipital somites (4-5) and pre occipital
Occipital somites gives rise to muscles of
Tongue , and are supplied by hypoglossal nerve.
The pre occipital somites are supplied
by the 3rd, 4th, 6th cranial nerve