AFCS Flashcards
Autoflight, Flight guidance, Autothrottle
Flight director comes on automatically when:
- TO/GA button pressed
- Manual selection of any lateral or vertical mode.
- Autopilot engagement
- Windshear detection
When does the active AP channel automatically switch to the other one?
- Failure of the active channel.
- After each landing.
Is AP inhibited on ground?
AFCS FMS Magenta colour indicates?
FMS Commanded
AFCS FMS Green colour indicates?
Non-FMS Commanded active / engaged mode
AFCS FMS White colour indicates?
Armed Mode
AFCS FMS Amber colour indicates?
Alert Condition
AFCS FMS Red colour indicates?
Abnormal Condition
Yaw damper automatically engages when…
Power up of HYD SYS 1 or 3
(14-03-10 p4)
If BARO/RA window discrepancy between PFD 1 and 2, which side will start flashing?
“RA” will start flashing on the side selected to RA.
(14-03-10 p7)
What does the APPR1 and APPR2 status mean in the FMA?
APPR1 = ILS CAT 1 Capable
APPR2 = ILS CAT 2 Capable
(14-03-10 p7)
What activates ROLL mode?
- Pressing TOGA on ground and IAS < 100kt
- No lateral mode active and a vertical mode is
selected - Deselecting an active lateral mode
- COURSE TO INTERCEPT is activated on the FMS
If LNAV is armed, during climb at which altitude will LNAV engage?
200 feet
(14-03-10 p9)
During take-off, ROLL mode will change to TRACK when…
- IAS > 100kt and;
- Bank angle <= 3 degrees for more than 10 seconds
During go-around, TRACK mode will engage when…
Pressing TOGA-buttons
Selectable range of the FPA SEL selector knob on the guidance panel is…
+- 9,9 degrees
What activates the FPA mode?
- AP engagement with no FD mode atctive
- No vertical mode active and a lateral mode is
selected - Deselecting the current vertical mode
- Pressing the FPA button
In the TO vertical mode: What is the pitch attitude based upon?
- Flap setting;
- Airplane weight;
- V2 speed
In the TO and GA vertical mode:
What are the commanded pitch limits?
Min +7 degrees;
Max +18 degrees
In the TO vertical mode:
What is the min and max commanded IAS?
AEO: Min Vshaker + 10
Max VFE -5
OEI: Min Vshaker + 3
Max VFE - 5
In a climb with FLCH: When is the transition from IAS to MACH?
Approximately 29000 ft
The vertical speed command range is:
-8000 f/min to +6000 f/min
If speed target is not valid during a go around: What pitch will be commanded?
+8 degrees
What is the initially commanded pitch during a go-around?
+ 8 degrees
In a goaround after pitch 8 has been commanded, what are the speed targets for AEO and OEI?
AEO: When reaching Vref + 20 that speed will be followed.
OEI : When reaching Vac (approach climb) that speed will be followed.
Below which altitude is windshear mode active?
1500 ft
In VARM mode: What is true regarding previous vertical AFCS mode?
A: Still engaged
B: Not engaged
A: Still engaged
Which is the VNAV submode that is always being used during a climb?
What three conditions are needed to activate VGP mode?
- Pressing APP button
- A/C within 30 nm from landing field
- Non-localizer based approach selected in FMS
What two scenarios engages the VGP mode?
- Within 5 NM from FAF along track distance
- Within 30 NM from airfield
FAF is the first approach waypoint in FMS
What is the default pitch in a VPATH descent?
-3 degrees
What is the manually selectable pitch range during a VPATH descent?
-1 to -6
What FMA caution is showed if insufficient thrust vatiation is available during a VPATH descent?
LIM (Amber)
What is the temperature compensation mode called when compensation is applied in any temperature?
What are the three components of the Thrust Management System?
- Autothrottle (AT)
- Thrust Rating System (TRS)
- Thrust Lever Angle trim (TLA)
Can the AT work with the same modes with OEI?
What 3 condition need be met to engage AT on ground?
- No AT failures
- AT button pressed
- TLA more than 50 degrees
What 3 condition need be met to engage AT in flight?
- No AT failures
- AT button pressed
- Airplane at or above 400 ft
To keep AT engaged: How much misalignment is max between Thrust Levers?
1/2 Thrust Lever head diameter.
Name five ways the Auto Throttle can be disengaged automatically:
- Touch down
- TL beyond TOGA
- TLA diff of more than 8 degrees
- AT failure
Name two ways the AT can be disengaged manually (normal disengagement)
- AT - button
- disc-button
AT mode TO:
Arms when?
Engages when?
Arms: On ground pressing AT-button
Engages: TLA > 50 degrees
AT mode HOLD:
Engages when?
How long are the servos for the AT deenergized?
Engages: KIAS > 60
Servos deenergized at 400 feet GND
What AT speed mode is used if FD is off?
AT mode RETD:
Arms when?
Engages when?
Arms: 1. Radio Altitude - valid info
2. RA - < 150 feet
3. AT - engaged
4. Slat/Flap - 5 or FULL
5. Gear - DOWN
Engages: RA - < 30 feet
Which speed mode is AT mode LIM associated with?
When does Thrust Rating CLB automatically engage after take off with FD on?
- Gear Up
- 400 feet AGL
- Any change in FD vertical mode
When does Thrust Rating CLB automatically engage in flight?
When alt selector higher than aircraft.
When does Thrust Rating CLB automatically engage after take off with FD off?
- Gear up
- 3000 feet AGL
When does Thrust Rating CRZ automatically engage?
Aircraft level at selected altitude for 90 seconds.
When does Thrust Rating GA automatically engage?
- Gear - Down
- Flaps - Down
When does Thrust Rating CON automatically engage?
- Take off: at 3000 feet, OEI
- In flight: Whenever OEI
TCS button when released new values remain.
But only for three modes, which?
- Roll
- VS
When does the AP switch channel?
- At failure of active channel
- After each landing
What is the normal AP disconnect method?
Quick disconnect button
Non - normal AP disengagement
(4 occasions)
- AP button
- Either pitch trim switch
- Either stick shaker activation
- Windshear guidance system activated
Abnormal AP disengagement
(4 occasions)
- Reversion to direct mode
- Ail or Elev disconnect
- Pilot input contradictory to AP
Long time light force
Short time strong force - Internal monitor failure
What altitude is Lo bank automatically on?
25 000 feet