Flight Time Limitation (Private) Flashcards
Who is responsible for the integrity of the AOC for Non-Commercial operations?
The Accountable Manager
AOC stands for Air Operator Certificate.
What is the policy of the Company regarding Non-Commercial operations?
Conduct operations under AOC Commercial Air Transport requirements, except as exempted
This policy ensures safety and compliance with regulations.
What takes precedence if a deviation is not specified in Section 14?
The OM-A
OM-A refers to Operations Manual Part A.
What is the purpose of the flight time and duty limitations scheme?
To assist with the avoidance of fatigue in crewmembers
This is critical for safety in Non-commercial Operations.
Who must approve deviations beyond flight time limitations?
The DFO or CP
DFO stands for Director of Flight Operations; CP stands for Chief Pilot.
What is the maximum Flight Duty Period (FDP) for a Two Crew Operation with 1-3 sectors from 08:00 - 19:59?
15 hours
FDP refers to the maximum time a flight crew can operate.
What is the maximum FDP for an Augmented Crew with 1-3 sectors?
18 hours
Augmented crews have additional members to manage longer duties.
What is the maximum consecutive hours a flight crewmember should spend at the controls with an augmented crew?
10 consecutive hours
After this, they must be relieved of all flight duty for at least one hour.
What is recommended for Two-Pilot crews during flights?
Controlled rest periods
This helps manage fatigue and maintain safety.
What is permitted as outlined in OM Part A Section 7?
The use of a split duty
Split duty allows for a break in the flight duty period.
What is the purpose of the alternative procedure in-flight relief?
To reduce the average level of fatigue
This procedure allows a third pilot to board during the second phase of the flight.
What must be ensured about the relief pilot before they start their flight duty period?
The relief pilot should be properly rested.
Who must be the pilot flying for the remainder of the Flight Duty Period (FDP)?
The relief pilot must be the pilot flying.
How should pilot monitoring duties be divided during in-flight relief?
Evenly divided between the pilots being relieved.
What is the requirement for the captain on duty during in-flight relief?
One qualified Captain on duty on the flight-deck at any moment.
What is stated about acclimatisation in non-commercial/private operations?
Need not consider the effect of acclimatisation on Duty Time periods.
What is the maximum extension of the Flight Duty Period (FDP) that the Pilot in Command (PIC) can plan at their discretion?
A maximum of 2 hours.
What is the minimum requirement for local nights before commencing an extended FDP?
2 local nights (minimum 34 hours) free from all duties.
What is the maximum allowable extension of FDP due to unforeseen circumstances?
The standard FDP may be extended with up to 3 hours.