Ascarids And Other Nematodes Flashcards
Large white opaque Lumen of small intestine Adult feed on intestinal digesta Direct Migratory Dis due to presence of adults and migration of larvae Strong host acquired and age related imm Zoonotic
Ascaroid lifecycle
Adult f b prplific
Eggs are thick shelled and unembryonated when passed
Dev to L2 in enviro
Host ingests egg cont L2
L2 released pass to intestine and penetrate mucosa
Migrate to liver then alveoli via portal circ
Moult to L3 in lungs
Enter bronchi and trachea
2 more moults
Adukts in lumen of s intest
Toxocara canis
Ill throft and poor growth in puppies
Parasitic pneumonia
Pot belly
Sometimes occlusion and perforation of small intestine
T canis ingestion pathway
Notmal ascaroid lifecycle
T canis prenatal infrvt via placenta pathway
In older dogs hepatic tracheal migration less common instead L2 travel to many tissues and organs
If preg migrate to lungs of foetus 3 wk preparturition
L2 moult to L3 just before birth
Lifecycle completes in newborn pups
Some L2 complete in preg bitch giving incr of fec and source of infect for puppies
T canis lactogenic infection pathway
Sucking puppies may be infect by ingest L3 in milk during first 3 wk of lact
No migration in pup following infection of this route
T canis infection by paratenic hist
Rodents and burds may ingest eggs
L2 travel to tissues or paratenic hist
Remain dormant
Predated by a dog and L2 complete dev only in host intestinal tract
T canis clin and epidem
Most dont cause clin dis
Heavy infect may cause resp dis or enteritis and gut occlusion
Infection conmon
Thick walled eggs are highly res and can survive for yrs
Dormant L2 in bitches are constant infection reservoir
Not killed by most anthelmithics
T canis management
Red enviro contam
Clean accomodation
Pick up faeces
Strategic anthelmintic use on sucking pups dam newly purchased pups routine dog administration
T canis bisceral larval migrans
Rare Children Contam dog faeces Control by ascarid control in dogs Most ltd to liver other organs involved in some cases rg can cause visual impairment
T cati
Cause of pot belly kittens diarrhoea dull coat failure to throve
Similar to t canis
Occur in mixed infect with toxacaris leonina
No pre natal infection
Toxacaris leonina
Similar to t canis
Infect by L2 ingest
Subseq dev in wall and lumen of s intestine
No migration
Parascaris equorum
Ill thrift in young horses
V large!
Basic migratory lifecycle
Resp and hepatic dis caused by L2 migration
Ill thrift as compete for nutrients
Occassional obstruction or perforation of intest
Ascaris suum
Basic ascaroid lifecycle
Invert paratenic hosts
Moult L2-3 in livet
Partial age imm in older pigs
Migratory L2 can cause resp dis
Inflam reaction to migration in liver of prev sensitised pigs cause fibrosis
Ill thrift due to competition
Can cause intest obstruct
Rarely migrate to bile duct causing blockage
Infection reported in cattle grazed on land used to keep pigs, reported in sheep and lambs
T vitulorum
Key dis of cmtropical cattle and buffalo calves
Temp alter rate of L2 dev
IDed in UK
Transmammary infect most important
No kigration in calves after transmamm trans
Can cause ill thrift
Poultry ascarids
Ascaridia spp
Non migratory
Earthworm transport hist
Enteritis in prepatent phase when larvae in intest mucosa
Not highly pathigenic
Poultry ascarids heterakis spp
Rel nonpathogenic
H gallinarum is vector of protozoa causing blackhead in turkeys: flagellate monoexenous EC protozoa released forom L2 when egg hatches and enter caecal mucosa
Fish ascarids
Def: marine manmal cetacean fish eating bird
Paratenic: fish crustacean mollusc
Zoonotic by sushi ingestion raw undercooked fish
Oxyuris equi
Pin worms
Perianal pruritus
Adult in lumen and colon
F migrate to anus and protrude posterior and deposit clumps of eggs on the perianal skin
L3 dev in egg
Infection by ingestion of eggs cont L3
L3 released into intestine and move to large intestine to dev into L4 and adults
Cam cause erosion and inflam in l intest mucosa
Adult f cause irritation during egg laying
Control by washing sticky eggs off use broad spec anthelmintics
Trichinella spiralis
Wide hist range
Dev adults in villi of s intest
After repro m die and f burrow into intest muc and prod L1
L1 enter lymphatics and travel to skel m where penetrate m and are encapsulated
Paralysed m is now nurse cell and L1 survive for life of host and dev resumed when m cont L1 ingested
L1 freed in stonach moult and mature
Mass infection only in predators eg man
Angiostrongylus vasorum
Right ventric and pulmon art of dogs and foxes
Adults in pul vessels lay eggs cont L1
Eggs carried to capillaries to hatch
L1 break into alveoli migrate to trachea then swallowed into alimentary tract and shed
Penetrate mollusc foot and dev ti L3
L3 freed by mollusc digestion hy dog
Moult to adults in intestinal lymph nodes
Effects due to adults in blood vessels and eggs and larvae in pul arterioles and capillaries
Dirifilaria immitis
CV syst of dog
Mosquito intermediate
Key prob in warmer country
Only seen in imported dogs in Uk
Adult in heart and adjacent blood vessels
Microfilariae released directly into blood stream ingested by f mosquitoes
Dev into L3
L3 move to mouthparts and spread to new host
Migrate to subcutaneous or subserosal tissue and moult twice
After final moult adults pass to heart via venous circ
Min ppp 6mnth