Air Systems Flashcards
The Flight Deck Temperature selector sets a target flight deck temperature. When selected to the 12 o’clock position, what temperature is commanded? [8.20.30]
75 degrees.
The recirculation fans draw air from the cabin, through filters, then reintroduce it into the cabin distribution ducts. Turning OFF a fan will result in increased cabin air flow. [8.20.20]
True or False?
The flight deck receives 100% fresh conditioned outside air and the passenger cabin receives a mix of outside air and recirculated air. [8.20.20]
True or False
What does the “PACK L” EICAS message mean? [8.20.20]
The left pack is inoperative.
What are the uses of engine bleed air? [8.20.10]
Engine core and inlet cowl anti-ice.
The forward cargo compartment is heated by: [8.20.20]
- Forward E/E cooling exhaust air.
- Inline electric heater in the cargo compartment.
A loss of forward equipment cooling on the ground results in: [8.20.20]
- A ground crew call horn sounding in the nose wheel well.
- EQUIP COOLING FWD EICAS advisory message.
The pressurization system normally receives flight parameters: [8.20.40]
From ambient pressure and the FMC flight plan data.
Pressing the AIR COND RESET switch on the overhead panel (per non-normal) will: [8.20.30]
A. Reset a failed recirculation fan.
B. Reset a failed trim air valve.
C. Reset a pack fault
D. All the above.
An EICAS message of PACK MODE (L or R) indicates _______. [8.20.20]
- The pack is operating in the Standby Cooling mode.
- The pack may shut down at lower altitudes and higher outside air temperatures when ambient conditions do not permit standby cooling.
Cabin altitude and full ventilation rates can be maintained by either outflow
valve. [8.20.40]
True or False?
With a PACK L or PACK R message displayed on EICAS due to an overheat: [8.20.20]
The pack automatically shuts down.
If the cabin temperature controller fails, the pack(s) will: [8.20.20]
Maintain the last cabin temperature or 75 F.
Forward equipment cooling system provides ventilation to the FWD E/E bay and electronic equipment on the flight deck. [8.20.20]
True or False?
The pressurization system uses to provide landing altitude barometric pressure correction. [8.20.40]
The Captains altimeter setting
Pack outlet temperature is set by the zone requesting the coldest temperature. All other zones are then warmed by: [8.20.20]
The Trim Air system
The bulk ventilation fan operates: [8.20.20]
When AUTO is selected on the BULK CARGO TEMP switch.
Pulling the Landing Altitude (LDG ALT) selector: [8.20.40]
- Causes the EICAS pressurization systems indications to display.
- Overrides the FMC altitude inputs to the cabin altitude controllers.
Which of the following cause the FWD CARGO TEMP switch “OFF” light to illuminate amber? [8.20.30]
- FWD CARGO TEMPswitch selected off.
- Forward cargo heater overheat.
For takeoff, the automatic pressurization system supplies a small positive pressurization at rotation to provide a smooth transition to the cabin altitude climb schedule. [8.20.40]
True or False?
The use of both packs provides more efficient operation and is recommended for normal ground operations. [8.20.20]
True or False?
Outside airflow to the cabin during normal operations may be reduced by: [8.20.20]
The flight attendant’s entry of the number of occupants on the CABIN OCCUPANTS screen.
The Flight Deck Temperature selector on the air conditioning panel can select a target temperature (e.g., 70°). [8.20.30]
True or False?
The FWD and BULK CARGO TEMP switches when set to AUTO, maintain a temperature of approximately F. [8.20.30]
The pressurization system may be operated manually by: [8.20.40]
Setting the OUTFLOW VALVE switches to MAN and adjusting the outflow valve position using the related OUTFLOW VALVE switch to OPEN or CLOSE.
What are the manual selection limits when using the Landing Altitude selector? [8.20.40]
2000 feet below sea level to 14,000 feet above sea level.
When will the pack OFF light illuminate amber? [8.20.30]
A. During engine start.
B. When there is a pack high temperature condition.
C. When manually selected to OFF.
D. Any of the above.
The alternate ventilation system: [8.20.20]
Provides a means of ventilating the cabin in the event both packs are inop.
The electrical system, using electronic controllers, can limit CAC operation during load shed operations. [8.20.20]
True or False?
During engine start, both packs shutdown and do not restart until 2 minutes after the start is initiated and the engine is running. [8.20.20]
True or False?
During cruise flight, the maximum cabin altitude during normal operations is . [8.20.40]
6000 feet
What cruise altitude is assumed if the cruise altitude from the FMC (while in AUTO pressurization) is unavailable? [8.20.40]
43,000 feet.
If PECS coolant level servicing is recommended, what indication(s) do the pilots have of the condition? [8.20.30]
- An RF indication by the quantity value on STATUS page
- An amber indication for the quantity on the status page.
The flight deck humidifier operates when the HUMID switch is ON and: [8.20.20]
Above 25,000 feet. The system automatically switches OFF approximately 1 - 1.5 hours prior to touchdown
The CAC deflector doors may retract on the ground when the ambient air temperature is below 35°F or above 95°F. [8.20.20]
True or False?
Cabin airflow may be adjusted by the flight attendants on the ground before pushback using the Cabin Attendants Panel located at door 1L. [8.20.20]
True or False?
The Lower Recirculation System provides additional cabin cooling and helps reduce the power required by the CACs. [8.20.20]
True or False?
To increase cabin fresh air flow the LOWER RECIRC fans may be turned OFF. [8.20.20]
True or False?
A single CAC provides sufficient air to operate the associated pack in all operating modes. [8.20.20]
True or False?
When the cabin occupant information is entered on the cabin attendant panel, the following occurs: [8.20.20]
Adjusts the CAC power consumption, fuel burn, and humidity in the cabin.
________ is the maximum takeoff and landing pressure altitude. [1.20.]
14,000 feet
Pressurization system indications are automatically displayed on the EICAS when: [8.20.50]
A. AIR synoptic is displayed on any MFD.
B. Either outflow valve switch is in MAN.
C. EICAS message CABIN ALTITUDE is displayed.
D. Any of the above.
When carrying live animals: [8.20.20]
Either the FWD or BULK compartments may be used.