Food Additives Flashcards
What is a food additive in its broadest sense?
Any substance added to food
Legally, the term refers to “any substance the intended use of which results or may reasonably be expected to result directly or indirectly in its ___________ or otherwise affecting the characteristics of any food.
becoming a component
True or False. Additives may not be used to disguise poor quality.
What are the two methods by which additives are added to food?
Direct and indirect
What is an example of an indirect additive?
Plastic from bottled water.
According to the FDA, food additives are substances added to foods for __________________________.
Specific physical or technical effects.
What are two examples of physical or technical effects?
Aid in preservation or processing
Improve the quality factors of appearance, flavor, nutritional value, and texture.
What do food additives undergo before their approval and use in foods?
Vigorous toxicological analysis
What must manufacturers provide to gain approval from the FDA?
1) Evidence of harmlessness at the intended level of use.
2) Provide data from at least two years of feeding at least two animals.
3) prove safety
What is the Delaney Clause?
States that no additive shown to cause cancer in men or laboratory animals, regardless of the dose, may be used in foods.
What food additive was banned in the EU and found in Skittles?
Titanium dioxide
NLEA requires that all food labels list ________.
What is a color additive?
A pigment, dye, or other substance can impart color when added.
What is a colorant?
It used to impart color but does not migrate to food in amounts that will be apparent to the naked eye.
What does EAFUS stand for?
Everything added to food in the United States
What does GRAS stand for?
Generally recognized as safe
What comes into contact with food during packaging, holding, or processing but is not intended to be added directly?
Indirect food additives
What is added to plant-based meat for color?
Soy leghemoglobin
What are the four functions of food additives?
Preservatives, nutritional additives, sensory agents, and processing agents.
What increases the shelf life of products by controlling and preventing deterioration?
What may be used to preserve or combat microbial or enzymatic deterioration?
True or False. Additives at the point of manufacturing or processing cannot stop all foodborne illnesses.
What are examples of nutritional additives?
Vitamin D to fortify milk
Antioxidants to prevent oxidation
Thiamin to enrich grains
What additive was used to treat and prevent goiter?