What is span of apprehension
The Number of Items that a person can apprehend or grasp at one time
7 Minus 2 Rule (millers rule)
What is Sperling’s partial report procedure test?
The person taking the test is given a array of letters (3x3 box etc) and after the letter is presented a signal is given that indicates which row to remember
What does Sperilings Partial Report Procedure Prove?
Investigated the capacity and duration of iconic memory
- Patients were able to recall a significantly higher proportion of letters using partial report procedure
- Sensory memory was quite extensive but has a RAPID DECAY RATE
What are some Characteristics of sensory memory ?
- Very brief and a Fraction of a second
-Modality Specific
* Capacity is long buf fleetings and fragile
What are the five Modalities?
- Haptic
- Echoic
- Iconic
- Olfactory
- Gustatory
What is Acoustic Confusion?
Acoustic confusion is the effect caused when a person’s verbal memory mishears or misremembers a word and then only recalls the similar sounding substituted word in their verbal recall.
What were the two Studies for Acoustic Confusiom?
- Participants recalled spoken letters which were presented with noise
o Participants confused acoustically similar letters (Like M and N or B and D - Particpants recalled visually present letters
o Particpants oftend confused letters that sound the same
What is Atkinson-S\hiffrin’s model of memory ?
- Early but Inflluential Model of Memory
- Human memory has 3 separate parts
What are the three parts of Atkinson-Shiffrin’s model of memory?
Sensory Memory
Working Memory
Long Term memory
What is Sensory Memory?
o Constantly being taken in and processing information
o Transfers over to Working Memory (STM)
What is Working Memory?
o Holds Information for Short Period of Time
o Can Store 5 to 9 Pieces of information (Millers Rule
What is Long Term memory in Akitnson Shiffrins Model?
o Information is transferred over from Working Memory
o Needs to be rehearsed to be put into LongTerm Memory
o Long Lasted and unlimited
What are some Critics of Atkinson Shiffrins model of memory?
o There are multiple store for different modaltiies
o Later research showd there are atleast two subsytems
Verbal Information
Visuospatial Information
o Assumes you can only do one thing at a time ( One Resource)
What is the Case of H.M?
- After surgery to alleviate epliepsty that removed large parts of the HIPPOCAMPUS
- They were left with the inability o form new Explicit Memories
What is Explicit Memory?
- Knowledge about facts or Events
-must be consciously recalled
Two Parts
What are the different types of memories?
- Episodic
- Semantic
- Motor Skills
- Repitition Priming
- Conditioning
What is Episodic memory?
Part of Explicit Memory
Memory for Specific Events that occurred at particular time and
What is Semantic Memory?
Storage of General knowledge
What are the four Parts of Semantic Memory?
Facts: Formed Immediately/ Things that are simply facts
* NYC is the largest city in the US by Population
Events: Ideas that represent a class of objects or evens or their properties
* Tables: There are many different designs and types of tables
Schema: A Collectio of basic knowledge about a concept or entity like what you think should be in a office
What is Implicit Memory?
- Does not need to be consciously recalled just instinctually known
- Like playing baseball
What are three parts of Implicit Memory?
o Motor Skills
o Repetition Priming
o Conditioning
What is the spreading Activation model?
- Concepts are organized based on semantic relatedness
- Like a Large web of Ideas
- The closer two concepts are the more similar they are
- Once a node is activated it spreads to nearby concepts
What is Priming?
- person’s response to a subsequent stimulus (the target)
Ex: The Idea of A hospital evokes ideas of Doctrs and Nursed ETC
What are the Factors that affect memory encoding ?
- Emotions
- Adaptive Processing
o Things that are critical for survival are better rmemebered - Intention to learn
o It does Improve
what are Sensitivity of memory tasks ?
What are Transfer Appropriate Processing?
Memory performance is enhanced if the task at encoding matches the task at retrieval
What is Context Dependent Memory?
Participants recalled more if the context of encoding and retrieval were consistent
What is False memory?
Memory is influenced by exposure to misleading information after the event has taken place
Why does Forgetting Occur?
- Decay
o Memory Fades away over time - Interference
o Retroactive interference - New memory interferes the long-term retention of old memory
o Proactive Interference
* Old memory interferes recent memory - Repression/ Supression
o Intentinal Forgeting
Example of Transfer Appropriate Processing?
An example of this is how when a sound is associated with a memory, recall is enhanced.
Example of Context Dependent Memory?
Remembering directions you just learned while you are driving