Flight Plan/Release Flashcards
When is a preflight briefing required via voice from the dispatcher?
Before any International flight or each flight that is not regularly scheduled.
Also is required if the dispatcher includes the statement “dispatcher brief required” in the remarks section of the release.
When is a printed copy of the flight paper work required? IE full packet provided by dispatch - release and wx
Anytime departing Honolulu for an oceanic flight (printed at crew lounge) or any first flight of the day that does not originate in Honolulu. (received from station manager)
When does a dispatch release become void?
Dispatch Release / Flight Plan becomes void if a flight:
A. Is canceled.
B. Has an aircraft change (different tail number)
C. Lands at a point not included in the original Dispatch Release.
D. Lands at a point in a different sequence than specified in the Dispatch Release.
E. Returns to the departure airport after taking off (Air-Turn-Back).
F. If a Domestic flight is delayed at an intermediate station in excess of one hour.
G. If a Flag or Supplemental flight is delayed at an intermediate station in excess of six hours.
How is Min release fuel adjusted when actual TOW is greater than PTOW?
If actual TOW is 3,001lbs more than PTOW, a new release is required and an electronic signature must be sent. If TOW is up to 3,000lbs more than planned, min release fuel should be increased by the amount listed in the takeoff weight plus 3000 line of the release. In such case, a free text must be sent to dispatch and a response must be recieved.
Do SDL items need to be listed on the flight release?
No, only MEL and CDL items. SDL are non airworthy items. Same as NEF
When is a Destination alternate required for domestic vs Flag operations?
Domestic is classic 123 rule
Flag is 1, 1500/2000, 2/3 rule
1 hr before or after
1500 above lowest circling mins (if circling req) or lowest straight in.
or 2000 above elv (Whichever greater)
2 sm above lowest applicable mins or 3 sm (whichever greater)
§ 121.621 Alternate airport for destination: Flag operations.
Need an alternate unless
(1) The flight is scheduled for not more than 6 hours and, for at least 1 hour before and 1 hour after the estimated time of arrival:
(i) At least 1,500 feet above the lowest circling MDA, if a circling approach is required and authorized for that airport; or
(ii) At least 1,500 feet above the lowest published instrument approach minimum or 2,000 feet above the airport elevation, whichever is greater; and
(iii) The visibility at that airport will be at least 3 miles, or 2 miles more than the lowest applicable visibility minimums, whichever is greater, for the instrument approach procedures to be used at the destination airport;
Destination Weather Required for dispatch. Domestic vs overwater, Flag, Supplemental.
Domestic. cannot be dispatched unless WX forecast is above minimums at ETA.
Flag etc, Cannot be dispatched unless WX is forecast is above minimums at destination or alternate airport at ETA.
What conditions dictate that an alternate be listed on the grounds of prudent judgment?
Winds at eta exceed landing liimits
Contaminated runways where breaking action is poor or less
volcanic ash at destination
other conditions determined by captain or dispatcher
Do HA flights require an alternate to be listed for supplemental operations?
Yes, no matter the WX conditions.
If after departure the destination wx goes below minimums, may the flight continue ?
yes it may. considerations may include, wx trend shows improvement, or sufficient fuel to hold and wait for wx to improve.
IF while en route the alternate airport’s forecast wx goes below C055 minimums at eta, may the flight continue?
NO! need to amend release with new alternate
Can you use exemption 3585 for flag or supplemental ops?
no! for domestic only. Allows you to dispatch to destination if VIS conditional language up to 1/2 below mins (TEMPO and PROB) or alternate also below mins up to 1/2. second alternate must all be above mins
When is a takeoff alternate required?
Required when the wx is below CAT2 mins. Alternate must be within 1 hour in still air at normal cruising speed with one engine inoperative. (370NM). The wx at this alternate must meet the C055 rules.
What is C055
For airports with any type of approach add 400ft to the CAT 1
APPLICABLE ceiling mins (HAT or HAA) and 1 SM to those mins.
For airports with two nav facilities providing two straight in approaches to two different suitable runways, add 200 and 1/2 to the highest of the two. CAT 1 only.
What is the wx required to list an etops alternate?
Same as C055
During aircraft acceptance, what must be reviewed on the aircraft logbook?
Logbook discrepancies: review 10 minimum. Not including NO items or Info to maintenance entries.
Verify all MEL or CDL items listed in the logbook are also listed on the Dispatch release.
Ensure compliance with (O) operational procedures and performance penalties.
Verify the ETOPS PDC pre departure check was inputed in the logbook within the last 4 hours.
IF due to delay, the 4 hours has been exceeded, MX should notify, and the PDC must be re-accomplished with a new PDC release.