Fluoroscopy Flashcards
“snapshot imaging” acquiring a single image of a particular structure
Static imaging
“live” radiography - allows for observation of movement
Dynamic imaging
Synonymous with Optimization for Radiation Protection (ORP)
Three cardinal principles of radiation protection
Time, distance, shielding
The tract from the mouth to the anus which food passes and is processed within the body
Alimentary canal
Mid region of the abdomen
umbilical region
Upper mid region of the abdomen
epigastric region
Lower mid region of the abdomen
Hypogastric region
Lower bilateral regions of the abdomen
right/left iliac regions
Upper bilateral regions of the abdomen
right/left hypochondriac regions
Created in the liver and travels through the hepatic ducts into the common hepatic duct and then into the cystic duct and is finally stored in the gallbladder
Bile mixes with pancreatic enzymes from the main pancreatic duct in the _______ and is released into the proximal duodenum through the ______
Ampulla of Vater; Sphincter of Odi
Contrast agents _____ the absorption of x-rays as they pass through the body
Contrast agents affect _______ so we can see the tissues of interest better and apart from surrounding tissues
Differential absorption
The difference in how different materials absorb the X-rays in the beam produces the contrast that generates the detail of the image.
Differential absorption
For a typical medical diagnostic image, the X-ray interaction with matter is primarily through the ______ and ______
Photoelectric Effect; Compton Scattering
A drug used to slow stomach motility and constrict the gallbladder to increase bile flow
Radiopaque contrast media used to help diagnose problems in the alimentary tract
Barium sulfate
mixture of very small particles distributed evenly throughout the water
Colloidal suspension
Barium and iodinated compounds are considered ____ contrast agents
Air is considered a _____ contrast agent
Radiographic examination specifically of the pharynx and esophagus is termed:
esophagogram, or barium swallow
procedure designed to study the distal esophagus, stomach, and duodenum in one examination
Upper gastrointestinal series (UGI)
Same procedure as the UGI, however, the exam continues until the contrast agent reaches the Ileocecal juncture at which time the radiologist may wish to take some spot images using a balloon paddle
Upper Gastrointestinal Series (UGI) with Small Bowel Follow Through
Esophagography Routine images
PA/AP, RAO/LPO, Lateral
Esophagram CR entrance
Perpendicular to IR at T-6 (2-3” below jugular notch)
Obliquity RAO/LPO for esophagram
35 - 40 degrees
If the esophagus is over the vertebral column, ___ rotation is needed.
If the esophagus is over the heart, ____ rotation is needed
______ contrast should be used if a perforation is suspected or if there is concern for surgery for an esophagram
water soluble
A ___ image may be taken to better demonstrate the upper esophagus without superimposition of the arms and shoulders
Twinning (Swimmers)
Expose on [inspiration/expiration] for AP/PA esophagram
patient is asked to take in a deep breath and then bear down is if trying to move their bowels while holding their breath
Valsalva maneuver
patient exhales and then tries to inhale against a closed glottis
Mueller maneuver
while supine, the patient drinks water through a straw. A positive test is indicated when barium/water refluxes back into the esophagus
Water test
A paddle is placed beneath a prone patient and then inflated as needed to provide pressure
Compression technique
while performing fluoroscopy, the cardiac orifice is monitored while the patient bends over and touches their toes
toe-touch maneuver
Routine images for upper GI series
PA/AP, RAO/LPO, right lateral
Anatomy demonstrated on upper GI series
distal esophagus, stomach, proximal duodenum
Obliquity and CR entrance for RAO upper GI series: sthenic body type
45-55 degrees at L1
Obliquity and CR entrance for RAO upper GI series: Asthenic body type
40 degrees 2’ below L1
Obliquity and CR entrance for RAO upper GI series: hypersthenic body type
70 degrees 2” above L1
CR entrance for PA upper GI series: sthenic body type
L1 1” left of the vertebral column
CR entrance for PA upper GI series: asthenic body type
2” below L1
CR entrance for PA upper GI series: hypersthenic body type
2” above L1 and more midline
CR entrance for right lateral upper GI series: sthenic body type
L1 at the lower lateral rib margin and 1” to 1.5” anterior tot the MCP