forelimb anatomy Flashcards
fill in the blanks
a- biceps
b- supraspinatous
c- teres major
d- subscapularis
e- teres minor
name 1, 2 and 3
1- greater tubercle
2- head
3- lesser tubercle
name 4 and 5
4- teres major tuberosity (medial)
5- deltoid tuberosity (lateral)
name 7 and 11
7- caudal aspect- olecranon fossa
11- cranial aspect- radial fossa
lateral aspect of the humerus, fill in the blanks
A- supraspinatus
B- infraspinatus
C- teres minor
D- Deltoid
which is true about the triceps in the dog?
a) the triceps is innervated by the median nerve
b) the triceps has a lateral head, a medial head, a long head and an accessory head
c) it inserts on the anconeus
d) it is innervated by the axillary nerve
B- it has 4 heads
Long head: caudal margin of the scapula
Lateral, medial, and accessory heads: shaft of the humerus
Insertion: olecranon, proteced by tricipital bursa against the bone and subcutaneous bursa against the skin
Innervated by: Radial n. from the brachial plexus
the sesmoid of the supinator muscle is?
a) craniomedial to the radius
b) caudomedial to the radius
c) craniolateral to the radius
d) caudolateral to the radius
where does the supinator muscle of the forelimb originate and insert?
O- lateral epicondyle of the humerus
I- cranial surface of the radius, proximal to the insertion of the pronator teres.
use thrall for bone anatomy quizzes
name the first row of carpal bones, from medial to lateral (dog, cat)
intermedioradial carpal bone, ulna, and accessory
name the distal row of carpal bones in the dog and cat
name 9 and 10
9- proximal sesamoid bones
10- dorsal sesamoid bones
fill in the blanks
A- superficial digital flexor
B- deep digital flexor
C- flexor digitorum brevis
what holds the biceps tendon in the intertubercular groove?
transverse humeral retinaculum
which muscle are one and two associated with?
1- acromial brusa
2- semitendinous bursa
what is no 6?
intertubercular synovial sheath
which of the following does not pass through the carpal canal?
a) tendons and synovial sheaths of the mm. flexor digitorum superficialis and flexor
digitorum profundus
b) tendon of the flexor carpi radialis
D is false, the ulnar and median nerves pass through, not the radial