FOIB's Flashcards
What do you do if you’re descending an arrival & notice the FMS is struggling to meet or not depicting established altitude restrictions? (IRNMN1 LAX, FRDMM3 DCA)
FOIB 27.1
If there are more than 12 constraints, then remove the approach from the FMS prior to departure
- Delete the App/Rwy
What special considerations should be checked prior to departure (before start below the line) regarding engine loss performance?
FOIB 27.1
Check the DEP AFE limit.. you may have to input new limit based on SE Departure procedure.
If the DEP AFE lint blank.. then plan accordingly.
Prior to taking off you notice indicated landing fuel below planned with “check reserve fuel” in scratchpad. However, on board fuel indicates above MINTO. What do you do?
FOIB 27.1
- Prior to engine start, verify sufficient fuel onboard to safely complete the flight.
- Anomaly usually occurs after engine start. FMS assumes full flaps between 1000-1500 & very high temps on the ground
NAV depicts a 360° turn along departure path, but flight plan indicates correct routing. What do you do?
FOIB 27.1
- Delete CRZ WINDS in Perf Init
- winds may be entered for planning purposes. However, they MUST be removed prior to DEPARTURE & LANDING to eliminate possible 270/360 depictions on MFD.
- you may re enter winds after last fix on the SID to ensure accurate fuel planning
How do you utilize the step down feature when entering a crossing restriction?
FOIB 27.1
- Enter well prior to TOD
- enter new cruise altitude followed by an “S”
Why do we want to use VFLCH or DES NOW w/in 50nm of TOD?
FOIB 27.1
- FMS may star in CRZ phase and VSD will draw incorrectly.. may show TOD above current altitude.
You get a BRK LH/RH FAULT:
- inflight:
- ground:
We got 2 Brake Control Modules for:
- Locked wheel protection
- Anti-skid
- Automatic wheel braking
- Touchdown protection
When the BCM detects a fault the system does a reset (1-4secs). Pressure drops to 0. After reset pressure returns. Transient condition. Does not require MX write up, unless message does not clear
Inflight: reset autobrakes if necessary
- probably caused by pushback >5kts
- *REARM Autobrakes after message clears
- threat: (rto) departing with out autobrakes set
Can we shoot LPV approach?
- No, not authorized
What should you reference during Safety Power Up checklist?
- reference Flight Deck Documents/Equipment List on EFB to ensure required items are onboard and accessible.
Your tablet battery is overheating. What do you do?
when a lithium battery thermal runaway is identified in the flight deck:
- coordinate with cabin crew FA’s
- remove device from flight deck
- use Fire Containment Bag FCB (located on cabin floor, directly under the last aisle seat on right side.)
- contact OCC, Station Ops to remove FCB on arrival.
Not sure if there are RWY restrictions regarding conditions at you destination airport. Where can you look for info?
- Runway Condition Decision Matrix
- tab in Company manuals
What’s the minimum RWY width & Cleared width?
- Min RWY: 100ft
- Cleared: 80ft
- when a NOTAM includes a REMAINDER, the usable width between the REMAINDER must be > minimum cleared width.
- RWY CC values apply to the width between the REMAINDER
- loose REMAINDER contaminants (dry/wet snow, slush) less than 1/8th deep MIN cleared do not apply.
When are TO’s & Landings PROHIBITED referencing TALPA?
- NIL Braking Action reported
- RWY CC reports of 1 & 2, >20kt xwind
3 POOR BA reports, > 20kt xwind - Wet ice, unless 1 FICON
- Water over compacted snow, unless 1 FICON
When would we need to get new data referencing TALPA?
- Conditions differ from planned & more than 1 contaminant in the controlling RWY third
- no FICON #’s with known contaminated conditions
- destination has no FICON #’s above 1, NEED ALTERNATE
- 0 RWYCC is not a reportable value in Notams.
0 represents NIL braking action & RWY will be closed.
What MUST be done when carrying hazardous materials?
HAZ command & forms Tracking # must be entered in ACARS, then sign form
Call CSC-OCC with tracking # & sign form
How many hours MUST be on the H-PBIT at end of last flight of day?
- 25hrs
- To prevent spurious FLT CTRL NO Dispatch messages. Accomplish HPBIT test prior to commencing last leg if necessary or before shutting down a/c upon arrival
- test won’t run below 10°c
When do drain the Potable Water System?
- RON temps less than 0°C
- pipe fittings crack from freezing. Then melt water into center compartment around AILERON cables. Hazardous when this water then Refreezes around cables.
- DUMP potable: LFOD, takes 10min
- ground ops MUST still drain.
- FFOD: verify Pot Water Draining/Purging form on CA seat
- official overnight temps available from OCC dispatcher when needed to verify
Do you need to call MX & write up Fault light on AFT FA panel in aft Galley?
Also, ANY inop potable component or station personnel reports problem while servicing potable