FL Police Powers
The state can provide for the general welfare, health, safety and morals of its citizens.
Florida’s Equal Protection Clause
Same standards of review as Federal.
Strict scrutiny applies to classifications based on race, religion, national origin, or physical disability. It requires the government to prove that its act is necessary to achieve a compelling government interest and is narrowly tailored.
Intermediate scrutiny applies to gender discrimination, which requires that the law be substantially related to an important state interest.
Rational basis test applies when there is no suspect classification or fundamental right and the law will be upheld unless the government’s action is not rationally related to any legitimate government interest.
Why was a cap on medical damages in medical malpractice struck down?
On the grounds that it was a violation of equal protection because it treated plaintiff’s in medical malpractice differently than plaintiffs in other cases. The court found that the classification was arbitrary and capricious.
Fundamental Rights Examples
Marriage, travel and voting. (More under substantive due process in Federal outline)
Who does the right to vote apply to?
Only those qualified as electors. You must be older than 18, a permanent resident in Florida, and registered in a county in Florida. Those not mentall incompetent are not allowed to vote. Anyone convicted of a felony are not allowed to vote until they have completed their term, paid any fines, fees, or restitution ordered by the court.
What issue do we have when there is a fundamental right to all?
Substantive due process
What problem do we have when a fundamental right is denied to some?
Equal protection clause
Freedom of Religion
Florida’s constitution forbids regulation and establishment of religion by the government and guarantees free exercise. Religious freedom does not justify practices inconsistent with public morals, peace, or safety.
A specific provision states that no revenue of the state may ever be taken from the public treasury directly or indirectly in aid of any church, religious denomination or secretariat institute. (Likely unconstitutional under Fed law w/ respect to private schools.)
Lemon Test
The US Sup Ct recently said that Lemon should not be applied under the US Constitution. Florida has not yet ruled. You should still apply because the Lemon test doe snot provide less protection than the new test. A law will be upheld against Establishment Clause only if (i) it has a primary secular purpose (ii) its primary effect neither advances/inhibits religion, and (iii_ law does not produce excessive govt entanglement w/ religion.
Freedom of Speech and the Press (Prior restraints, time place manner restrictions, content based, commercial speech, obscenity)
Florida Constitution gurantees freedom of speech and no state law shall be passed abridging.
Strong presumption in favor of public access to court proceedings and records.
Prior restraints are subject to strict scrutiny (let the speech happen, then file suit).
Time, place, and manner restrictions are generally allowed as long as they are not content based.
Content based restrictions get strict scrutiny (must show that it is narrowly tailored to serve a compelling government interest).
Commercial speech is not as protected, it gets intermediate scrutiny (Naples doesn’t allow large McDonald’s sign, purpose of beautifying the neighborhood).
Obscenity is not protected speech (speech that is prurient and offensive under local community standards and lacking any serious literary, artistic, political or scientific value under National standards).
Freedom of Assembly
FL Constitution provides people retain the right to assemble peaceably and to petition for redress of grievances, just as US Const. Cannot give local officials too much discretion to prevent assemblies. FL also grants the people the right to instruct their representatives.
Right to Work
The Right of work may not be denied because of membership or non membership in labor unions. Both public and private sector employees have the right to bargain collectively but public employees do not have the right to strike. Laws abridging are subject to strict scrutiny. Frequent topic
Due Process
FL Constitution provides that no person may be deprived of life, liberty, or property w/o due process of law. Substantive and procedural due process are required. The constitution also protects against double jeopardy and self incrimination.
Procedural Due Process
Extends to actions by private organizations exercising quasi-public functions. You have the right to notice and a hearing before the govt takes your life, liberty or property. Sometimes there is a right to a jury trial in criminal cases and the right is preserved.
Substantive Due Process
Provides the direct protection of fundamental rights. (Property, liberty, privacy, vote, travel, and marry).
Exam Tip when you see a fundamental right issue
Think of Substantive due process — do the facts involve deprivation of fundamental right? Procedural Due process — Is the procedure used to deprive a fair one? Equal protection — is everyone being deprived or just a certain?
Prohibited Laws
Bills of Attainder, Ex Post Facto Laws, and Impairment of Ks
Bills of Attainder
A bill of attainder is a bill passed to punish someone.
Ex Post Facto laws
Retroactively makes an action criminal.
Impairment of contracts
Although laws impairing the obligation are virtually prohibited, the courts will balance the degree to which a party’s rights are statutorily impairs. Ask: (1) is there state action? (2) Is there an existing contract or simply a future contract? (3) Does the regulation substantially impair the contract? (State does something to change the intention and legal effect of the agreement)
If all three apply, the state may only pass the law if it serves an important and legitimate government interest and is narrowly tailored to further that interest.
Search and Seizure
Construed in conformity with the 4th amendment under the US Constitution.
Rights of Accused and Victims
Rights of Accused — information on charges, where did it come from, copy of the charges, compulsory attendance of witnesses, subpoena witnesses, confrontation of witness against you, right to counsel, speedy trial in the county where occurred, right to fair trial, and right to testify or refuse.
Rights of Victims — due process, reasonable protection from accused, prevent disclosur of confidential info, notice of proceedings, right to be hear, right to confer with prosecutor, right to be informed of disposition of case and release of offender, right to return of property, right to restitution, right to promptness in concluding case, and right to be informed of these rights
Excessive Punishments
Fl Constitution prohibits excessive punishment. This includes excessive fines, cruel and unusual punishments, the forfeiture of estates, indefinite imprisonment, and unreasonable detention of witnesses.
Administrative Penalties
No administrative agency shall impose imprisonment or penalties or award non-quantifiable common law damages. Can award quantifiable damages.
Access to Court
The Fl Constitution provides that the courts shall be open to every person for redress of any injury and that justice shall be administered without sale, denial or delay. (Court has also been using Equal Protection in this Analysis).
Under Kruger Doctrine, if the legislature abolishes a cause of action, a reasonable alternative must be provided unless
(i) overpowering/compelling public necessity and (ii) no alternative method to meet the necessity. Examples of Permissible (Take away actions from worker who are injured but provides workers compensation system).
Examples of Non-Permissible (severe caps on attorney’s fees, caps on damages, mandatory mediation or arbitration, very high filing fees)
Trial by Jury
There is a constitutional right to trial by jury in criminal proceedings. Compelling state interest and least intrusive means standard.
Right to Privacy
Every natural person has the right to be let alone and free from government intrusion except for (strict scrutiny) Examples - access to public records (Sunshine Laws), right to terminate pregnancies (with limitations), the right to refuse medical treatment, the right of parents to rear children.
Access to Public Records (Sunshine Law)
Public records and meeting must be open to the public and duly noticed. Exemption can be made if (i) the law states a necessity justifying the exemption and (ii) the law is no broader than necessary to accomplish the goal. Examples - employee’s personnel files and bar applications.
Separation of Powers
Protects more strongly in some ways than Fed Const. Powers of state shall be divided into the legislative, executive, and judicial, No one belong to one branch can exercise nay powers assigned to either of the other branches unless expressly provided for in the FL Constitution.
One branch of government usurps the function of another branch.
Legislative Encroachment
The legislature has the power to make substantive procedural rules that prescribe duties and rights under the government. However, the Fl Sup Ct has the power to adopt rules for the practice and procedure in all courts.
Substantive Procedural Rules
Rules involving substantive policies about rights. Ex) Minimum Sentencing Guidelines, Three Strikes Rule
Examples of Procedural Rules
Civil and Criminal procedure, Filing Deadlines, Service of Process Rules