bones of the head- dog and cat Flashcards
name all the hyoid bones
Tympanohyoid, stylohyoid, epihyoid, ceratohyoid, basihyoid, thyrohyoid (The sick elephant can be treated)
blue- thyroid, orange- cricoid, yellow- arytenoid
cuneiform process of arytenoid
A- Atlas, B- occipital condyle
temporal bone
temporal bone extending in to the zygomatic process of the temporal bone
parietal bone, caudal
parietal bone
body of basisphenoid
pterygoid bone, pterygoid process
presphenoid bone
wing of presphenoid
presphenoidal sinus
frontal bone- rostral
frontal bone- rostral
frontal bone- caudal
orbital process of palatine bone
sphenoethmoidal plate
nasolacrimal canal
frontal process of the maxilla
pink- lacrimal, blue- nasal
mandibular ramus