Fluid and electrolytes Flashcards
rule of thumb with timing of refrigeration and blood for blood transfusions
blood should be infused within 4 hours of refrigeration
Blood should run slowly at first (no faster than 5 mL/min for the first 15 min); if no reaction, regulate blood to the prescribed rate
how to treat a deep partial thickness burn injury of the back?
gently clean away debris and dirt and then leave the area alone (blisters form a protective cover, so leave intact WITHOUT applying a sterile gauze
what is Pitressin
a man made form of ADH
normal reading of central venous pressure (CVP)
ranges from 2-8 mmHg; CVP greater than 9 indicates fluid volume overload
early symptoms of fluid volume overload
edema, increased bounding pulse, elevated BP, dyspnea, crackles
what gauge needle should you use for IVs in older PTs?
use the smallest gauge possible (24 and 26)
what is the best angle to administer an IV catheter in older PTs
d/t superficial veins of older adults, angle insertion at 5-15 degrees
what is the most frequent underlying cause of tetany
what is tetany
a condition w/ convulsions, cramps, muscle twitching, sharp flexion of ankle and wrist joints, possible respiratory stridor
normal range for total serum calcium
What’s the recommended nutrition for thermal injured PTs?
should consume large amts of fluid, electrolytes, and protein
-incr protein by 2 to 4 times normal; incr calorie intake by 3 to 5 times normal up to 10,000 kilocal
magnesium sulfate
an anticonvulsant when given intravenously; side effects: weak or absent deep tendon reflexes, hyptension, respiratory paralysis, depressed cardiac function, hypocalcemia
Addison’s disease
an adrenal disorder stemming from hyposecretion of hormones from the adrenal gland; symptoms include fatigue, weakness, dehydration, emaciation, weight loss, fluid and electrolyte imbalance, hypotension (while not caused by fluid volume deficit, these symptoms are reflective of it)
normal range of specific gravity is
1.010 - 1.030
specific gravity measures
kidney’s ability to concentrate urine