What is span of apprehension
The Number of Items that a person can apprehend or grasp at one time
7 Minus 2 Rule (millers rule)
What is Sperling’s partial report procedure test?
The person taking the test is given a array of letters (3x3 box etc) and after the letter is presented a signal is given that indicates which row to remember
What does Sperilings Partial Report Procedure Prove?
Investigated the capacity and duration of iconic memory
- Patients were able to recall a significantly higher proportion of letters using partial report procedure
- Sensory memory was quite extensive but has a RAPID DECAY RATE
What are some Characteristics of sensory memory ?
- Very brief and a Fraction of a second
-Modality Specific
* Capacity is long buf fleetings and fragile
What are the five Modalities?
- Haptic
- Echoic
- Iconic
- Olfactory
- Gustatory
What is Acoustic Confusion?
Acoustic confusion is the effect caused when a person’s verbal memory mishears or misremembers a word and then only recalls the similar sounding substituted word in their verbal recall.
What were the two Studies for Acoustic Confusiom?
- Participants recalled spoken letters which were presented with noise
o Participants confused acoustically similar letters (Like M and N or B and D - Particpants recalled visually present letters
o Particpants oftend confused letters that sound the same
What is Atkinson-S\hiffrin’s model of memory ?
- Early but Inflluential Model of Memory
- Human memory has 3 separate parts
What are the three parts of Atkinson-Shiffrin’s model of memory?
Sensory Memory
Working Memory
Long Term memory
What is Sensory Memory?
o Constantly being taken in and processing information
o Transfers over to Working Memory (STM)
What is Working Memory?
o Holds Information for Short Period of Time
o Can Store 5 to 9 Pieces of information (Millers Rule
What is Long Term memory in Akitnson Shiffrins Model?
o Information is transferred over from Working Memory
o Needs to be rehearsed to be put into LongTerm Memory
o Long Lasted and unlimited
What are some Critics of Atkinson Shiffrins model of memory?
o There are multiple store for different modaltiies
o Later research showd there are atleast two subsytems
Verbal Information
Visuospatial Information
o Assumes you can only do one thing at a time ( One Resource)
What is the Case of H.M?
- After surgery to alleviate epliepsty that removed large parts of the HIPPOCAMPUS
- They were left with the inability o form new Explicit Memories
What is Explicit Memory?
- Knowledge about facts or Events
-must be consciously recalled
Two Parts