Forces and Exchange particles Flashcards
What are forces caused by?
They are caused by particle exchange
What is attraction?
A force that causes two objects to pull towards each other no matter the distance, E.g a boomerang being thrown or caught it pushes the two people closer
What is repulsion?
A force that pushes two objects apart, E.g a ball being thrown or caught pushes people apart as it carries momentum
What are exchange particles called?
gauge bosons
What causes the repulsion of two protons?
exchange of virtual photons which are the gauge bosons of the electromagnetic force
What are gauge bosons?
Gauge bosons are virtual particles that only exist for a very short amount of time
What are the four fundamental forces?
Strong nuclear force, Weak nuclear force, Electromagnetic force and gravity
What is the gauge boson for electromagnetic interaction?
Virtual photon
What is the gauge boson for a weak interaction?
What is the gauge boson for a strong interaction?
What particles are effected by electromagnetic interaction?
Charged particles only
What particles are effected by weak interaction?
all types
What particles are effected by strong interaction?
hadrons only
if the mass of the gauge boson is larger what does that mean for the range of the force?
the range is shorter
How are gauge bosons represented on a diagram?
Wiggly lines
How are particles represented on a diagram?
Straight lines
What is electromagnetic repulsion?
When two particles with equal charged get close to each other they repel.
What is beta-plus and beta-minus decay?
When you get an anti neutrino in beta minus decay and a neutrino in beta plus decay so that lepton number is conserved
What is electron capture and electron proton collision s?
the exchange particle involved in electron capture is the W plus boson. And the exchange particle involved in an electron-proton collision is the W minus boson.