Flight Controls Flashcards
In Normal Law, what are your protections?
B ank - 67/45(FDs off)/40(FDs on)/33
Y aw - Damping and Turn Coordination
P itch - 30 Nose up / 15 Nose down
A oA - VLS/ Alpha Prot/ Alpha max/ Alpha floor
L oad- Clean: -1.0 to +2.5
Dirty: 0 to +2.0
S peed - Vmo +6, Vmo + 30 (More aggressive pitch up)
What are your Alpha Protections?
B ank 45
A /P disconnect
S peed brakes retracted
A oA instead of Load Factor
P itch up trim inhibited
What are your High Speed protections in Normal Law?
B ank 40
A /P disconnect
S eeks wings level
N ose up movement
What are your Alternate Law protections?
B ank - No protection
Y aw - Damping ONLY
P itch - No protection
L oad - Same as NORMAL
S peed - Stability modes
What are your Direct Law protections?
B ank - No protection
Y aw - Mechanical Rudder
P itch - No protection
L oad - No protection
S peed - Aural Overspeed
(Fly Good, Don’t Suck)
When would you switch from Normal Law to Alternate Law?
M ultiple
F ailures
O f
R edundant
S ystems
If you disconnected the Autopilot in Alternate Law, what Law would you be in once you extended Landing Gear?
Direct Law
What functions does the ELAC perform?
P itch (Norm/Alt/Direct)
A bnormal Attitudes
R oll (Norm/Direct)
A ileron Droop/LAF
A utopilot Aquisition
A ctivates Protections
What functions does the SEC perform?
P itch (Alt/Direct)
A bnormal Attitudes
R oll (Normal/Direct)
S peed Brakes
S poilers
What functions does the FAC perform?
Be ta Target
“S peed, speed, speed” (Flaps 2-FULL-100’)
Wi ndshear (Reactive threshold)
F light Envelope Protections (Left side of PFD)
T ail:
-Rudder Limiting
-Alternate Law Yaw
-Turn Coordination
-Trim Rudder
-Yaw Damping