Flight Controls Flashcards
Name the Primary Flight Controls
- Ailerons
- Multifunction spoilers when used for roll control.
- Elevator
- Rudder
What are the secondary flight controls?
- Stabiliser
- Flaps / Slats
- Multifunction spoilers
(Speed brake, Ground spoilers) - Dedicated ground spoilers
Normal trim command limited to how many seconds?
3 seconds
Half trim switch activation is limited to how many seconds before trim is disabled?
7 seconds
What happpens when you press SYS 1 CUTOUT button?
HS-ACE channel 1 disabled.
Pitch trim switch captain disabled.
What happens when you press SYS 2 CUTOUT button?
HS-ACE channel 2 disabled
Trim switch first officer disabled
The ELEC PBIT and the HYDR PBIT indication is green if at or above which value?
> = 5
If Slat/Flap is stuck in an intermediate position, which value is displayed?
The lower value
Pitch Trim green band?
-2 to +4 degrees
Trim indications on trim band?
Which FCM ar hosted in MAU 1?
FCM 1,2
Which FCM are hosted in MAU 3?
FCM 3,4
Which bus performs communication between the FCM:s?
Avionics Standard Commuication Bus
When is a elec PBIT performed automatically?
Duration of the test?
- A/C powered by any AC power source
Duration 3 minutes
When is a elec PBIT performed automatically?
Duration of the test?
- A/C powered by any AC power source
Duration 3 minutes
When is a hydraulic PBIT performed?
- On ground
- All three hyd sys pressurised
Duration 1 minute.
What is the capacity (minutes) of the Fly By Wire backup battery?
15 minutes
What is max elevator deflection caused by Eleveator Thrust Compensation Function?
+-5 degrees
What is computed in FCM for the ETCF?
Mach number
Pressure altitude
When is the Tail Strike Avoidance active during Take off and Landing?
Take off:
1. <20 feet (estimated by vs)
1. < 70 feet and Flaps 5, Full (measured by 2 Radio Altimeters)
What is the trim priority?
- SBY trim
- Captain
- F/O
Which spoiler pair is disabled in case of aileron disconnect?
Pair 3
What is max Slat/Flap pos after RAT deployment?
Pos 3
When does speed brake auto retract?
- Slat /Flap 2 or more
- IAS < 180 kt
- TLA > 70 degrees
- Direct mode