Fleas & Lice Flashcards
ctenocephalides felis
cat flea
laterally compressed body
adults parasitic on host
ctenocephalides canis
dog flea
only 12-20% on dogs compared to 80% C. felis infesting dogs!!
flea biology
adults obligate blood suckers
-required for maturation and reproduction
-will feed on any warm blooded host
-larvae feed on defecated blood and organic debris in environment
Life cycle completed in 3 weeks w optimal conditions
where do fleas come from
wildlife visiting yeards of pet owners are primary source of flea egg and larvae infesting companion animals
-cooler weather (<40 F) adverse to flea survival
successful control of flea infestations
directed at ALL LIFE CYCLES
-on primary host
-on secondary/ asymptomatic
-larvae/pupal stages off host in environment
failure to treat any stage is TREATMENT FAILURE
what to look for in product when controlling fleas
products that kill fleas on host
products that prevent reinfestation of host
products that prevent eggs form hatching/ larvae developing
chewing lice
head wider than thorax
bites skin, chews feather, feeds on sloughed dermis, oozing blood/serum
host specific
on birds and cats
sucking lice
head more narrow than thorax
pierces skin, sucks blood, hypoproteinemia
host specific
dogs, goats, horses, cows
term for louse infestation
associated w young animals
herd infestations tend toward overdisposal
-few animals
-poor do’ers
-high EPG animals
seasonal distribution
winter months w/ hair coat
crowded living
depressed immunity
<UV radiation
poor plane of nutrition
treatment/control companion animals
treatment/control domestic livestock
macrocyclic lactones (ivermectin)
withdraw if use on dairy cows
eprinomectin indicated for dairy cows
lice general biology
direct life cycle
dorso-ventrally flattened
poorly adapted for life off host
highly host specific
control by treatment and nit removal
flea vector potential
cat scratch (bartonella henselae)
dipylidium caninum
pulex simulans
false human flea
wild canids
human pediculosis
exclusively host specific
humans get lice from other humans!