foreign entry + entry modes Flashcards
- market seeking
- efficiency seeking
- resource seeking
- strategic assest seeking
proactive motive reasons
- Profit and growth goals
- managerial urge
- foreign market opportunities
- economies of scale
- tax benefits.
reactive notice reasons
- competitive pressures
- domestic market saturated
- foreign orders
- extend sale of seasonal products.
Barriers to internationalisation initiation
- Insufficient finances
- insufficient finances
- cost escalation
- lack of export commitment
- lack of connections
barriers hindering the process
- general market risks ie competition from other firms
- commercial risks such as exchange rate fluctuations and delays
- political risks such as gov restrictions and lack of tax incentives.
Entry modes
- Export modes- low control, low risk and flexible, 100% externalising
- intermediate modes - shared control, risk and ownership.
- hierarchical modes - high control, risk and low flexibility, 100% internalising
Uppsala model basic assumptions
1) firm first develops in domestic market
2) internationalisation is a consequence of a series of incremental decisions
3) main obstacles to internationalisation are of knowledge and resources
4) psychic distance influences the internationalisation process.
Market commitment with Uppsala model
1) no regular export activity
2) export via independent representatives.
3) establishment of a foreign sales subsidiary
4) foreign production/manufacturing units
critical views of Uppsala model
- too deterministic
- does not take interdependencies into account between different market countries
- firms can leapfrog stages
- not called in situations of highly internationalised firms and industries.
TCA on entry modes
risk- resource commitments
uncertainty- control
Dunnings eclectic approach
- ownership advantages
- locational advantages
- internationalisation advantages.
factors supporting Born globals
- role of niche markets
- financial markets becoming International
- flexibility
- advances in tech
- advances of speed in information .