Flagellates, Ciliates, and Coccidia Flashcards
Dientamoeba fragilis trophozoite
7-12 um with considerable size and shape variation on single smear
1-2 nuclei, fragmented (3-5 granules) nuclear chromatin
No peripheral chromatin
Vacuolated cytoplasm
Progressive motility
Dientamoeba fragilis trophozoite
Trichomonas hominis trophozoite
5-15 um x 7-10 um
5 anterior flagella
Pyriform shape
Both axostyle and undulating membrane which extends entire length
Single nucleus
Trichomonas hominis trophozoite
Trichomonas hominis Pathology
Cryptosporidium species
Ovoid to spherical oocysts
5-6 um
small internal granules
Four slender, bow shaped sporozoites
Oocysts stain red with acid-fast stain
Cryptosporidium species oocyst
Giardia lamblia trophozoite
10-20 um x 5-15 um
Teardrop or pearshaped with posterior end pointed
Two sucking disks on ventral surface giving the face look to the organism
Motility is falling leaf
Giardia lamblia trophozoite
Giardia lamblia cyst
11-14 um x 7-10 um
Oval to round
Four nuclei
Axonemes and parabasal bodies may be evident
May see “halo” effect around outside on permanent stain
Googly eye appearance
Giardia lamblia cyst
Giardia lamblia Pathology
Diarrhea with increased fat and mucus secretions
weight loss
epigastric pain
Diaentamoeba fragilis Pathology
Intermittant diarrhea and fatigue
Trichomonas vaginalis trophozoite
12-26 um long
Four anterior flagella
Axostyle with granules along side
Undulating membrane (along one half of body)
Single nucleus
Trichomonas vaginalis trophozoite
Trichomonas vaginalis Pathology
Vaginal inflammation with discharge,
asymptomatic in males or a persistant-recurring urethritis may cause neonatal pneumonia and respiratory distress in infants (wet prep of sputum)
Trichomonas vaginalis Diagnosis
Wet prep of vaginal and urethral discharges - examine for motility, seen in urine sediment, visualized using fluorescent stains and growth in culture (not common)
Trichomonas vaginalis Treatment
Trichomonas vaginalis Cyst
No Cyst Stage
Diaentamoeba fragilis Diagnosis
Permanent stained smear (Trichrome)
Diaentamoeba fragilis Cyst
No Cyst Stage
Giardia lamblia Diagnosis
Direct prep
Concentrate and Permanent Stained smears
Duodenal aspirate (examine mucus for motile trophs)
ELISA methods (not fool proof as antigen may be too low)
Fluorescent monoclonal AB
String test or Entero-Test
Giardia lamblia Treatment
Trichomonas hominis Diagnosis
Wet prep look for motility especially undulating membrane and presence of axostyle
Stained fecal smears
Trichomonas hominis Cyst
No Cyst Stage
Chilomastix mesnili trophozoite
6-24 um x 4-8 um
Pear shaped
Single anterior nucleus
Contains curved posterior
Distinct cytostomal groove close to the nucleus
4 anterior flagella
Chilomastix mesnili trophozoite
Chilomastix mesnili cyst
6-10 um x 4-6 um
Pear or lemon shaped
Single nucleus
Single curved cytostomal fibril - “shepherd’s crook”
Clear knob on cyst
Chilomastix mesnili cyst
Chilomastix mesnili Pathology
Nonpathogenic, no treatement
Chilomastix mesnili Diagnosis
Permanent stained smear (Trichome)
Trichomonas tenax trophozoite
Smaller and more slender than T. hominis
Four anterior flagella
Pyriform shape
Single nucleus
Undulating membrane that extends to 3/4 length of body
Trichomonas tenax trophozoite
Trichomonas tenax Pathology
Rare reports of respiratory infections and thoracic abscesses
Otherwise harmless commensal in mouth
Trichomonas tenax Diagnosis
Recover from teeth, gums, or tonsillar crypts
Trichomonas tenax cyst
No Cyst Stage
Balantidium coli trophozoite
Large, oval shape
50-100 um x 40-70 um (easily seen in wet preps)
Cilia aid in locomotion - organism thrives on starch foods
Two nuclei: micro and macronucleus
Vacuoles in cytoplasm
Balantidium coli trophozoite
Balantidium coli cyst
50-70 um in diameter
Spherical or ellipsoid
Thick refractile cyst wall
Cilia may be present in newly encysted organisms
Two nuclei: micro and macronucleus
Balantidium coli cyst
Balantidium coli Pathology
Asymptomatic carrier state
mild colitis and diarrhea
acute dysentery
Balantidium coli Diagnosis
Wet prep of fresh and concentrated material
does not stain well
Balantidium coli Treatment
Cryptosporidium species acid-fast stain
Cystoisospora belli oocyst
22-30 um x 10-19 um
Oval tapered at the ends unsporulated when passed in the feces
Thin smooth wall and double-layered hyaline wall
Contains usually one (rarely two) sporocysts
Within 18-36 hrs after feces passed, each of the one-two sporoblasts develops a sporocyst wall and contains four sausage-shaped
Cystoisopora belli immature oocyst
Cystoisopora belli mature oocyst
Cystoisospora belli Pathology
Abdominal pain
Diarrhea (6-10 per day)
Cystoisospora belli Diagnosis
Oocyst seen in wet prep or concentrate
acid fast stain
Cystoisospora belli Treatment
SXT (Trimethoprim/Sulfamethoxazole) is investigational
Cystoisospora belli acid-fast stain
Microsporidia species
1-2.5 um
Spore is infective stage
Polar tubules or filaments unique to this organism
Classified as fungi with approximately 14 species that are human pathogens
Most commonly seen in AIDs patients and other immunocompromised
Microsporidia species acid fast stain