Flavors Other Than Oak Flashcards
Some spirits are flavored and matured with products other than oak, This deck covers the study of those techniques and ingredients.
What is the most common flavor added to spirits?
Oak-derived flavors.
What types of flavors can be used to flavor spirits?
Just about anything fit for human consumption.
What is the legal definition of botanicals?
There isn’t one but generally, it refers to any plant material used to flavor spirits.
Includes fruits, leaves, barks, seeds, and roots
What type of animal flavorings are used to flavor spirits?
Mainly just cream and eggs.
What would be considered other types of flavorings, besides botanicals and animal-based?
Prepared flavorings bought from a manufacturer or supplier.
What are the three main ways a specialty supplier might make a flavoring?
- Work with a flavoring directly to extract flavor through distillation in a vacuum still.
- Isolate a chemical or chemicals that contribute a specific flavor.
- Create the flavors completely in a lab, absent of natural sources.
What type of spirits is most often used for flavoring?
A neutral spirit
What key decision has to be made about a spirit prior to flavoring?
How much dilution the spirit will need.
Not all botanicals will dissolve at the same rate in ethanol and water, so careful testing needs to be done ahead of time.
If you are flavoring a characterful spirit, what consideration needs to be made before flavoring?
The flavor needs to be built around the underlying flavor of the spirit.
What flavoring technique is similar to making tea?
What can be extracted during maceration?
Color, flavor, tastes (mostly bitterness), and texture (mostly astringency).
What two considerations are key when macerating a botanical?
The duration of the maceration and the temperature of the spirit.
How can one intensify the color, flavor, taste, and texture of a botanical macerated spirit?
By increasing the time of maceration and/or the temperature of the liquid.
What is percolation?
A variation of maceration where the spirit is dripped through the botanicals, sometimes under pressure, in order to extract color and flavor.
What are the only two ways to extract color and bitterness from botanicals?
Maceration and percolation.
Why is re-distillation not used for a characterful spirit when flavoring?
Because the distillation process will leave all of the hard-earned flavors behind in the still.