Flight Insights Oral - Legal questions Flashcards
What documents do you need to carry on an IFR flight in the US?
- Airman certificate
- Medical certificate
- Govt photo ID
What are the requirements to stay current for an IFR flight - 0-6 months.
Within the past 6 months, you must have performed:
* At least six instrument approaches (simulated or actual instrument conditions).
* Holding procedures (and tasks)
*Intercepting and tracking courses through the use of navigational electronic systems.
What can you do to regain currency if you’ve lost currency but by less than 12 months?
Do 6HITS via a flight in VMC (under a hood) and with a safety pilot or under instruction of a CFI.
The safety pilot must be at least a private pilot, acts as PiC
How do you get current if you’re not current by 12 months or more?
Undergo an Instrument proficiency check with a CFII or Examiner.
What are the currency requirements if you’re taking passengers?
3 take offs and landings in the previous 90 days
* Same category, class, and type of aircraft
For night and tail dragger currency the landings must be to a full stop.
What preflight info should you obtain for a flight? (there are 7 pieces)
- Weather
- Known traffic delays
- Runways lengths of intended use ***
- Alternates ***
- Fuel requirements
- Takeoff and landing performance data.
What documents must be onboard the aircraft?
A - airworthiness certificate
R - Registration certificate
R - Radio station license (international only)
O - Operating limitations
W - Weight and Balance
P - Placards
C - Compass card
What are the maintenance inspections that you need to check?
- A - annual inspection - every 12 months.
- A - airworthiness directives must be complied with. (These are specific to the aircraft and released in an FAA bulletin).
- V - VOR check - every 30 days
- 1 - 100 hr inspection (if for hire)
- A - Altimeter check (static and transponder systems) - every 24 months
- T - Transponder - every 24 months
- E - ELT - every 12 months, batteries must be replaced when 50% used or in use for 1 hr
What equipment must be onboard any aircraft even a glider?
💡 there are 6 items.
- Airspeed indicator
- Altimeter
- Anti collision lights (for aircraft built after Mar 1996)
- Magnetic compass
- Safety belts
What equipment is needed for night flights?
- Fuses
- Landing light
- Anti-collision lights
- Position lights
- Source of electricity
What equipment must be onboard the aircraft for VFR flight if it has an engine?
1. - Tachometer (RPM gauge)
2. Pressure gauge:
* Oil pressure gauge (for each aircooled engine)
* Manifold pressure gauge (for each engine)
3. Temperature gauge
* Liquid cooled engine
* Oil Temperature gauge (for each air cooled engine)
4. Fuel gauge (for each tank)
5. Landing gear position indicator
What equipment is needed for IFR flights?
Generator or Alternator
Radios and navigation equipment suitable for the route
Attitude indicator
Rate of Turn indicator
Directional gyro
When is an Instrument rating required for a flight?
💡 there are 4 times.
- PiC in IFR conditions
- When carrying passengers commercially on x-country flights > 50 nm or at night.
- In Class A airspace
- SVFR from sunset to sunrise
What are the VFR weather minimums, below which IFR is required in Class B?
💡 it’s neither a F1-11, nor a 152
3sm, clear of clouds
What are the VFR weather minimums, below which IFR is required in Class C & D?
3 152s
What are the VFR weather minimums, below which IFR is required in Class E
💡- answer for above and below 10,000ft.
10,000ft or greater - 5 F1-11s | below 10,000ft - 3 152s
What are the VFR weather minimums, below which IFR is required in Class G
10,000ft or greater - 5 F1-11s
Below 10,000ft -1 152
But below 1,200 agl 1sm and clear of cloud.
When is an alternate required?
Always unless the destination has an IAP available and weather is 1-2-3.
(1-2-3: 1 hr before and after ETA, ceiling is 2000ft and visibility is 3 sm)
What is the required standard weather required for an Alternate?
Non precision - 800 ft ceiling and 2 sm
Precision - 600 ft ceiling and 2 sm
If no IAP at alternate - ceiling must allow for descent from MEA to la
What are the IFR takeoff minimums?
There aren’t any under Part 91 unless mandated by the Departure procedure.
You find Takeoff minimums in Foreflight by searching on an airport. They’re published in the “ Terminal Procedures
When is an IFR flight plan required?
When operating IFR in Controlled airspace.
The IMSAFE checklist consists of ?
I – Illness
M – Medication
S – Stress
A – Alcohol
F – Fatigue
E – Emotions
If the pilot should fail any items of the IMSAFE checklist, a no-go decision should be considered.
The pilot uses the IMSAFE checklist to ensure both the physical and mental state is in good condition for the flight.