___ is a Liquid having a flash point above 100 degrees Fahrenheit (37.78 Celsius) and below 200 degrees Fahrenheit (93.33 Celsius).
pg 1
Combustible Liquid
Barrel: Petroleum products handled by pipelines and in bulk storage are measured in barrels. A barrel (abbreviated bbl) contains ___ U.S. gallons.
pg 1
___ is Any liquid having a flash point below 100 degrees Fahrenheit (37.78 degrees Celsius) and having a vapor pressure not exceeding 40 psi absolute.
pg 1
Flammable Liquid:
Foam Task Force: Response consisting of:
pg 3
- 2 AR foam units
- 2 engines
- 1 battalion chief
- 1 pump-and-roll unit
- 1 hazardous materials asset (if not already dispatched)
A spill occurring from a container or package approximately 55 gallons or less, a small cylinder, or a small leak from a large container with a minimum flow is called a ___
pg 5
Small Spill
Passenger vehicles with leaking tanks are considered small spill responses.
A spill exceeding 55 gallons or multiple spills from multiple small packages or containers is called a ___.
pg 5
Large Spill
Large spill responses include any incident at or involving pipelines, horizontal tanks, tank farms, or flammable liquid tanker trucks or rail cars.
There are three operating modes typically used at an incident involving a flammable liquid:
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Offensive attack mode
- used where additional risk is justified because rescue operations can be quickly achieved, the spill or leak can be quickly contained, or the fire can be quickly extinguished.
Defensive attack mode
- This operating mode is used where the benefit of offensive attack is not worth the risk involved, but where other actions can be taken to mitigate the hazard or protect exposures
Non-intervention mode
- This operating mode may be used while assembling resources to commence an offensive attack
1st Engine responsibities on ____.
- Stay out of product or spill, position up-hill and up-wind, perform size- up, identify exposures, and identify primary water supply.
- Spills occurring in side a structure should be managed by a structure fire assignment for the building type.
- Identify product. If not able to identify product, call for a hazardous materials response.
- Attempt to calculate the amount of product.
- If greater than 25 gallons or the IC has any concerns such asexposures, flammable/combustible liquids in sanitary or storm sewers, or any other environmentally sensitive areas, the IC is encouraged to add a hazardous materials and Foam Task Force response.
- Contact other resources as necessary – consider a hazardous materials response and/or a Foam Task Force.
- Contact fire marshal for law enforcement support. (Follow your jurisdictional SOPs/guidelines.)
- Assist the responsible party securing a cleanup contractor. (Follow your jurisdictional guidelines.)
- If spill ignites, a Foam Task Force should be requested and follow the response guide for a Large Spill.
pg 54
Small Spills & Fire Response
Large Spills/Fires, Tanker Truck Incidents, Bulk Petroleum Storage Facility Incidents, Pipeline Incidents, Rail Incidents, and Off-Airport Incidents. The ___ shall:
pg 55
1st Engine
Large Spills/Fires, Tanker Truck Incidents, Bulk Petroleum Storage Facility Incidents, Pipeline Incidents, Rail Incidents, and Off-Airport Incidents. The ___ shall:
- Support first engine operation.
- If at a Bulk Petroleum Storage Facility, stage at predetermined location per facility preplan.
- If Rail Car, pick up first engine water supply.
pg 55
2nd Engine
Large Spills/Fires, Tanker Truck Incidents, Bulk Petroleum Storage Facility Incidents, Pipeline Incidents, Rail Incidents, and Off-Airport Incidents. The ___ shall
- Water supply officer for incident and foam units.
- Maintain at least 1000 GPM supply for foam units.
- Evaluate the need or potential need for a rural water response.
- Consider the need for multiple drop sites or relays to obtain the necessary amount of water needed for the operation.
- Obtain water supply channel from command.
pg 55
3rd Engine
Large Spills/Fires, Tanker Truck Incidents, Bulk Petroleum Storage Facility Incidents, Pipeline Incidents, Rail Incidents, and Off-Airport Incidents. The ___ shall:
- out of the way
- Support water supply if necessary.
- RIT operations.
pg 55
4th Engine
Large Spills/Fires, Tanker Truck Incidents, Bulk Petroleum Storage Facility Incidents, Pipeline Incidents, Rail Incidents, and Off-Airport Incidents. The ___ shall:
- Coordinate with command for positioning.
- Assist with rescue operations.
pg 55
1st Truck
Large Spills/Fires, Tanker Truck Incidents, Bulk Petroleum Storage Facility Incidents, Pipeline Incidents, Rail Incidents, and Off-Airport Incidents. The ___ shall
- out of the way
- Assist with rescue operations.
- Initiate initial spill control.
pg 55
Large Spills/Fires, Tanker Truck Incidents, Bulk Petroleum Storage Facility Incidents, Pipeline Incidents, Rail Incidents, and Off-Airport Incidents. The ___ shall:
- Provide research support.
- Coordinate product containment/run-off.
- Air monitoring.
pg 55
Hazardous Materials Resources
Large Spills/Fires, Tanker Truck Incidents, Bulk Petroleum Storage Facility Incidents, Pipeline Incidents, Rail Incidents, and Off-Airport Incidents. The ___ shall:
- Position for egress
- Report to command with EMS stretcher and supplies.
- Patient care.
- Set up rehab.
pg 55
EMS Units
Large Spills/Fires, Tanker Truck Incidents, Bulk Petroleum Storage Facility Incidents, Pipeline Incidents, Rail Incidents, and Off-Airport Incidents. The ___ shall:
- Upon arrival, assume or establish command and a command post. ((up-hill, up-wind))
- Develop and incident action plan/communicate tactical objectives.
- Ensure adequate resources.
- Report on progress and PAR levels at 20-minute intervals.
- Contact facility or railroad emergency number and request a representative to the scene.
pg 55
1st Battalion Chief
Large Spills/Fires, Tanker Truck Incidents, Bulk Petroleum Storage Facility Incidents, Pipeline Incidents, Rail Incidents, and Off-Airport Incidents. The ___ shall:
- out of the way
- Report to Command.
- Assumes foam group supervisor.
- Determine size of spill/fire area in square feet and calculate flow requirements for fire and vapor suppression.
- Start assembling foam concentrate resources to support operational needs.
- Begin vapor suppression or extinguishment with foam lines. Consider using master stream operations.
pg 56
Foam Task Force Battalion