Foreign Words/Phrases Used in English Flashcards
addenda (latin)
a list of additions
ad hoc (Latin)
for a particular purpose
aficionado (Spanish)
an ardent devotee
agent provocateur (French)
one who incites another person or an organization
amour-propre (French)
a priori (Latin)
based on theory rather than observation
au courant (french)
Informed on the latest
baksheesh (persian)
Tip, gratuity
bete noire (French)
a strongly detested person or thing
bildungsroman (German)
personal development novel
bon vivant (French)
An epicure, lovers of good living
bravura (Italian)
a display of spirit and dash
casus belli (Latin)
a pretext or reason that justifies or allegedly justifies an attack of war
caveat emptor (Latin)
let the buyer beware
chef d’oeuvre (French)
chief work; masterpiece
chutzpah (Yiddish)
gall, arrogance, audacity
comme il faut (French)
as it ought to be; proper
contretemps (French)
an inopportune or embarrassing situation
corpus delicti (Latin)
the evidence necessary to prove that a crime has been commited
coup de grace (French)
a final, decisive blow or event
de facto (french)
de jure (french)
de rigueur (French)
necessary, obligatory
dernier cri (french)
the last word; the newest fashion
errata (latin)
a list of errors
ex cathedra (Latin)
by virtue of one’s position or office
habeas corpus (Latin)
a writ to report an unlawful detention so that the detained may have due process
idee fixe (French)
an idea that dominates one’s mind, especially for a long time.
in extenso (latin)
at full length
in extremis (latin)
near death
ingenue (french)
stage role of an ingenuous girl; a naive girl
in medias res (latin)
in the middle of things
in re (Latin)
in reference to
insouciance (french)
indifference; lack of concern
in vacuo (Latin)
in a vacuum
junta (spanish)
group (usually military) that assumes leadership after a coup or overthrow of the government
laissez-faire (French)
a policy of free trade or noninterference
leitmotif (German)
recurring theme
melange (french)
a mixture of medley, often of incongruous elements
menage (French)
a household
mirabilis dictu (latin)
wonderful to relate
ne plus ultra (latin)
the highest point that can be attained; the acme
noblesse oblige (French)
nobility originates; the behavior and graciousness of nobility.
nolo contendere (latin)
no contest; legally, not contesting a charge against one, but without pleading guilty
nom de guerre (French)
a pseudonym used during war
pas vobiscum (Latin)
peace be with you
persona non grata (latin)
an unacceptable or unwelcome person
prima facie (Latin)
on the face of; at first view
pro forma (latin)
done as a matter of form
pro rata (latin)
proportionally according to a factor
pro tempore or pro temp (latin)
for the time being; temporarily
punctilio (Italian)
a fine point; a minute detail of conduct
raision detre (French)
reason for being
rara avis (latin)
an unusual specimen
riposte (french)
a retort; a retaliatory verbal sally
sang froid (french)
cold blood; self possession, compusure
scadenfreude (German)
pleasure at someone else’s misfortunes
sine qua non (Latin)
sui genera (latin)
one of a kind
zeitgeist (german)
the spirit of the times