Flight Controls Flashcards
On the ground, above 60 knots groundspeed, the flight control system attempts to maintain a yaw rate near zero by applying rudder input. This function is only available in: [8.90.10]
The NORMAL flight control mode.
With a complete loss of flight control signaling, the alternate pitch trim switches must be used to move the stabilizer. [8.90.10]
True or False?
Both the flaps and slats are driven hydraulically in which mode(s): [8.90.10]
PRIMARY mode only.
With the flaps and slats in the SECONDARY mode, if airspeed exceeds 225 knots for the 787-8 or 240 knots for the 787-9 with slats fully extended, they retract to the — position. [8.90.10]
On the ground, all spoiler panels extend if both reverse thrust levers are raised to the reverse idle detent. [8.90.10]
True or False?
Which of the following is true when the flight control system is operating in secondary mode? [8.90.10]
Autopilots and envelope protections are not available.
With flight control system operating in the direct mode, the primary flight computers are operative. [8.90.10]
True or False?
The spoilers will automatically extend and the speed brake lever is driven to UP for a rejected takeoff. [8.90.10]
True or False?
In the NORMAL flight control mode, the autopilot system sends control surface commands: [8.90.10]
- Directly to the PFCs.
- To the backdrive actuators.
The autopilot is only available in the: [8.90.10]
NORMAL flight control mode only.
With the flaps and slats in the PRIMARY mode, uncommanded motion will: [8.90.10]
Cause the flaps or slats to transfer to the SECONDARY mode.
When operating with the slats in the SECONDARY mode and positioned to the full extended position, if the airspeed exceeds 225 knots for the 787-8, or 240 knots for the 787-9: [8.90.10]
- LOAD RELIEF will be displayed on the EICAS.
- The slats will retract to the middle position.
The primary flight control computers (PFCs) will override a pilot command. [8.90.10]
True or False?
The flaps and slats in the SECONDARY mode are controlled separately and can be positioned by hydraulic pumps or electric motors. [8.90.10]
True or false?
Can the Primary Flight Computers be selected to the SECONDARY flight control mode? [8.90.10]
No, SECONDARY selection occurs automatically.
In the NORMAL flight control mode, yaw control attempts to maintain zero yaw rate due to engine failure when above: [8.90.10]
60 knots groundspeed and airplane on the ground.
Disconnecting the primary flight control computers (PFCs) places the airplane: [8.90.10]
In the DIRECT mode.
Wheel to rudder cross-tie is available in which mode(s)? [8.90.10]
Secondary and Direct Modes.
The three flight control modes are: [8.90.10]
With a total hydraulic failure, how are the Pitch and Roll modes controlled? [8.90.10]
A. Electrically using the control wheel.
B. Primary pitch trim switches.
C. Alternate pitch trim switches.
D. All of the above.
After landing, the flight control system automatically self-tests: [8.90.10]
When the flaps and speed brakes are retracted and groundspeed less than 30 knots.
Why is the 787 provided with an electrical flight control backup system? [8.90.10]
- In case of a dual AC bus failure.
- In case both FMCs are lost.
During takeoff, the rudder becomes aerodynamically effective at approximately 40 knots. [8.90.10]
True or False?
With the autopilot disengaged, when is manual trimming necessary? [8.90.10]
For airspeed changes.
In the NORMAL mode, pitch trim operates differently on the ground than it does in flight. [8.90.10]
True or False?
Both primary and alternate pitch trim switches may be used with the autopilot engaged. [8.90.10]
True or False?
The stabilizer green band is calculated by: [8.90.10]
- FMC inputs of CG.
- FMC Gross weight
The EICAS advisory message STAB GREENBAND is displayed when: [8.90.10]
- The nose gear pressure transducer and greenband data disagree.
- Either nose gear transducer fails.
Pitch trim is not available if BOTH the L2 and R2 stabilizer control switches are placed to CUTOUT while in the NORMAL flight control mode. [8.90.10]
True or False?
Stall protection limits the speed to which the airplane can be trimmed. [8.90.10]
True or False?
The ailerons are during high-speed flight. [8.90.10]
Locked out
Each hydraulic system is dedicated to a different set of spoiler pairs; therefore, symmetric operation is maintained in the event of hydraulic system failure. [8.90.10]
True or False?
Some of the benefits of an electronically controlled flight control system (fly-by-wire) are: [8.90.10]
A. Increased fuel economy.
B. Enhanced handling qualities.
C. Reduced pilot workload.
D. All of the above.
When is the slat auto gap function available? [8.90.10]
A. Flaps are in the primary mode with the slats in the middle position.
B. Airspeed below 225 KIAS for the 787-8.
C. Airspeed below 240 KIAS for the 787-9.
D. All of the above.
Which of the following are limitations on the use of speed brakes? [1.30]
Do not use the speed brakes inflight below 1000 feet.
The 787 has a single rudder having a hinged section that deflects twice as far to provide additional yaw authority. [8.90.10]
True or False?
The Wheel to Rudder Cross-Tie system operates in conjunction with the Thrust Asymmetry Protection function and is effective both on the ground and in the air. [8.90.10]
True or False?
If the flap placard speed is exceeded with flaps in the position —- for the 787-8/-9/-10, LOAD RELIEF is displayed and the flaps automatically retract to a position appropriate for the airspeed. [8.90.10]
15 through 30
The — are locked out during high-speed flight. [8.90.10]
The yaw control function for asymmetry compensation is inoperative in the Secondary and Direct flight control modes. [8.90.10]
True or False?
Which of the following functions are not available in the Secondary Mode? [8.90.10]
- Envelope protection.
- Auto speed brakes.
Roll control wheel input beyond 35 degrees of bank causes: [8.90.10]
The PFD bank indicator turns amber.
Automated yaw and roll control for engine failure, crosswind, or turbulence is an integral part of the flight control system. [8.90.10]
True or False?
Tail strike protection cannot be overridden by pilot input. [8.90.10]
Auto drag operates only when on an electronic glideslope or FMC generated glidepath is captured. [8.90.10]
True or False?
Wheel to rudder cross tie is not provided in the —-flight control mode because the flight control system automatically controls sideslip and fin loads. [8.90.10]
Rudder trim is automatic in all flight phases in the —-flight control mode, including during engine failure. [8.90.10]
On landing automatic or manual trim inputs are zeroed after landing. [8.90.10]
True or False?
In the air, the spoilers automatically retract and the speed brake lever is driven forward to the DOWN position when either thrust lever is approximately 70% of full travel. [8.90.10]
True or False?
Pre-Gap functions when: [8.90.10]
A. The flaps are operating in secondary mode
B. Airspeed is below 225 on the -8 and below 240 on the -9/-10
C. The flap lever is out of up
D. All of the above conditions exist
FLAP LOAD RELIEF protects flaps from excessive airload by: [8.90.10]
- Retracting flaps back to a setting based on current speed, not to exceed flaps 5
- When speed is reduced, the flaps will return to the flap handle setting
Land Attitude Modifier (LAM) is an automatic function used to increase: [8.90.10]
- Pitch attitude.
- Nose gear height.
With Autopilot engaged, moving any pitch trim switches will disengage the autopilot [8.90.10]
True or False?
Stall Protection reduces the likelihood of inadvertently exceeding the stall angle of attack by: [8.90.10]
- Providing enhanced pilot awareness of the approach to a stall.
- Limited the speed to which the airplane can be trimmed.
The EICAS advisory message STAB GREENBAND is displayed if the following occurs: [8.90.10]
A. Computed green band disagrees with pressure transducer data.
B. The 2 transducer values are not within the set tolerance.
C. Either transducer has failed.
D. Any of the above.
Autodrag function operates by deflecting the ailerons downward in conjunction while stowing the outboard spoilers. [8.90.10]
True or False?