Effective ___ of incident dynamics helps all personnel operating at a fire incident to maintain situational awareness.
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What is a visual monitor of the air supply in the cylinder and valve assembly that a firefighter is able to see in or around the mask area to avoid having to look down at a gauge or other monitoring mechanism?
pg 1
Heads-up Display
What is a term used to report situations where a firefighter or firefighters are in distress or may require assistance in an Immediately Dangerous to Life and Health (IDLH) atmosphere?
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What is a breathing technique that can be used to conserve air in situations where air needs to be conserved; involves normal inhalation but extends the time required to exhale by humming out the breath?
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Reilly-Emergency Breathing Technique (R-EBT)
What is a acronym for Rapid Intervention Team.
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What skills and techniques used by a firefighter to self escape and ultimately, survive a life-threatening situation.
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Self-rescue and Survival
What is the ability to identify, process, and comprehend the critical elements of information about what is currently happening and the impact it has on the mission and the team operating?
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Situational Awareness
More simply, the United States Coast Guard states it as, “knowing what is going on around you.”
Proactive ___ in firefighter self-rescue and survival to a high level of proficiency gives the firefighter the best chance for surviving a crisis event.
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___ are typically placed inline with doorways for natural ventilation within the residential structure and can aid in rapid escape.
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HVAC registers/radiators are typically placed ___ and are useful aides in determing a rapid access point.
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underneath windows
a tile floor is generally in the ___ or ___ and ___ is typically indicative of living areas.
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kitchen or bathroom & carpet
It is important for officers to routinely ___ the air of their crew and remain cognizant of the lowest air volume and be prepared to communicate it to the ___.
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monitor & Incident Commander (IC).
With the heads-up display (HUD), Personnel should intepret the color-coded values and communicate ___ remaining and not simply a color.
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the percentage and color
green is 75%, yellow flashing is 25%
What steps should be taken if a firefighter experiences a SCBA emergency?
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- Use the regulator bypass (if needed)
- Advise your crew immediately
- Verbalize a Mayday as soon as possible
- Advise if you require assistance to get out of the hazard area.
If a SCBA failure occurs and the mask is still intact, firefighters shall not _____ .
pg 4
remove their face piece