[FMS] NAM - intro to metabolism Flashcards
what is metabolism
the totality of the chemical reactions and physical changes that occur in living organisms, comprising anabolism and catabolism
what is catabolism
metabolic breakdown of complex substances into small products
remember catabolism = catastrophe
what is anabolism
The energy requiring part of metabolism in which simpler substances are transformed into more complex ones
As in growth or other biosynthetic processes.
what are the main differences in catabolism and anabolism
remember catabolism = catastrophe = breaking down
anabolism = the opposite which is building up = genesis
high energy carriers are used in metabolism, one of them is ATP, what group is carried in this high energy linkage?
ATP carries phosphate
high energy carriers are used in metabolism, one of them is NADH, NADPH, FADH2, what groups are carried in this high energy linkage?
electrons and hydrogens
high energy carriers are used in metabolism, one of them is acetyl coA, what group is carried in this high energy linkage?
acetyl group
high energy carriers are used in metabolism, one of them is Urine Disphosphate Glucose, what group is carried in this high energy linkage?
what is ATP
energy currency of the cell
What makes hydrolysis of ATP energetically so favourable?
Breaking ATP helps by reducing the repulsion between phosphate groups.
The released phosphate is stable due to resonance.
This stabilizing effect increases disorder (entropy).
what are the 4 functions of ATP?
-used directly in cell motility and muscle contraction (motor proteins)
-active transport Na+/K+
-metabolic control- regulates enzyme activity -kinase adds phosphate, phosphatase removes phosphate
-used in metabolism to add P1 to metabolic intermediates -phosphorylate glucose to trap so it can not diffuse
what are 2 other high energy carriers used to drive specific biosynthetic reactions
- UTP drives the synthesis of complex sugar
-GTP drives the synthesis of proteins
what 3 things do metabolic reactions require
Fuel molecules
Enzyme catalysts
transamination, b-oxidation, and glycolysis occurs in which part of a eukaryotic cell
krebs cycle and oxidation occurs in which part of eukaryotic cell
mitochondrial matrix
what kind of bond is between phosphates in ATP
and what kind of bond is between phosphate and ribose in ATP?