Flight Management System Flashcards
Q1: The FMS controls are provided by direct access switches on which panels?
Q2: Which FMS serves as the master FMS under normal circumstances?
A. The FMS supplying the flight director coupled side.
Q3: What are the three FMS operating modes?
A. Synchronized mode, Single mode & Split mode.
Q4: On the FMS page, where is FMS NAV source displayed and in what color?
A. FMS source displays in magenta at the top far left of the page.
Q5: If you go to the FMS Database page search tab and enter an airway
designator into the AIRWAY data entry box, what will display? ·
A. Number of waypoints on the airway, the airway end waypoints and a list
of all the waypoints on that airway.
Q6: In the PERF page ARR tab, how would you account for gusty wind
A. 1⁄2 of the gust wind speed up to a max of 10 kts can be entered into the box located next to VREF. FCOM2 (03-02-72)
Q7: In the ROUTE page, legs tab, the FIX soft key opens a dialog box for the creation of what types of fixes?
A. Abeam, Radial crossing, Distance crossing, Time offset, Along track ETA, Latitude or Longitude crossing.
Q9: The FMS automatically sets the RNP to the following 3 values. (FCOM1 22-03-7)
(a) During power up, entry into terminal area, SID & STAR: A. 1.0nm (b) for enroute or upon exit from terminal area: A. 2.0nm
(c) During a FMS non-precision approach: A. 0.30nm
Q10: Nav accuracy required for RNP is affected by several errors, grouped together as Total System Error (TSE). TSE includes:
A. Estimated Position of Uncertainty (EPU), Flight Technical Error (FTE), Path Definition Error (PDE).
Q11: Where in the FMS can the EPU be found?
A. In the LEGS tab on the ROUTE tile or on the PFD as a dotted red circle.
Q12: For an LPV approach, where can LPV approach data be confirmed?
A. On the ARRIVAL DATA window.
Q13: At what point during an LPV approach will the FMS activate the approach and display LPV APPR?
A. After the initial fix (FACF)and before the final approach fix (FAF).
Q14: If SBAS signal is lost outside the FAF what options are available to
A. Call for the LPV NOT AVAILABLE Checklist.
For reference: The approach mode may be changed to a LNAV/VNAV approach by selecting RNP as the approach mode onthe ARRIVAL DATA window. RNP DA must be changed to higher LNAV/VNAV minimums.