Distillation Flashcards
Distillation is an old and complex process that has been refined over the centuries in some places while remaining quite traditional in others. This deck covers the various aspects of distillation and still styles.
A vapor is composed of what?
Gas and droplets.
Distillers will do what in regards to reflux to make a spirit with pure aromas and a smooth texture?
Distillers will maximize reflux in order to reduce the amount of Group 3 fractions in their spirits.
How are sulfur compounds removed during distillation?
Using a copper still.
The copper acts to reduce sulphury aromas in the resultant spirit by reducing the levels of sulphur compounds such as dimethyl trisulphide.
How does a distiller extract the volatile fractions from solid-state distillation?
A distiller injects hot steam into the solid to vapourize the fractions.
How does a wider temperature difference—and therefore a greater amount of reflux—affect the abv of the vapor at the top of a still?
This vapor will have a higher abv, or be more highly rectified.
How does atmospheric pressure change the boiling point of a liquid?
If atmospheric pressure increases, the boiling point temperature increases.
How does steam heat the liquid in a pot still?
- Steam is piped to the still and heats the surfaces in the still that is in contact with the liquid
- A heat exchange takes place, keeping the liquid at a boil
How does the amount of heat influence reflux in a still?
Raising the heat will reduce the temperature difference and therefore the amount of reflux that takes place.
What group of fractions give a spirit its distinctive characteristics?
Group 2
Maillard reactions are used to create what?
Spirits that have a wide range of aromas and a sharper or coarser texture come from what kind of stills?
Stills that create less reflux.
True / False:
A still needs to be made completely of copper to remove sulfur compounds.
A still only needs to have enough copper in it to remove the sulfur compounds.
True / False:
A gas produced by boiling a liquid will contain the same proportion of each substance as in the liquid being boiled.
The gas will always contain a greater proportion of the more volatile substance in the mixture.
What effects can the fractions with the lowest boiling point, Group 1 fractions, have on a spirit?
- They can have a pronounced solvent aroma and can give a gritty texture to the palate of a spirit.
- They can give some people an almost painful sensation in their nose.
- Methanol is in this group.
What alcohol does Group 3 of an alcoholic liquid include?
Fusel alcohols
Propanol, butanol, and iso-amyl alcohols.
What amplifies the effect of reflux?
What are some examples of spirits where distillers may still use clay stills?
Mezcal and Andong soju.
What are the two main options or ways for managing reflux in a still?
- A distiller can control the amount of interaction between gasses and liquids
- A distiller can control the temperature gradient within the still
What are the four elements common to all pot still design?
- A heat source
- A pot into which the liquid can be distilled
- A condenser
- Structures that link the pot to the condenser
What are the two common aims of distillation?
Concentration and selection.
What are the two things that rise up from a boiling liquid?
Gas and droplets.
What are two reasons some distillers have not switched over to steam heat?
- There are legal requirements that some distillers must adhere to
- Distillers are unable to create the style of spirit they want using steam
What are two ways to effect reflux with still design?
Still height and angle of the lyne arm.
What are Maillard reactions?
Maillard reactions are a complex sequence of reactions that start when a sugar reacts with an amino acid.