Flies Flashcards
Fly lifecycle
Egs into larvae which are legless maggots or adapted for aquatic life with a complex filter feeding mouthparts and breatjing gills
3-4 larval stages and a pupal stage
3 lifecyle types
Free living larvae to parasitic adults (females)
Larvae dev one at a time in mother amd fully dev larvae are laid and pupate adults are parasitic
Larvae are parasitic but adults are free living (myiasis)
R repl
Many eggs few survive
Exploit temporary favourable conditions
Usually a short maturation time short life span and rapid repro of many offspring quickly
K repl
Stable pop Low egg high survival Stable conditions and habitats Keds Tsetse
How find host
Perceiving warmth cO3 Smell Antennae Some daytime feeders use eyesight to finally locate host
Slash and sponge mouthparts
Short powerful mouthparts afopted to create wound from which blood or fluid can be sponged and aspirated
Hypodermic sucking mouthparts
Conspicuous elongated proboscis adapted for piercing and sucking
Piercing and sucking mouthparts
Stable fly
Conspicuous forward pointing proboscis adapted for piercing and suckingg blood
Swings downward during feeding
Skin pierced by rasping action of teeth at the end of the labium
Nuisance and biting flies cause
Localised skin inflam
Irritation and nuisance cause altered grazing pattern d behaviour milk yoeld drip
Pathogen transmission
House and face flies
Females lay eggs in rotting organic material or faeces
Eggs hatch 12-24hr
3 larval stages feed on rotting material or manure and pupate in drier material and emerge as adults
Adults parasitic with sponging mouthparts
Cause irritation and annoyance
Secondary infection of wounds
Mech bact transmission - new forest eye and summer mastitis
Head flies
Adults found near woodlands
Peak no in mid summer in still moist warm weather
Female lay batches of 100 eggs in decaying veg pr faeces
Eggs hatch and dev to mature larvae by autumn
Enter diapause until following spring
Pipate and emerge during summer
Rasp skin using small teeth and feed on secr with sponging mouthparts
Horned sheep v suscept
Mech trans of biruses bact protozoa and helminths
Stable flies
Lay batches of 25 eggs on decaying veg matter Eggs hatch and larvae mature dep on temp tome frame F need several blood meals Both males and females feed on blood Piercing and sucking mouthparts Painful Vector of protozoal and helminth dis Intermed host for habronema muscae
Horn flies
Lay eggs on fresh faeces mature in 4d at 27 degree
Feed through proboscis
F req many blood meals
Both m and f feed on blood
Thousands feed on backs sides and abdomen of cattle and buffalo and cluster around horns in tropical places with temp over 27 often
Cause intense irritation and attract other flies
Feed through piercing proboscis
Tsetse flies
Confined to tropical africa Females viviparous - prod one larva at a time that wriggles into soil and pupates Several blood meals needed pre breeding Feed via piercing proboscis Both m and f feed on blood Painful Vectors for trypanosomes
Wingless flattened body strong legs and claws
Permanent parasite
F prod larvae that adhere to wool and pupate immediately
Slow build up of pop
Adults emerge after 3wk
Spread by close contact
Suck blood via piercing mouthparts
Cause irritation pelt dam fleece dam potentially anaemia
Vector for trypanosoma melophagium
Plunge dipping for sheep scab accidentally controlled keds
Forest flies
Remain on host for long periods
Females lwave host to deposit larvae singly in dry soil or humus
6 larvae per f
Larvae pupate immediately
Maturation dep on temp
Greater abundance in summer
Piercing proboscis
Feed over perineum and between pelvic limbs of horse and cattle
Cause irritation
Vector of trypsanoma theileri (non path) on cattle
Cleg/horse fly
Parge and robust
F lay eggs on undersides of leaves and stones in marshy areas hatch in 1/2wk and drop into mud
Larvae feed on decayin organic matter and small arthropods
Dev take 3wk to 3yrs
Mature pupate in mud
Seasonal pop flux
Feed on bloos with slashing and sponging mouthparts
Most active on hot sunny days
F attack any species
Painful bites and feed every 3-4d
Feeding interruptance occurs hence role in pathogens transmission eg protozoa
Small slender with long legs Eggs laid on water singly or in rafts Hatch in days to weeks dep on temp 4 aquatic larva instars Aquatic pupa Long slender hypodermic proboscis Nocturnal feeder Irritation at site of bite Vector of plasmodium, filarial nematodes and arbovirus
Eggs laid mear water on decaying veg on marshy ground
Hatch to 4 larval instars feeding on decaying veg in stagnant water
Pupate at waters edge
Life cycle is temp dep
Short proboscis to slash pierce and suck
Vast numbers
Immediate hypersens react - sweet itch in horses
Transmit bluetongue AHS filarial nematodes
Sand flies
Eggs laid in small cracks and holes in ground
4 caterpillar like larval instar scavenge organic matter - req moisture
30-100d cycle dep on temp
Mostly found in semi arid regions
Piercing and sucking mouthparts
Nocturnal feeders
Biting nuisance
Vector of leishmania causing leishmaniosis in man and dogs are reservoir host
Black flies
Eggs laid on submerged stones and vegetation in water
Cycle of several wks-mnths dep on temp
Simultaneous mass emergence
Short proboscis for slashing piercing and sucking
Feed morning and evening
Mass attack causes pain and serious nuisance
Host react causes oedema petechial haemorrhage
Transmit equine encephalitis and filarial helminths
Parasitism of living tissues by larvae
Facultative eg blowfly (can also dev on carcasses)
Obligate eg warbles
Maggit genus determination
Allow to pupate in dry sawdust in bag and see which adult flies hatch
Most of cycle occurs in host
Adult flies can fly large distance
Males feed on nectar and females need pro meal before egg laying sp attracted to a pro source for egg laying
Adult female lives for 30 days deposit 3000 eggs
Blowfly lifecycle
Eggs deposited on dead animals or urine faeces bact or dirt soiled fleece
3 larval instars feed in tissue and mature 3rd stage maggots drop to groumd and pupate
Flies overwinter in soil as pupae and emerge in spring so pop greatest over summer with warm humid still weather
Adults not adapted for parasitism
Blowfly species strike strategy
Black and green bottles initiate strike and blue bottles only attack already struck areas
Blowfly maggot feeding
L1 penetrate skin using hooked mouthparts and secr enz to liquefy and digsst tissue
Larvae are active and voracious causing much liquefaction and destruction and secondary bact and blowfly infestation occur toxins released by decomp tissue and ammonia secr by maggots are absorbed through lesions into blood causing sustemic illness often causing death
Sheep blowfly strike
Sheep often restless and bite or kick affected areas can be wound sites or often site of faecal contam
Maggots may only be visible when wool is parted
In severe cases wool falls out revealing affected tissue
Affected areas attract further blowflies
Worldwide myiasis
Screw worm
Tumbu fly
Flesh flies
Australian sheep blowfly
Obligate myiasis
Larvae only survive on certain closely related hosts
Much dam but not usually life threatening
Warble flies
Sheep nasal bots
Horse stomach bots
Warble flies cycle
Resemble bees, active in summer attach eggs to hair of cattle legs
Larvae hatch and invade host via hair follicle
L1 penetrate skin and migrate through body oberwintering in epidural fat of spinal cord
Following spring moult and migrate to tissues under skin, in natural hist moult again and perforate skin to create a breathing hole
L3 now surrounded by thick granulation wall and palpable as warbles
6 wk later larvae emerge and fall to the ground and pupate
Warble fly damage
Hide dam
Panic in rssp to approaching flies
Eradicated from uk cattle
Deer warbles still present
Deer warbles
Can infect sheep occasionally
But doesnt complete lifecycle only form nodular lesion dont perforate skin
Succeptible to macrocyclic lactone injection
Sheep nasal bot flies
Adults have grey bodies covered by short dark hairs
Head and dorsal abdomen marked by black spots
No mouthparts and dont feed all significant growth and dev as larvae
All female are viviparous give birth to L1 squirted up nostrils in flight up to 25 larvae at a time
Sheep nasal bot cycle
L1 migrate through sheep nasal passages moult to L2 enter frontal sinuses and moult to L3
L3 drop to ground and pupate
Adult f live for 2wks
L1 or L2 overwinter in hosts and emerge as L3 the following spring
Sheep nasal bot problems
Migrationg throygh nasal passage stim mucus prod causin nasal discharge sometime unilateral
May sneeze or rub noses on ground
Become anxious when flies around flock togetger stamp feet and press noses to the ground
Deatb of L3 in sinus can cause secondary infection and more severe clin signs sometimes causing death
Circling and head tilt have been reported assoc with severe purulent sinisitis
Nasal bot treatment
Macrocyclic lactone and anthelmitics
Man occasionally struck on eye surface leading to sever econjunctivitis but never dev beyond L1
Stomach bot flies
Black eggs laid around lips and larvae crawl into mouth or are transferred to tongue during licking
Larvae penetrate tongue or buccal mucosa and burrow through tissues for several weeks before moult and pass into stomach
Dev to mature in stomach for 1 yr
Detach and passed in faeces where they pupate on ground and adult flies emerge
Adults dont feed
Stomach bot fly probs
Butrowin larvae can cause stomatitis
Inflam resp to larvae in stomach can cause ulceration
Usually incidental pm findings
Disease transmission
Adult f take repeated blood meals from diff hosts to supprt egg prod allowin for intra stadial transmission
Metamorphosis usually prev trans ovarian and stadial transmission
Cant gen act as long term reservoirs
Need mammal hosts as carriers
Dis only transmit during seasons when adult flies are activr
Mech trans of bact
Face and house fly readily transfer bu sponging mouthparts other nuisance flies may do so on limbs
New forest eye
Summer mastitis
Tabanids from sponging mouthparts as they slash the skin
New forest eye
Conjunctivitis and keratitis
Corneal oedema
Predisp to by uv light dust and other irritation forms
Involve other viral and bact organisms
Control incl fly control red stocking density avoid close contact and early ID affected
Summer mastitis
Dry cows and heifers Occurs at grass in summer mnths Swollen painful hot quarter Udder secr thick clotted pus Systemic signs : pyrexia pelvic limb stoffness udder and pelvic limb oedema abortion Usually lead to permanent udder dam
Transmitted by biting flies
Mech trans
Fatal in horses but all donestic animals affected
N africa s america asia
Cause anaemia due to extra vascular haemolysis
Recurrent fever and oedema and anaemia
Manage by fly control and anti protozoal drugs
Bio trans
West nile virus
Highly infectious
Acyte form: high fever resp dis nasal discharge death
Cardiac form: periph oedema sometime death
Horse sickness fever: fluctuating tenp and malaise
Mainly midge transmission occassionally mosquitoes
Spreadin north concerns in UK due to climate change
House horses at peak midge times
Insecticide treat buildings
Pour on treatment
Sheep dis economically key in s africa and n america
Sporadic eu reports assoc with infected tropical midge incursions from n africa
Gen expansion n
Wind blown spread of infected misges
West nile virus
Birds horses humens
Can cause envephalitis or meningitis
Horse and human usually asympt sometine meningoencephalitis occurs
Birda are amp hosts
Common in aftica s eu, middle e, w and c asia
Migrating birds mech of intor to uk most likely will be
Midges Cause abortions Milk drop Prolonged gestation Foetal malformation From netherlands
Filarial nematodes spread
Dog heartworm Dog eyeworms Synmer bleeding dis of cattle Hump sores of cattle Summer sores of horses
Protozoa spread