Forensics Final Flashcards


Bending fractures usually result in the creation of a “Messerer’s wedge”. This is especially useful in reconstruction of traffic accident because it can tell us what was the direction of the force that acted on the bone. In the picture we see a right tibial bone from the foot. The pedestrian was hit by a car:

A. From the front
B. from the back
C. from the left side.
D. from ate right side,
E. impossible to tell the directioe of the force from this picture


A. From the front
B. from the back
C. from the left side.
D. from ate right side,
E. impossible to tell the directioe of the force from this picture

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Conditions required for natural mummification are:

A. low tomperature, lack of air
B. low tempermune, fresh air
C. high temperatice, fresh air,
D. high temperature, lack of air,
E. lack of air, body full water immersion.


A. low tomperature, lack of air
B. low tempermune, fresh air
C. high temperatice, fresh air,
→ human jerky

D. high temperature, lack of air,
E. lack of air, body full water immersion.

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Raspberry (cheery red) livailey,

A. can he observed in nitrogen
B. can be carbon monoxide intoxication.
C. can he observed in death due to hypothermia
D. It completely-inconclusise, we cannot suspect any cause of death due the fact that it can be observed in various death causes
E. A and C are correct


A. can he observed in nitrogen
B. can be observed only in carbon monoxide intoxication.
→ careful with only! it´s not only CO poisioning but it is mostly CO poisioning, also cyanide poisioning (pink-red) and hypothermia
C. can he observed in death due to hypothermia
D. It completely-inconclusise, we cannot suspect any cause of death due the fact that it can be observed in various death causes
E. A and C are correct

Nitrate= brown, hydrogen sulphite= green

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Dead body found in the second half of Novmber at 10:00 AM near a road. We know from the prosecutor that probably yesterday at 11 PM he was hit by a car. During the forensic autopsy a doctor found multiple superficial abrasions, fracture of the distal left tibial end, well developed lividity, hyperaemia of internal organs. In histopathological examination no glycogen was found in hepatocites. Most probable cause of death is:

A. multiorgan trauma
B. fatty embolism
C. blood loss
D. hypothermia
E. drowning


A. multiorgan trauma
B. fatty embolism
C. blood loss
D. hypothermia
-> Lack of glycogen indicates bodies energy all used up to keep body tempearture. He was hit after he was already dead. Often occurs to drunks in winter, sleeping on the middle of the road for heat.

E. drowning

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If a person was resuscitated before the death during the autopsy you can suspect injuries like

A. blood in pericardial sack
B. subdural hematoma.
C. stomach rupture,
D. broken ribs,
E. all of the above.


A. blood in pericardial sack
B. subdural hematoma.
C. stomach rupture,
D. broken ribs,
E. all of the above.

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What can be not present in gunshot wound:

A. cory wound,
C. exit wound,
D. abrasion collar,
E. C and D


A. cory wound,
C. exit wound,
D. abrasion collar,
E. C and D

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When forensic autopsy is not performed:

A. only proper authorities may decide whether the forensic autopsy should be performed,
B. when a death happens in hospital,
C. when skeletonization or advanced putrefaction happens.
D. when we know the identity of the deceased.
E. when no injuries are visible,


A. only proper authorities may decide whether the forensic autopsy should be performed,
B. when a death happens in hospital,
C. when skeletonization or advanced putrefaction happens.
D. when we know the identity of the deceased.
E. ​when no injuries are visible,

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What proves that the injury was sustained before the death:

A. bruise and bleeding,
B. bruise, bleeding and bum mark,
C. word dall bruise and edcava,
D. braise, bleeding and healing,
E. all of the above.


A. bruise and bleeding,
B. bruise, bleeding and bum mark,
C. word dall bruise and edcava,
D. braise, bleeding and healing,
E. all of the above.

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Rigor mortis:

A. during putrefaction it becomes more visible,
B. usually appears first in jaw.
C. every time it reappears after breaking.
D. is classified as uncertain death mark,
E. none of above answers is correct.


A. during putrefaction it becomes more visible,
B. usually appears first in jaw.
C. every time it reappears after breaking.
D. is classified as uncertain death mark,
E. none of above answers is correct.

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Irregular wound with uneven, serrated edges and „tissue bridges” in the bottom was most probably caused by a tool which it

A. blunt.
B. pointy,
C. blunt-edged,
D. sharp,
E. A and C are correct.


A. blunt.
B. pointy,
C. blunt-edged,
D. sharp,
E. A and C are correct.

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The most probable cause of death of person stabbed in the neck would be:

A. loss of blood.
B. air embolism,
C. fatty embolism,
D. A and B are correct,
E. all answers are correct.


​A. loss of blood.
B. air embolism,
C. fatty embolism,
D. A and B are correct,
E. all answers are correct.

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  1. Differences between men and women on bones are seen especially on

A. skull
B. chest - sternal ends of ribs,
C. long bones,
D. scapula,
E A and B.


A. skull
B. chest - sternal ends of ribs,
C. long bones,
D. scapula,
E A and B.

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Severe hypothermia is when a body core temperature is less than;

A. 37 C.
B. 35°C.
C. 32°C.
D. 30 C.
E. there is no set temperature due to different organism susceptibility to cold.


A. 37 C.
B. 35°C.
C. 32°C.
D. 30 C.
-> Depending on source. Bellow 28/32

E. there is no set temperature due to different organism susceptibility to cold.

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The crime of neonaticide:

A. can be committed by parents to their child,
B. can be committed any time,
C. is about killing of any child,
D. can be committed only during the time of labor,
E. is punished with extreme severity,


A. can be committed by parents to their child,
B. can be committed any time,
C. is about killing of any child,
D. can be committed only during the time of labor,
-> only during time of labour and only by the mother
E. is punished with extreme severity,

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Carbon dioxide:

A. is a kind of suffocating gas,
B. leaves pale red discoloration of the muscles;
C. binds with hemoglobine in the blood,
D. has a smell of bitter almonds;
E. answers B and C are correct.


A. is a kind of suffocating gas,
→ = asphyxiant gas

B. leaves pale red discoloration of the muscles;
C. binds with hemoglobine in the blood,
D. has a smell of bitter almonds; (hydrogen cyanide smells like bitter almonds)
E. answers B and C are correct.

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Local injury/njuries after electricity shock is/are:

A. stunning of the hearth pacemaker,
B. respiratory munscles paralysis,
C. water electrolyte disorders.
D. electrical mark,
E. all of the above.


A. stunning of the hearth pacemaker,
B. respiratory uncles paralysis,
C. water electrolyte disorders.
D. electrical mark,
E. all of the above.

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Common places where bleeding can typically occur in the victim of hanging are:

A. steno cleido-mastioid muscles:
B. lumbal intervertebral dises;
C. neck intervertebral discs;
D. A and C are correct;
E. all answcel are correct.


A. steno cleido-mastioid muscles:
B. lumbal intervertebral dises;
C. neck intervertebral discs;
D. A and C are correct;
E. all answcel are correct.

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What can cause death after an explosiont

A. shockwave impact,
B. impact by structures projected by the explosion,
C. hot gases burns,
D. building collapse.
E. all of the above.


A. shockwave impact,
B. impact by structures projected by the explosion,
C. hot gases burns,
D. building collapse.
E. all of the above.

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Who decides that forensic autopsy can be performed before 12 hours since death in a hospital:

A. head of the ward,
B. prosecutor,
C. treating doctor,
D. A and B are correct.
E. all of the above are correct.


A. head of the ward,
B. prosecutor,
C. treating doctor,
D. A and B are correct.
E. all of the above are correct.

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During the autopsy we can tell that death happend fast if we see:

A. pulmonary edema, lack of lividty
B. ​blood in the body cavities, yellow blood clots in big vessels,
C. liquid blood, hyperaemin of internal organs,
D. quick temperature drop rate, brain edema,
E. sudden autolysis or putrefaction.


A. pulmonary edema, lack of lividty
B. ​blood in the body cavities, yellow blood clots in big vessels,
C. liquid blood, hyperaemin of internal organs,
D. quick temperature drop rate, brain edema,
E. sudden autolysis or putrefaction.

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Internal body temperature is 30°C, ambient temperature is 20°C, rigor mortis reappean partially after breaking, lividity is partially moving after body position change. Approximate time since death is (by the books):

A. less than 30 minutes,
B. 1-2 hours,
C. around 6 hours,
D.10-12 hours,
E. more than 24 hours


A. less than 30 minutes,
B. 1-2 hours,
C. around 6 hours,
D.10-12 hours,
E. more than 24 hours

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Pedestrian bit by a car sustained injuries to the lower right extremity in the form of: bruise in inner collateral ankle ligament, bruise in the inner part of the distal epiphysis of the femur and blood in the ankle cavity. The doctor can tell that:

A. such injury cannot be the ground for accident reconstruction
B. pedestrian was hit from the left side
C. pedestrian was hit from the right side
D. pedestrian ran over by the car
E. Dedesthan was hit by a truck or all terrain vehicle


A. such injury cannot be the ground for accident reconstruction
B. pedestrian was hit from the left side
C. pedestrian was hit from the right side
D. pedestrian ran over by the car
E. Dedesthan was hit by a truck or all terrain vehicle

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During the autopsy of a stab wound victim a doctor should NOT:

A. measure the distance between the wound and the sole of the foot,
B. describe the wounds with much care,
C. broaden the wound for better insight,
D. Test for metals in the borders of the wound,
E. check the wound by dissecting the tissues layer by layer.


A. measure the distance between the wound and the sole of the foot,
B. describe the wounds with much care,
C. broaden the wound for better insight,
D. Test for metals in the borders of the wound,
E. check the wound by dissecting the tissues layer by layer.

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During the examination of the corpse at the place of it’s finding following death sigas were noted: lividity in the form of small dots in the occipital region, moving after body position change fading easily after thumb pressure and reappearing very quickly, very weak rigor typical conditions would be visible after: mortis visible only in lower extremities, body internal temperature 21°C. These findings in

A. 2-4 hours post mortem,
B. 8-12 hours post mortem,
C. more than 20 hours post mortem,
D. more than 36 hours post mortem,
E. time of death cannot be estimated on the basis of such findings,


A. 2-4 hours post mortem,
B. 8-12 hours post mortem,
C. more than 20 hours post mortem,
D. more than 36 hours post mortem,
E. time of death cannot be estimated on the basis of such findings,

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Certain death marks are A. rigor mortis, livor mortis, B. rigor mortis, liver mortis and corneal diffusion, C. rigor mortis, livor mortis, comeal diffusion and skin coldness, D. rigor mortis, livor mortis and interlethal reactions, E. none of the above answers is correct
**A. rigor mortis, livor mortis,** B. rigor mortis, liver mortis and corneal diffusion, C. rigor mortis, livor mortis, comeal diffusion and skin coldness, D. rigor mortis, livor mortis and interlethal reactions, E. none of the above answers is correct
What are the "preserving" late post-mortem changes: A. adipocere formation, mummification. B. mummification, autolysis, C: adipocere formation, putrefaction, D. skeletonization, adipocere formation, E. all of the above.
**A. adipocere formation, mummification.** B. mummification, autolysis, C: adipocere formation, putrefaction, D. skeletonization, adipocere formation, E. all of the above.
A man was hit once with a fist to the face. He sustained broken nose that was crooked with broken septum and massive swelling. He was admitted to the hospital, the nose was set right. On the fifth day he breathes normally and you oberse only minor bruises. The proper criminal qualifications should be: A. art. 156. B. art. 157 2, C. art. 157 1, D. art. 157 5 2 but you tell the prosecutor that if not for the treatment it should be art. 157 1 E. art. 160
A. art. 156. B. art. 157 2, **C. art. 157 1,** D. art. 157 5 2 but you tell the prosecutor that if not for the treatment it should be art. 157 1 E. art. 160
What murders are "privileged" (punished less severely) A. traffic accident after alcohol intoxication, B. murder with a use of a firearm, C. euthanasia D. murder of an old; sick person, E. A and C
A. traffic accident after alcohol intoxication, B. murder with a use of a firearm, **C. euthanasia** D. murder of an old; sick person, E. A and C
Subdural hematoma: A. is a result of vein rapture, B. is a result of artery raptures C. has only an acute form, D. it always occurs with a skull fracture, E. all of the above.
**A. is a result of vein rapture,** B. is a result of artery raptures C. has only an acute form, D. it always occurs with a skull fracture, E. all of the above.
Defensive incised wounds are seen A. on the palms of the hands, B. on the front of the forearm, C. on the chest, D. on the frontal part of the right log. E. A and B
A. on the palms of the hands, B. on the front of the forearm, -\> Internet mentions forearm, just not location on the forearm C. on the chest, D. on the frontal part of the right log. **E. A and B**
What is the allowed blood alcohol concentration for a driver in Poland A. 0.0 permilles, B. up to 0.2 permilles, C. up to 0.5 permilles. D. up to 0.8 permilles E. at long at the driver can go sately,
A. 0.0 permilles, **B. up to 0.2 permilles,** C. up to 0.5 permilles. D. up to 0.8 permilles E. at long at the driver can go sately,
Which identification method is the most reliable A. fingerprinting. B. DNA comparison. C. radiographe, D. dental records, E. physical attribute comparison
A. fingerprinting. **B. DNA comparison.** C. radiographe, D. dental records, E. physical attribute comparison
DNA paternity tests; A. can be done only from blood, B. have a high mistake rate, C. cannot be performed it the parents are dead, D. are the most reliable when mother, child and alleged father are tested E. are not performed art more
A. can be done only from blood, B. have a high mistake rate, C. cannot be performed it the parents are dead, **D. are the most reliable when mother, child and alleged father are tested** E. are not performed art more
What is done in the pre-laboratory phase: A. identification of material, B. individuality tests, C. inspection of the evidence. D. securing of the evidence. E. opinion.
A. identification of material, B. individuality tests, C. inspection of the evidence. -\> Done after the laboratory **D. securing of the evidence.** E. opinion.
What carboxyhemoglobine concentration can be found in not-poisoned people: A. up to 1% B. up to 15% C. up to 25% D. up to 50% E. carboxyhemoglobine cannot be found in healthy people
A. up to 1% -\> Usually found in healthy individuals **B. up to 15% -\> 9% can be found in smokers -\> 10-30% is toxic** C. up to 25% D. up to 50% -\> Above 50 is fatal E. carboxyhemoglobine cannot be found in healthy people
Burking: A. is a common way to commit suicide; B. Typically leaves bruises on the neck; C. main mechanisin of death can be the occlusion of blood vessels: D. is a kind of mechanical asphyxia: E. all answers are correct.
A. is a common way to commit suicide; -\> Person doesn't do it to themselves. Another person does so with intend to sell the body B. Typically leaves bruises on the neck; -\> Typically involves covering the mouth and nose C. main mechanisin of death can be the occlusion of blood vessels: **D. is a kind of mechanical asphyxia:** E. all answers are correct.
37. What is/are NOT typical for suicidal wounds inflicted with a knife: A. shallow wounds in the vicinity of the deep wound. B. wound located above the heart C. damage to clothes, D. canal going through the intercostal space without rib injury E. lack of defensivelale
A. shallow wounds in the vicinity of the deep wound. -\> Testing the cut before actually doing it B. wound located above the heart **C. damage to clothes, -\> Suicide people usually care more about their clothes than their lives. Try not to damage them** D. canal going through the intercostal space without rib injury E. lack of defensivelale
A subtle skeleton with small mastoid processes, high frontal area, sharp supraorbital margin, rounded, small chin and broad pelvis with U-shaped subpubic arch. This is a description of: A. male skeleton, B. female skeleton, C. skeleton of an old person, D. skeleton of a young person, E. no conclusions could be made from this description.
A. male skeleton, **B. female skeleton,** **-\> Typical signs for female. Small mastoid process, small chin, broad pelvis. Especially U-shaped subpubic arch** C. skeleton of an old person, D. skeleton of a young person, E. no conclusions could be made from this description.
Postmortem "heat epidural" which is a result of boiling blood can be differentiated from the traumatic epidural hematoma by: A. it's chocolate brown, spongy appearance, B. dark red, jelly appearance, C. skull fracture in the vicinity of the blood, D. charring of the soft head tissues, E. location on the side of the flame most charred.
**Heat epidural = epidural haematoma** A. it's chocolate brown, spongy appearance, **B. dark red, jelly appearance,** **→ basically cooked blood in the skull, “brick-red” and coagulated (wikipedia)** C. skull fracture in the vicinity of the blood, D. charring of the soft head tissues, E. location on the side of the flame most charred.
In this case the shot came: ## Footnote A. from right to left, B. from left to right, C. it depends on the skin injuries, D. it depends on the caliber and the type of a weapon, E. no conclusions could be made on the basis of such injuries.
**A. from right to left, -\> Shows clean skull entry wound** B. from left to right, **-\> Shows breaks off pieces from skull where bullet exits ripping skull pieces** C. it depends on the skin injuries, D. it depends on the caliber and the type of a weapon, E. no conclusions could be made on the basis of such injuries.
What is the most distinct difference between electric mark and burn mark (from heat): A. white-gray color B. round or oval shape C. epidermis detachment D. lack of fluid between epidermis and basal layer of the skin E. location on palmar surface of hands
A. white-gray color` B. round or oval shape C. epidermis detachment **D. lack of fluid between epidermis and basal layer of the skin** E. location on palmar surface of hands
Teacher slaps a student which results in permanent deafness, the injury is qualified from which article of the Polish Criminal Code: A. 157 1 B. 157 2 C. 217 D. 156 E. Being a teacher it is not an illegal act
A. 157 1 B. 157 2 C. 217 **D. 156** E. Being a teacher it is not an illegal act
If a person was resuscitated before the death during the autopsy you can suspect injuries like: A. blood in pericardial sack, B. subdural hematoma, C. broken ribs, D. stomach rupture, E. all of the above.
A. blood in pericardial sack, B. subdural hematoma, C. broken ribs, D. stomach rupture, **E. all of the above.**
When estimating the age on the basis of pelvis the doctor looks at: A. depth of the greater sciatic notch - deeper means an old person B. shape of the obturator foramen - in time it changes from triangle to oval C. surface of the pubic symphysis - in time it becomes more rugged D. A and C are correct E. none of the above is correct
A. depth of the greater sciatic notch - deeper means an old person - sciatic notch score = wider (younger), narrow (older) B. shape of the obturator foramen - in time it changes from triangle to oval C. surface of the pubic symphysis - in time it becomes more rugged **D. A and C are correct** E. none of the above is correct
# Choose the correct answer: A. most accurate age estimation method is estimating the fusion state of cranial sutures B. sex can be estimated on the basis of the skeleton from birth C. child skeleton differs from the adult skeleton only in size and proportions D. one of the most accurate age estimation methods is description of changes to the pubic symphysis E. the state of teeth surface wear is used in age estimation
A. most accurate age estimation method is estimating the fusion state of cranial sutures B. sex can be estimated on the basis of the skeleton from birth C. child skeleton differs from the adult skeleton only in size and proportions **D. one of the most accurate age estimation methods is description of changes to the pubic symphysis** E. the state of teeth surface wear is used in age estimation
State under the influence of alcohol in Poland is when amount of alcohol in the body is or leads to: A. concentration in exhaled air of 0.2 mg alcohol in 1 dm3 B. concentration in exhaled air of 0,1 mg alcohol in 1 dm3 C. blood alcohol concentration 0.1% D. blood alcohol concentration 0.2% or more E. blood alcohol concentration 0.5% or more
A. concentration in exhaled air of 0.2 mg alcohol in 1 dm3 B. concentration in exhaled air of 0,1 mg alcohol in 1 dm3 C. blood alcohol concentration 0.1% **D. blood alcohol concentration 0.2% or more** E. blood alcohol concentration 0.5% or more
If the injuries are sustained before death we can observe: A. healing marks, air embolism, heat epidural B. bruises, fat embolism, clots in heart C. bruises, fat embolism, blood inhalation D. heat epidural, blood inhalation, air embolism E. all of the above
A. healing marks, air embolism, heat epidural B. bruises, fat embolism, clots in heart C. bruises, fat embolism, blood inhalation D. heat epidural, blood inhalation, air embolism **E. all of the above**
"Dry drowning" is a term which is defined by: A. voluntary apnoea B. involuntary apnoea due to larynx constriction C. lungs are filled with water D. larynx constriction stops and breathing reappears E. this happens only in salt water
A. voluntary apnoea **B. involuntary apnoea due to larynx constriction** C. lungs are filled with water D. larynx constriction stops and breathing reappears E. this happens only in salt water
Messerer's wedge is: A. dull-margined tool B. peak of the alcohol absorption curve C. type of bone fracture D. cutaneus calcification E. none of the above
A. dull-margined tool B. peak of the alcohol absorption curve **C. type of bone fracture** D. cutaneus calcification E. none of the above
Person hit by a car sustained following injuries to the left leg: bruise in the collateral side ligament, bruise in the side part of the inner half of the distal femoral epiphysis and blood in the join cavity - from these injuries we can suspect that the person: A. was hit from the left B. was hit from the right C. was ran over by a car D. was hit by a truck or a terrain vehicle E. these injuries cannot be the ground for further conclusions
**A. was hit from the left -\> Only mentions injury to the left leg** B. was hit from the right C. was ran over by a car D. was hit by a truck or a terrain vehicle E. these injuries cannot be the ground for further conclusions -\> Lack of fracture makes it difficult to pin point direction of impact precisely
Heart cavities will be punctured below water during the autopsy if a doctor suspects death due to: A. fat embolism B. myocardial infarct C. pneumothorax D. lung embolism E. air embolism
A. fat embolism B. myocardial infarct C. pneumothorax D. lung embolism **E. air embolism**
In carbon monoxide poisoning the lividity: A. has the same color as in nitrate poisoning B. has the same color as in mercury poisoning C. has the same color as in cyanide poisoning D. has the cherry-red color which is unique to CO poisoning E. doesn't have a unique color
A. has the same color as in nitrate poisoning B. has the same color as in mercury poisoning **C. has the same color as in cyanide poisoning -\> Almost the same color (red)** D. has the cherry-red color which is unique to CO poisoning **→ It´s not unique to CO, cyanide and hypothermia also gives red lividity** E. doesn't have a unique color
What feature is never seen in laceration: A. U-shaped bottom B. inadequate blood supply trail C. even margins D. tissue bridges in bottom E. bruises in the vicinity
A. U-shaped bottom B. inadequate blood supply trail C. even margins **D. tissue bridges in bottom** E. bruises in the vicinity
Commonest cause of pulmonary embolism is: A. fat B. amniotic fluid C. air D. foreign object E. thrombus
A. fat B. amniotic fluid C. air D. foreign object **E. thrombus**
Main and most dangerous product of methanol metabolism is: A. ethylene glycol B. butyric aldehyde C. formaldehyde D. acetone E. isopropanol
A. ethylene glycol B. butyric aldehyde **C. formaldehyde** D. acetone E. isopropanol
Which wounds can look similar in some cases: A. laceration and stab wound B. stab wounds and gunshot wounds C. cut. stab wound and laceration D. A and B E. A and C
A. laceration and stab wound B. stab wounds and gunshot wounds C. cut. stab wound and laceration -\> Cut and laceration are used interchanably D. A and B **E. A and C**
What can most probably be used in toxicological analysis of an exhumed, old corpse: A. blood B. hair and nails C. eye fluid D. urine E. we cannot perform toxicology tests in bodies older than 5 days
A. blood **B. hair and nails** C. eye fluid D. urine E. we cannot perform toxicology tests in bodies older than 5 days
Tattooing in entry wound of a firearm injury is due to: A. burns B. gunpowder C. smoke D. wads E. bullet fragments
A. burns **B. gunpowder -\> Small, black specks which can't be wiped off -\> Caused by grains of gunpowder driven into the skin** C. smoke D. wads E. bullet fragments
What enzyme/protein is used to identify saliva: A. PSA B. creatinine C. alfa amylase D. alcalic phosphatase E. DMAC
A. PSA B. creatinine **C. alfa amylase** D. alcalic phosphatase E. DMAC
Tissue bridges are seen in: A. laceration B. abrasion C. contusion D. stab wound E. cut
**A. laceration** B. abrasion C. contusion D. stab wound E. cut
Brown color of contusion is due to: A. biliverdin B. reduced hemoglobin C. bilirubin D. carboxyhemoglobin E. hemosiderin
A. biliverdin B. reduced hemoglobin C. bilirubin D. carboxyhemoglobin **E. hemosiderin** 1. **_At first : Red (oxyhemoglobin)_** 2. **_Few hours to 3 days : blue (reduced hemoglobin)_** 3. **_4th day : Bluish-black to brown (haemosiderin)_** 4. **_5-6 days : Greenish (haematodin)_** 5. **_7-12 days : Yellow (Bilirubin)_** 6. **_2 weeks : Normal (absorption of pigment)_**
Organs first to be injured in air blast: A. kidney, spleen B. pancreas, duodenum C. liver, muscle D. stomach, uterus E. ear, lung
A. kidney, spleen B. pancreas, duodenum C. liver, muscle D. stomach, uterus **E. ear, lung**
Best indicator of antemortem drowning is: A. cutis anserina B. washer woman's hand C. froth in nostrils D. water in stomach E. wet clothes
**A. cutis anserina** **-\> Due to spasm of erector pilae muscle** **-\> Due to exposure to cold water at the time of death** B. washer woman's hand -\> Postmortem C. froth in nostrils -\> Postmortem = Proteinaceous exudates + surfactant D. water in stomach E. wet clothes *Not so sure, found this: **Frothing*** *is an indication that the person was conscious*
## Footnote Hesitation cuts are seen in a case of: A. homicide B. accident C. suicide D. fall from height E. homicide on sexual basis
A. homicide B. accident **C. suicide** D. fall from height E. homicide on sexual basis
A woman arrived at the emergency with long bone fracture few hours back with complaints of breathlessness, petechial rashes over chest, in laboratory tests - severe acidosis, probable diagnosis: A. air embolism B. pulmonary embolism C. amniotic fluid embolism D. fat embolism E. foreign object embolism
A. air embolism B. pulmonary embolism C. amniotic fluid embolism **D. fat embolism → very common after long bone fracture. Fatty Bone marrow is floating freely in the blood** E. foreign object embolism
True about rigor mortis are all, except: A. it last 18-36 h in summer B. seen immediately after death C. it disappears in the sequence as it appears D. it last 24 48 h in winter E. all of the above are correct
A. it last 18-36 h in summer **B. seen immediately after death** C. it disappears in the sequence as it appears D. it last 24 48 h in winter E. all of the above are correct
Sexual asphyxia is: A. suicidal death B. homicidal death C. natural death D. accidental death E. not possible
A. suicidal death B. homicidal death C. natural death **D. accidental death → shit happens ;)** E. not possible
A man was found with suicidal gunshot on right temple with the gun in his right hand. The skull was burst open. There was charring and cherry red coloration in the track inside. Range of the shot is: A. close shot at a distance of 1 feet B. contact shot C. shot within range of 2 feet D. shot within range of 3 feet E. shot within range of more than 3 feet
A. close shot at a distance of 1 feet **B. contact shot** C. shot within range of 2 feet D. shot within range of 3 feet E. shot within range of more than 3 feet
A dead body is found to have marks like branching of a tree on front of the chest. Most likely cause of death could be: A. firearm injury B. bomb blast injury C. lightning injury D. road traffic accident E. this sign tells us nothing about the possible cause of death
A. firearm injury B. bomb blast injury **C. lightning injury** D. road traffic accident E. this sign tells us nothing about the possible cause of death ![]()
What murders are "privileged" (punished less severely): A. traffic accident after alcohol intoxication, B. murder with a use of a firearm, C. infanticide (neonaticide), D. murder of an old, sick person, E. C and D.
A. traffic accident after alcohol intoxication, B. murder with a use of a firearm, **C. infanticide (neonaticide), → mother after birth “doesn´t fully know what she is doing”** D. murder of an old, sick person, **depends if it is considered to be Euthanasia, if yes it is privileged** **E. C and D.**
During a forensic autopsy you will suspect passive infanticide if you will observe: A. negative hydrostatic test of the lungs B. present caput seduccaneum C. uneven, dirty end of the umbilical cord D. presence of food in the stomach E. signs of intrauterine maceration
A. negative hydrostatic test of the lungs B. present caput seduccaneum **C. uneven, dirty end of the umbilical cord** D. presence of food in the stomach E. signs of intrauterine maceration
Adipocere formation requires: A. humid environment with access of air B. humid environment without the access of air C. hot and dry environment D. cold and dry environment E. turf
A. humid environment with access of air **B. humid environment without the access of air (like swamp)** C. hot and dry environment D. cold and dry environment E. turf
Indicators for the suicidal gunshot: A. weapon still held firmly in the hand of the deceased B. GSR on the hands C. stellate shape of the entry wound D. A, B and C are correct E. B and C are correct
A. weapon still held firmly in the hand of the deceased B. GSR on the hands -\> Carbon residue on surface of hand from shooters' hands C. stellate shape of the entry wound -\> barrel of a gun is placed in contact with the skin over the skull -\> create a roughly star-shaped injury in the skin **D. A, B and C are correct** E. B and C are correct
Debris injuries after explosion will: A. be located on a small surface and will have regular shape B. be located on a big surface and will have deep penetration C. be located on a big surface and have irregular shape D. be located on a small surface and have irregular shape E. none of the above
A. be located on a small surface and will have regular shape B. be located on a big surface and will have deep penetration **C. be located on a big surface and have irregular shape** D. be located on a small surface and have irregular shape E. none of the above
Massive skeleton with large browridges and distinct nuchal crest, square chin and narrow pelvis with vertical ilium. This is a description of: A. skeleton of a person 20-35 years old B. skeleton of a person more than 50 years old C. female skeleton D. male skeleton E. no conclusions can be made on this basis
A. skeleton of a person 20-35 years old B. skeleton of a person more than 50 years old C. female skeleton **D. male skeleton -\> Typical presentation. Narrow pelvis, square chin** E. no conclusions can be made on this basis
8 hours post mortem (usually): A. the corpse temperature always equals the environmental B. rigor mortis always reappears after breaking C. lividity is fixed completely D. lividity can shift partially after body position change E. myosis will occur after atropine administration
A. the corpse temperature always equals the environmental B. rigor mortis always reappears after breaking **C. lividity is fixed completely -\> between 8 and 12 hours after death** D. lividity can shift partially after body position change E. myosis will occur after atropine administration
When can bruises in the post mortem injuries be seen: A. when a person dies very quickly B. when the body is dismembered C. when effective heart massage was applied after clinical death D. when a body is immersed in water E. bruises can never be seen in post mortem injuries
A. when a person dies very quickly B. when the body is dismembered **C. when effective heart massage was applied after clinical death** D. when a body is immersed in water E. bruises can never be seen in post mortem injuries
## Footnote Suicidal death due to hanging is most commonly caused by: A. vertebral fracture with a spinal cord rupture B. cardiac arrest due to vagus nerve pressure C. a person will not die if he/she can touch the ground with their feet D. lack of oxygen brain flow due to blood vessels constriction E. there is no correct answer
A. vertebral fracture with a spinal cord rupture **yes** B. cardiac arrest due to vagus nerve pressure **yes** C. a person will not die if he/she can touch the ground with their feet **no** **D. lack of oxygen brain flow due to blood vessels constriction** → **yes and most common** E. there is no correct answer
Certain death mark is not: A. rigor mortis B. body drying C. lividity D. putrefaction E. coldness of the skin
A. rigor mortis B. body drying C. lividity D. putrefaction **E. coldness of the skin**
Indicators for the live person to be trapped in a fire (not a dead body burned): A. tissue charring B. „heat epidural" in the skull C. signs of flame on skin D. soot in airways E. melting of the hair end
A. tissue charring B. „heat epidural" in the skull C. signs of flame on skin **D. soot in airways** E. melting of the hair end
Sudden death: a. It is a rapid onset of cardiac and respiratory insufficiency. b. It occurs only in healthy people. c. If it occurs 7 days after an accident it is always considered to be the result of this accident. d. It is more frequent in children (SIDS). e. All answers are correct.
Sudden death: * *a. It is a rapid onset of cardiac and respiratory insufficiency.** b. It occurs only in healthy people. c. If it occurs 7 days after an accident it is always considered to be the result of this accident. d. It is more frequent in children (SIDS). e. All answers are correct.
## Footnote Biological age of the unknown remains/bones can be estimated on the basis of: A. morphological changes to the surface of the pubic symphysis B. morphological changes to the greater sciatic arch C. morphological changes to the surface of the sternal end of the 4th rib D. morphological changes to the surface of the surface of the closer ulnar epiphysis E. A and C are correct
A. morphological changes to the surface of the pubic symphysis B. morphological changes to the greater sciatic arch C. morphological changes to the surface of the sternal end of the 4th rib D. morphological changes to the surface of the surface of the closer ulnar epiphysis **E. A and C are correct**
Heat stroke: A. occurs when the body temperature rises above 40°C B. does not involve young people C. can happen after physical training D. has very specific autopsy findings - heat epidural E. alcoholism is a preventing factor - dilatation of the cutaneous vessels
A. occurs when the body temperature rises above 40°C B. does not involve young people **C. can happen after physical training** D. has very specific autopsy findings - heat epidural E. alcoholism is a preventing factor - dilatation of the cutaneous vessels
"Lublin" autopsy - autopsy of a traffic accident victim: A. focuses on the lower extremities B. is exactly the same as most autopsies C. besides the typical autopsy only lower extremities are cut opened D. focuses on the torso and upper extremities E. is not performed anymore due to virtopsy examination
**A. focuses on the lower extremities** B. is exactly the same as most autopsies C. besides the typical autopsy only lower extremities are cut opened D. focuses on the torso and upper extremities E. is not performed anymore due to virtopsy examination
When a person dies of cardiovascular disease, during the autopsy we can observe: A. cardiac arrhythmia B. enlargement of the heart C. aneurysms within the circle of Willis D. esophageal varices E. all of the above
A. cardiac arrhythmia **B. enlargement of the heart** C. aneurysms within the circle of Willis D. esophageal varices E. all of the above
Massive skeleton with large browridges and distinct nuchal crest, square chin and narrow pelvis with vertical ilium. This is a description of: A. male skeleton B. female skeleton C. skeleton of a person 20-35 years old D. skeleton of a person more than 50 years old E. no conclusions can be made on this basis
**A. male skeleton** B. female skeleton C. skeleton of a person 20-35 years old D. skeleton of a person more than 50 years old E. no conclusions can be made on this basis
During a forensic autopsy you will suspect passive infanticide if you will observe: A. negative hydrostatic test of the lungs B. present caput seduccaneum C. presence of food in the stomach D. uneven, dirty end of the umbilical cord E. signs of intrauterine maceration
A. negative hydrostatic test of the lungs B. present caput seduccaneum C. presence of food in the stomach **D. uneven, dirty end of the umbilical cord** E. signs of intrauterine maceration
Adipocere formation requires: A. humid environment without the access of air B. hot and dry environment C. cold and dry environment D. humid environment with access of air and high teperature E. turf
**A. humid environment without the access of air** B. hot and dry environment C. cold and dry environment D. humid environment with access of air and high teperature E. turf
Indicators for the live person to be trapped in a fire (not a dead body burned): A. tissue charring B. „heat epidural" in the skull C. soot in airways D. signs of flame on skin E. melting of the hair end
A. tissue charring B. „heat epidural" in the skull **C. soot in airways** D. signs of flame on skin E. melting of the hair end
When can bruises in the post mortem injuries be seen: A. when effective heart massage was applied after clinical death B. when a person dies very quickly C. when the body is dismembered D. when a body is immersed in water E. bruises can never be seen in post mortem injuries
**A. when effective heart massage was applied after clinical death** B. when a person dies very quickly C. when the body is dismembered D. when a body is immersed in water E. bruises can never be seen in post mortem injuries
Heart cavities will be punctured below water during the autopsy if a doctor suspects death due to: A. fat embolism B. air embolism C. myocardial infarct D. pneumothorax E. lung embolism
A. fat embolism **B. air embolism** C. myocardial infarct D. pneumothorax E. lung embolism
Organs first to be injured in air blast: A. ear, lung B. kidney, spleen C. pancreas, duodenum D. liver, muscle E. stomach, uterus
**A. ear, lung** B. kidney, spleen C. pancreas, duodenum D. liver, muscle E. stomach, uterus
True about rigor mortis are all, except: A. often seen immediately after death B. it last 18-36 h in summer C. it disappears in the sequence as it appears D. it last 24 48 h in winter E. all of the above are correct
**​A. often seen immediately after death** B. it last 18-36 h in summer C. it disappears in the sequence as it appears D. it last 24 48 h in winter E. all of the above are correct
What enzyme/protein is used to identify saliva: A. PSA B. alfa amylase C. creatinine D. alcalic phosphatase E. DMAC
A. PSA **B. alfa amylase** C. creatinine D. alcalic phosphatase E. DMAC
Hesitation cuts are seen in a case of: A. homicide B. suicide C. accident D. fall from height E. homicide on sexual basis
A. homicide **B. suicide** C. accident D. fall from height E. homicide on sexual basis
A man was found with suicidal gunshot on right temple with the gun in his right hand. The skull was burst open. There was charring and cherry red coloration in the track inside. Range of the shot is: A. contact shot B. shot at a distance of 1-2 feet C. shot within range of 2-3 feet D. shot within range of 3-5 feet E. all of the above
**A. contact shot** B. shot at a distance of 1-2 feet C. shot within range of 2-3 feet D. shot within range of 3-5 feet E. all of the above
## Footnote Raspberry red (cherry red) lividity: A. can be observed in death due to hypothermia, B. can be observed only in carbon monoxide intoxication, C. can be observed in nitrogen intoxication, D. it's completely inconclusive, we cannot suspect any cause of death due to the fact that it can be observed in various death causes, E. A and C are correct.
**A. can be observed in death due to hypothermia,** B. can be observed only in carbon monoxide intoxication, C. can be observed in nitrogen intoxication, D. it's completely inconclusive, we cannot suspect any cause of death due to the fact that it can be observed in various death causes, E. A and C are correct.
Which identification method is the most reliable: A. fingerprinting, B. radiography, C. dental records, D. DNA comparison, E. physical attributes comparison.
A. fingerprinting, B. radiography, C. dental records, **D. DNA comparison,** E. physical attributes comparison.
The crime of neonaticide: A. can be committed by parents to their child, B. is about killing of any child, C. can be committed any time, D. can be committed only during the time of labor, E. is punished with extreme severity.
A. can be committed by parents to their child, B. is about killing of any child, C. can be committed any time, **D. can be committed only during the time of labor,** E. is punished with extreme severity.
What is/are NOT typical for suicidal wounds inflicted with a knife: A. shallow wounds in the vicinity of the deep wound, B. wound located above the heart, C. damage to clothes, D. canal going through the intercostal space without rib injury, E. lack of defensive wounds.
A. shallow wounds in the vicinity of the deep wound, B. wound located above the heart, **C. damage to clothes,** D. canal going through the intercostal space without rib injury, E. lack of defensive wounds.
Sudden death: a. It is a rapid onset of cardiac and respiratory insufficiency. b. It occurs only in healthy people. c. If it occurs 7 days after an accident it is always considered to be the result of this accident. d. It is more frequent in children (SIDS). e. All answers are correct.
**a. It is a rapid onset of cardiac and respiratory insufficiency.** b. It occurs only in healthy people. c. If it occurs 7 days after an accident it is always considered to be the result of this accident. ​d. It is more frequent in children (SIDS). e. All answers are correct.
Identification of John Doe cadaver can be carried out on the basis of: a. Comparison of fingerprints. b. Examination of teeth and other dental record. c. Comparison of medical records (history of medical and surgical treatments). d. Identification on the basis of identity documents found with the body. e. All answers are correct.
a. Comparison of fingerprints. **b. Examination of teeth and other dental record.** c. Comparison of medical records (history of medical and surgical treatments). d. Identification on the basis of identity documents found with the body. ​e. All answers are correct.
Large mastoid process; rugged nuchal area with hook; large browridges, absent ventral arc; high and vertical illium; heart-shaped pelvic inlet. Above description corresponds to: a. Female skeleton aged 30-35. b. Male skeleton aged 30-35. c. Female skeleton. d. Male skeleton. e. No correct answer.
a. Female skeleton aged 30-35. b. Male skeleton aged 30-35. c. Female skeleton. * *​d. Male skeleton.** e. No correct answer.
Main and most dangerous product of methanol metabolism is: a. ethylene glycol b. butyric aldehyde c. formaldehyde d. acetone e. isopropanol
a. ethylene glycol b. butyric aldehyde * *​c. formaldehyde** d. acetone e. isopropanol
## Footnote If the injuries are sustained before death we can observe: a. bruises, fat embolism, blood inhalation b. healing marks, air embolism, heat epidural c. bruises, fat embolism, clots in heart d. heat epidural, blood inhalation, air embolism e. all of the above
a. bruises, fat embolism, blood inhalation b. healing marks, air embolism, heat epidural c. bruises, fat embolism, clots in heart d. heat epidural, blood inhalation, air embolism * *​e. all of the above**
Which wounds can look similar in some cases: a. laceration and stab wound b. cut, stab wound and laceration c. stab wounds and gunshot wounds d. all answers are correct e. there is no correct answer
a. laceration and stab wound b. cut, stab wound and laceration c. stab wounds and gunshot wounds d. all answers are correct * *e. there is no correct answer**
The active substance contained in marijuana is: a. Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol, b. tetrahydrocannabinolic acid, c. JWH-250, d. JWH-018, e. JWH-073.
**a. Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol,** b. tetrahydrocannabinolic acid, ​c. JWH-250, d. JWH-018, e. JWH-073.
Large mastoid process; rugged nuchal area with hooked; large brow ridges, absent ventral arc; high and vertical ilium; heart-shaped pelvic inlet. a. female skeleton aged 30-35 b. male skeleton aged 30-35 c. female skeleton d. male skeleton e. no correct answer
a. female skeleton aged 30-35 b. male skeleton aged 30-35 c. female skeleton * *d. male skeleton** e. no correct answer
What is not a characteristic feature of CO? a. Lack of color b. Characteristic smell c. Ability of binding to hemoglobin faster than O2 d. Ability of binding to hemoglobin more preferably than O2 e. Lividity discoloration.
a. Lack of color * *b. Characteristic smell** c. Ability of binding to hemoglobin faster than O2 d. Ability of binding to hemoglobin more preferably than O2 e. Lividity discoloration.
Which blood alcohol concentration is correct (in Poland) if examined person has exhaled 0,4 mg/l of ethanol? a. 1,00‰ b. 0,84‰ c. 0,94‰ d. 0,80‰ e. 0,40‰
a. 1,00‰ b. 0,84‰ c. 0,94‰ d. 0,80‰ * *e. 0,40‰**
State after consuming ethanol occurs when the alcohol content in the body is or leads to: a. Blood alcohol content from 0.2 to 0.5 ‰. b. From 0.15 mg to 0.30mg of alcohol in 1 dm3of breath. c. Blood alcohol content above 0.5 ‰ of alcohol. d. The presence of exhaled above 0.25 mg of alcohol in 1 dm3 e. Blood alcohol content above 0.8 ‰ of alcohol.
* *a. Blood alcohol content from 0.2 to 0.5 ‰.** b. From 0.15 mg to 0.30mg of alcohol in 1 dm3of breath. c. Blood alcohol content above 0.5 ‰ of alcohol. d. The presence of exhaled above 0.25 mg of alcohol in 1 dm3 e. Blood alcohol content above 0.8 ‰ of alcohol.
What symptoms are considered certain death marks: a. Lack of breathand circulation. b. Livor mortis (lividity). c. Rigor mortis (stiffness). d. All of the above. e. Livor and rigor mortis.
a. Lack of breathand circulation. b. Livor mortis (lividity). c. Rigor mortis (stiffness). d. All of the above. * *​e. Livor and rigor mortis.**
Irregular wound with irregular, swollen margins and soft-tissue bridges in the bottom was caused by: a. Electricity. b. Sharp weapon. c. Kitchen knife. d. Scissors. e. Dull weapon.
a. Electricity. b. Sharp weapon. c. Kitchen knife. d. Scissors. * *e. Dull weapon.**
# Choose the correct answer: a. Most accurate age estimation method is estimating the fusion state of cranial sutures. b. Sex can be estimated on the basis of the skeleton from birth. c. Child skeleton differs from the adult skeleton only in size and proportions. d. One of the most accurate age estimation methods is description of changes to the pubic symphysis. e. The state of teeth surface wear is used in age estimation.
a. Most accurate age estimation method is estimating the fusion state of cranial sutures. b. Sex can be estimated on the basis of the skeleton from birth. c. Child skeleton differs from the adult skeleton only in size and proportions. **d. One of the most accurate age estimation methods is description of changes to the pubic symphysis.** ​e. The state of teeth surface wear is used in age estimation.
Rigor mortis: a. Usually appears first in jaw. b. During putrefaction it becomes more visible. c. Every time it reappears after breaking. d. Is classified as uncertain death mark. e. None of above answers is correct.
* *a. Usually appears first in jaw.** b. During putrefaction it becomes more visible. c. Every time it reappears after breaking. d. Is classified as uncertain death mark. e. None of above answers is correct.
Multiplex PCR is: a. PCR with several repeats b. PCR with several pairs of primers c. PCR with mix DNA coming from different … d. … e. … formed without nucleotides
Multiplex PCR is: a. PCR with several repeats * *b. PCR with several pairs of primers** c. PCR with mix DNA coming from different … d. … e. … formed without nucleotides
What is the basic method for determining the human blood: a. characteristic red colour of biological evidence b. identification of human hemoglobin or its derivatives c. identification of characteristic enzyme alpha-amylase d. identification of characteristic enzyme alkaline phosphatase e. …
What is the basic method for determining the human blood: a. characteristic red colour of biological evidence * *b. identification of human hemoglobin or its derivatives** c. identification of characteristic enzyme alpha-amylase d. identification of characteristic enzyme alkaline phosphatase e. …
what kind of genetic polymorphism is used for genetic study in forensic medicine: a. RFLP (restriction fragment length polymorphism) b. SNP (single nucleotide polymorphism) c. STR (short tandem repeat polymorphism) d. HLA antigen polymorphism e. No answer is correct
what kind of genetic polymorphism is used for genetic study in forensic medicine: a. RFLP (restriction fragment length polymorphism) b. SNP (single nucleotide polymorphism) * *c. STR (short tandem repeat polymorphism)** d. HLA antigen polymorphism e. No answer is correct
the possible mechanism(s) of death by hanging is(are): a. occlusion of the carotid arteries b. occlusion of the vertebral arteries c. ….irritation of receptors of vagus nerve d. ….the air passages e. all answer are correct
the possible mechanism(s) of death by hanging is(are): a. occlusion of the carotid arteries b. occlusion of the vertebral arteries c. ….irritation of receptors of vagus nerve d. ….the air passages * *e. all answer are correct**
Which is NOT the type of suffocation: a. mechanical asphyxia b. chemical asphyxia c. smothering d. Entrapment e. ….”b” and “d”
Which is NOT the type of suffocation: a. mechanical asphyxia * *b. chemical asphyxia** c. smothering d. Entrapment e. ….”b” and “d”
Loss of consciousness in asphyxia typically appears: a. in period of dyspnoea b. in period of convulsions c. in period of paralysis d. in period of final breaths e. loss of consciousness does not typically appear in asphyxia before death
Loss of consciousness in asphyxia typically appears: a. in period of dyspnoea * *b. in period of convulsions** c. in period of paralysis d. in period of final breaths e. loss of consciousness does not typically appear in asphyxia before death
Which sentence is incorrect a. one of the mechanisms of death by drowning can be denaturation of the surfactant by water b. choking can be caused by obstruction of the air passages by blood c. carbon monoxide is one of the suffocating gases d. visceral congestion and fluidity of the blood are the marks of the sudden death e. bleedings in the sternocleidomastoid muscles are not always observed in death by hanging
Which sentence is incorrect a. one of the mechanisms of death by drowning can be denaturation of the surfactant by water b. choking can be caused by obstruction of the air passages by blood c. carbon monoxide is one of the suffocating gases d. visceral congestion and fluidity of the blood are the marks of the sudden death * *e. bleedings in the sternocleidomastoid muscles are not always observed in death by hanging**
What is the characteristic colour of stains that can be observed at dead person if the cause of death was carbon monoxide intoxication? a. grey b. green c. blue d. cyan e. raspberry red/ raspberry pink
What is the characteristic colour of stains that can be observed at dead person if the cause of death was carbon monoxide intoxication? a. grey b. green c. blue d. cyan * *e. raspberry red/ raspberry pink**
What is not a characteristic feature of CO? a. lack of colour b. characteristic smell c. ability of binding to hemoglobin faster than O2 d. ability of binding to hemoglobin more preferably than O2 e. is flammable
What is not a characteristic feature of CO? a. lack of colour * *b. characteristic smell** c. ability of binding to hemoglobin faster than O2 d. ability of binding to hemoglobin more preferably than O2 e. is flammable
What is the most suitable instrumental method for determining blood concentrations of narcotics and psychotropic substances? a. UV-Vis b. HPLPC c. LC-MS d. ELISA e. NMR
What is the most suitable instrumental method for determining blood concentrations of narcotics and psychotropic substances? a. UV-Vis b. HPLPC * *c. LC-MS** d. ELISA e. NMR
What is the correct blood alcohol concentration if examined person has exhaled 0,4 mg/l of ethanol? a. 1,00% b. 0,84% c. 0,94% d. 0,80% e. 0,40%
What is the correct blood alcohol concentration if examined person has exhaled 0,4 mg/l of ethanol? a. 1,00% b. 0,84% c. 0,94% d. 0,80% * *e. 0,40%**
state after consuming ethanol occurs when the alcohol content in the body is or leads to: a. blood alcohol content from 0.2 to 0.5%. b. from 0.15 mg to 0.30 mg of alcohol in 1dm3 of breath c. blood alcohol content above 0.5%. of alcohol d. the presence of exhaled above 0.25 mg of alcohol in 1dm3 e. blood alcohol content above 0.8 %. of alcohol
state after consuming ethanol occurs when the alcohol content in the body is or leads to: * *a. blood alcohol content from 0.2 to 0.5%.** b. from 0.15 mg to 0.30 mg of alcohol in 1dm3 of breath c. blood alcohol content above 0.5%. of alcohol d. the presence of exhaled above 0.25 mg of alcohol in 1dm3 e. blood alcohol content above 0.8 %. of alcohol
What symptoms are typically required to state somebody dead a. lack of breath and circulation b. Livor mortis (lividity) c. Rigor mortis (stiffness) d. All of the above e. Only B and C
What symptoms are typically required to state somebody dead a. lack of breath and circulation b. Livor mortis (lividity) c. Rigor mortis (stiffness) d. All of the above * *e. Only B and C**
Irregular wound with irregular, swollen margins and soft-tissue bridges in the bottom was caused by a. Dull weapon b. Sharp weapon c. Kitchen knife d. Baseball e. A and D
Irregular wound with irregular, swollen margins and soft-tissue bridges in the bottom was caused by a. Dull weapon b. Sharp weapon c. Kitchen knife d. Baseball * *e. A and D**
What features/findings indicate that wounds were caused pre-mortem a. signs of bleeding b. air-embolism c. fatty embolism d. signs of healing e. all of the above
What features/findings indicate that wounds were caused pre-mortem a. signs of bleeding b. air-embolism c. fatty embolism d. signs of healing * *e. all of the above**
Which part of a human skeleton is the best indicator to estimate sex? a. Skull b. Pelvis c. Scapula d. Femur e. Radius
a. Skull **b. Pelvis** c. Scapula d. Femur ​e. Radius
Biological outcome of electrocution depends mostly on: a. Electromotive force b. Amperage c. Frequency d. Resistance of the body e. Path of the current through the body.
a. Electromotive force **b. Amperage** ​c. Frequency d. Resistance of the body e. Path of the current through the body.
Trauma from explosive devices is caused by: a. Blast wave b. Environment changes c. Impact of projectiles impelled by the explosion d. Burns from hot gases and fire e. All of the above are correct
a. Blast wave b. Environment changes c. Impact of projectiles impelled by the explosion d. Burns from hot gases and fire * *e. All of the above are correct**
Gunpowder particles in the vicinity of the entrance wound can be found in case of: a. Gunshot wound from the distance of 1,5 km. b. Gunshot wound from the distance of 40 m. c. Gunshot wound from the distance of 20 cm. d. Only in contact gunshot wound e. We cannot find gunpowder particles because it burns completely.
a. Gunshot wound from the distance of 1,5 km. b. Gunshot wound from the distance of 40 m. **c. Gunshot wound from the distance of 20 cm.** d. Only in contact gunshot wound ​e. We cannot find gunpowder particles because it burns completely.
What is correct blood alcohol concentration (in Poland) if examined person has exhaled 0,4 mg/l of ethanol? a. 1,00‰ b. 0,84‰ c. 0,94‰ d. 0,80‰ e. 0,40‰
​a. 1,00‰ * *b. 0,84‰** c. 0,94‰ d. 0,80‰ e. 0,40‰
The most certain method to differentiate between laceration and an incised wound is finding: a) Uneven edges of the wound b) Irregular shape of the wound c) Abrasions on the edge of the wound d) Tissue bridges in the bottom of the wound e) Suggillations of the edges of the wound
a) Uneven edges of the wound b) Irregular shape of the wound c) Abrasions on the edge of the wound **d) Tissue bridges in the bottom of the wound** ​e) Suggillations of the edges of the wound
The most common murder weapon of choice in Poland
## Footnote Gunshot exit wound on bone
Is usually easy to differentiate from the entrance wound
Who can decide that forensic autopsy will be carried out in Poland
prosecutor, court
Bite marks
are possible source of saliva ample collection
5week old child manifested symptoms- swelling of the right arm and pain. X-ray showed spiral fracture on the right humerus with clear edges of the fracture. The injury is result of (most probably)
twisting the arm
33-year old woman comes to ER with symptoms of developing pulmonary distress, acute acidosis and petechial rash. It is very hard to communicate with her (due to worsening of the contact) but the doctor learns that she was involved in a traffic accident two days ago and she has a fractured left tibia. Furthermore the doctor sees massive bruises on lower extremities and on torso. The most probable cause is:
pulmonary fat embolism
What is the average temperature drop real in corpse during the first 6 hours post mortem:
1 degree/h
Contrecoup contusion
occurs on the site opposite to the impact
What can be used for toxicology testing from the dead person
blood, urine, bile, vitreous humor
What is the first thing to be checked when you are called to pronounce somebody dead:
The most certain method to differentiate between laceration and incised would is finding:
Tissue bridges on the bottom of the wound
Common places where bleeding can typically occur in the victim of hanging are: a. sternocleidomastoid muscles b. neck intervertebral discs c. lumbal intervertebral discs d. A and C are correct e. all answers are correct
Common places where bleeding can typically occur in the victim of hanging are: a. sternocleidomastoid muscles b. neck intervertebral discs c. lumbal intervertebral discs d. A and C are correct * *e. all answers are correct (not quite sure)**