FL SUP CT Mandatory Appellate Review
An appeal may be taken as a matter of right from (i) final judgments of trial courts imposing the death penalty (ii) decisions of dts cts of appeal declaring invalid a state statute or provision of the state constitution (iii) final judgments entered in proceedings for the validation of bonds or certificates of indebtedness and (iv) action of statewide agencies relating to rates or services of utilities providing electric, gas, or telephone service
Sup Ct Discretionary Appellate Review
The Sup Ct has discretion to review
(a) decisions of dist ct of appeals that expressly declare invalid a state statute
(b) decisions of dist ct of appeals that expressly construe a provision of the state or fed constitution
(c) decisions of dist ct of appeals that expressly affect a class of constitutional or state officers
(d) dist ct of appeal decisions expressly and directly conflicting with a decision of another dist ct of appeal or of the sup ct on the same question of law
(e) dist ct of appeal decision that pass upon a question certified by the dist ct to be of great public importance
(f) decision of dist ct of appeal that are certified to be in direct conflict w/ a decision of another dit ct of appeal
(g) orders of trail courts certified by the dist ct of appeal in which the appeal is pending to be of great public importance or have great effect on proper adm of justice throughout the state and require immediate resolution and
(h) questions of law certified by the US Sup Ct or US Ct of appeals that are determinative of the cause and which there is no controlling precedent of the Sup Ct of FL
FL Sup Ct Advisory Opinions
The Florida Sup Ct may issue advisory opinions at the request of the governor as to the interpretation of any portion of the constitution concerning the governors powers and duties
Dist Ct of Appeals Jdx - From Trial Courts - By Appeal
1) All final orders not directly appealable to Sup Ct or a Circuit Court
2) nonfinal orders that (a) concern venue or an issue of forum non conveniens, (b) grant, continue, modify, deny, or dissolve injunctions or refuse to (c) determine 1. Jdx of the person, 2. the right to immediate possession of property, 3. in family law matters, the right to immediate monetary relief, the rights or obligations of child custody, that a marital agreement is invalid in its entirety, 4. whether a party is entitled to arbitration, 5. that a partner is not entitled to worker’s compensation immunity, 6. whether to certify a class, 7. that a govt entity has taken action that has inordinately burdened real property, 8. that a permanent guardianship be established for a dependent child (d) grant or deny the appointment of a receiver or terminate or refuse to terminate a receivership, (e) grant or deny a motion to disqualify counsel, (f) denies a motion that asserts (1) absolute/qualified immunity in a fed civil rights action, (2) immunity under FL law, or (3) sovereign immunity
3) orders granting new trial in jury or nonjury cases appealable to dist ct of appeal upon final decree
4) ordered entered on motions filed under FRCP 1.540 (concerning mistake, inadvertence, newly discovered evidence, fraud, etc) and other nonfinal orders entered after final order on authorized motions and
5) ordered entered in probate and guardianship matters that make a final determination as to the rights or obligations of an interested person
Dis Ct of Appeals Jdx from Trial Courts - By Cert
May review nonfinal orders of lower tribunals by way of common law writ of cert where the petitioner shows that a clear departure from essential requirements of law have resulted in irreparable harm
Dist Ct of Appeals Original Jdx
May issue writs of mandamus, prohibition, quo warranto, common law certorari, habeas corpus, and all writs necessary
Cricuit Courts Exclusive Jdx
i) actions at law not cognizable by county courts
ii) probate and estate matters, guardianship, incompetency
iii) all cases relating to juveniles except traffic offenses
iv) all felonies/misdemeanors arising out of the same circumstances as a felony also charged
v) all cases involving the legality of a tax assessment
vi) actions of ejectment and
vii) all actions involving title or boundaries to real property
Circuit Courts Share Jdx
Equity cases involving $50k or less, landlord tenant eviction actions
County Courts Jdx
a) all misdemeanors not cognizable in circuit court
b) all violations of municipal and county ordinances
c) all actions at law in which the matter in controversy does not exceed $50k
d) proceedings relating to the right of possession of real prop, and to the forcible or unlawful detention of land and tenements (except, circuit ct also has jdx if greater than $50k)
e) all matters in equity w/n the jdx amount of less than $50k
f) matters involving dissolution of marriage under a simplified dissolution procedure or in cases where uncontested and
g) disputes occurring in HOAs
Whether a state may exercise jdx over person or res
i) whether state law authorizes this basis of jdx and
ii) whether the basis meets the constitutional requirements of due process
General Jurisdiction
When a defendant engages in sufficient business within the forum state such that it is essentially at home in the forum state
Statutory Basis for Personal Jdx
i) present in the state voluntarily and is served (specific)
ii) domiciled in FL (general)
iii) incorporated in FL (general)
iv) substantial activity, not isolated in FL (general)
v) long arm statute (specific) (operating a business or having an office, owning or using FL land, committing tort in FL, out of state act causing injury in FL (solicitation or service activities in FL, products used in FL) breaching K in FL))
vi) non-resident motorist act (specific)
Aggregations of Plaintiff’s Claims
A plaintiff may only aggregate their claims if they arise form the same transaction or occurrence.
What happens if Plaintiff files in the wrong court?
The court must transfer the case if the plaintiff pays the transfer costs within 30 days. If not, the court will dismiss without prejudice.
Can a Plaintiff join an unrelated tort claim for 6k to their contract claim for 52k?
Yes. Once one claim satisfies the jurisdictional requirements, the plaintiff may join other claims, even if they are unrelated.
What happens if the defendant’s counterclaim in county court exceeds the $ limit?
The whole case is transferred if the defendant pays the transfer costs within 30 days.
Venue refers to the location within Florida of a lawsuit. By common law rule, certain actions that directly affect real or personal property are deemed local actions, for venue purposes, and must be brought only where the property involved is located. Such actions include - ejectment, eminent domain, distress for rent, foreclosure of mortgages on realty, forcible entry and unlawful detained, trespass to land, and actions to quiet title to land, replevin, and partition of realty. An action that is not subject to the local action rule is deemed transitory and venue is proper in the county where the defendant resides, where the COA occurred, or where property is located IF the defendant resides in FLorida, or if the defendant is not a resident, in any county.
Transfer of Venue - Filed in Proper Court
The court may transfer to the proper court in another county on the following grounds
(1) Fair Trial
(2) convenience of Parties.
Fair trial incorporates the idea that the defendant will not receive a fair trial becuase (i) the adverse party has undue influence over the minds of the inhabitants of the county (ii) the movant is so odious to the inhabitants of the county that he could not receive a fair trial or (iii) it is impractical to obtain a qualified jury. A motion must be filed no less than 10 days after the case is at issue, except for good cause. It is to be supported by two affidavits of two reputable citizens.
Transfer of Venue - Venue was Improper
A court will transfer venue when originally improper if the plaintiff pays the transfer costs within 30 days.
Forum Non Conveniens
A court may dismiss a cause of action if a satisfactory remedy may be more conveniently found in a jurisdiction other than Florida. The court will consider whether an adequate alternative forum exits, all relevant factors of private and public interest, and will ensure that the plaintiff can reinstate their suit in the alternative forum.
Service of Process - By Who
Service of process is generally done by the sheriff or his appointee or by a process server adult appointed by the court.
The court’s appointee to serve process when the sheriff is unable to do so.
Service of Process on Adults - Ways
Personal service, substituted service, special substituted services, defendant’s agent for service, or nail and mail for dispossessory actions.
Substituted service
Substituted service is effected by serving someone who is at least 15 who resides there at the defendants usual place of abode and tells them about the contents of the service.
Special Substituted Service on Spouse
Service may be made by service on the spouse of the person to be serve if the cause of action is not an adversarial proceeding between the spouse and the person, the spouse requests such service or the spouse is also a party to the action, and the spouse and the person serve are residing together in the same dwelling.
Service on Agent
An individual may be served by delivering a copy to an agent authorized by appointment or by law to receive service of process.
Nail and Mail
In an action for possession of residential premises, if the tenant cannot be found or there is no one 15 years of age or older after at least two attempts at least 6 hours apart to obtain personal service, then service may be made by attaching a copy of the summons and the complaint to a conspicuous place and mailing to the defendant at the premises involved in the proceeding.
Service on Corporation
Service may be made on a corporation by serving its registered agent or an officer or director in descending order. All corporations incorporated in FL or qualified to transact business are required to designate a registered agent upon whom process may be served. If they have not, service may be made on any employee at the principal place of business.
Officers and directors in descending order include (president, VP, or other head) –> (cashier, treasurer, secretary, GM) –> (any director) –> (any officer or business agent resident in FL)
Service under Long Arm Statute
Service under the long arm statute may be made out of state in the same manner as service is authorized in Fl, by any person authorized to serve process in the state where the person is served.
Publication Service
When a defendant is outside of Florida, cannot be found for personal service, or is unknown, then service may be made by publication.
Allowable for: enforce lien, claim, or quiet title, partition real or personal property in FL, dissolution of marriage, adoption, temporary custody, or termination of parental rights, construction of any will, deed, contract, or written instrument, probate or guardianship proceedings where personal service is not required, determine paternity but only as to the legal father, and in which a writ of replevin, garnishment or attachment has been issues in FL>
Service on Minor or Incompetent
If a minor has a guardian, they are to be served like an adult. If a minor does not have a legal guardian, service is made by serving a parent or guardian of the minor and ask court to appoint a guardian ad litem.
If an incompetent does not have a legal guardian, 2 copies are served on the person who has custody and ask court to appoint guardian ad litem.
Waiver of Service
Plaintiff can mail a waiver form to the defendant. The defendant has 20 days to return the form. If the defendant does not return the form, the plaintiff can effect person service and the court can require the defendant to pay costs.
Timeliness of Service
Filing of the complaint stops the tolling of the statute of limitations. The plaintiff then has 120 days to serve the defendant. There is a no service on Sunday rule unless the plaintiff reasonably believes the defendant will leave state under the protection of Sunday rule.
Timeliness of Service
Filing of the complaint stops the tolling of the statute of limitations. The plaintiff then has 120 days to serve the defendant. There is a no service on Sunday rule unless the plaintiff reasonably believes the defendant will leave state under the protection of Sunday rule.
Formalities of Pleadings
Must contain
(i) name of the court and file number of case
(ii) names of parties
(iii) name, current FL bar address, Bar ID number, phone number, and one primary email of the atty
(iv) designation of the pleading
(v) numbered paragraphs, each limited, as far as practicable, to a single set of circumstances and
(vi) each claim or each defense in a separate count or defense.
Attorney Certificate
If a party has an atty, the pleading must be signed by that atty, by which she certifies that she has read the pleading, that to the best of her knowledge and beleive there is good ground to support it, that it is not interpose for delay, and that any confidential or sensitive information is properly protected.
What begins service of process?
An issuance of a summons by the clerk of the court or the judge. This notifies the defendant that a claim has been lodged against him and that he must respond or he will lose by default.
Where can a nonparty witnesses deposition be taken?
The deposition of a nonparty witness can be taken in any county in Florida where the witness may validly be served or anywhere else in the US by using the subpoena power of an appropriate court in that place.
Requirements for service by Publication
Plaintiff or her attorney must file a sworn statement made on personal knowledge, rather than mere information and belief, showing that
(i) the defendant is over the age of 18, if known and
(ii) the defendant’s residence is unknown or
(iii) the defendant’s residence is known to be outside of FL or
(iv) the defendant’s residence is known to be in FL but the defendant has been absent for more than 60 days and has concealed himself so that process cannot be personally served on him or
(v) if the name or residence of the defendant is unknown, a diligent search and inquiry have been made, disclosing the particulars discovered.
Then the clerk or the judge must mail a copy of the notice by US mail with postage prepaid to the defendant within 10 days after making or posting the notice
Is service invalidated if an affidavit of proof of service is not filed?
No. If process has been effectively served by a valid process server, it is not invalid although the affidavit of service is not file.
On the theory that there is nothing for the jury to decide, either party may move for a ___ at the close of evidence offered by the other side.
Directed Verdict
Timing for depositions
Generally, any party may depose a person (party or nonparty) without leave, after reasonable notice to all other parties. A plaintiff must wait 30 days after service and initial pleading unless
(i) the defendant seeks discovery sooner, or
(ii) the deponent is leaving the jdx and special notice is given. Once more than 30 days have passed, any party may take the oral deposition of any person upon reasonable notice to all parties.
An Involuntary Dismissal
Operates as an adjudication on the merits, unless it is ordered on grounds of jdx, venue, lack of indispensable party, or failure to prosecute, or the court orders that it is without prejudice.
An involuntary dismissal may be had by either party on a claim against him for failure of the adverse party to comply with any court order. When moved for in a court without a jury, at the close of the plaintiff’s evidence, on the grounds that on the facts and law the party seeking affirmative relief has shown no right to relief, will not waive the defendant’s right to offer evidence if the motion is not granted.
3 ways a plaintiff may voluntary dismiss
- by filing a NOVD
- by stipulation of the current parties and
- by obtaining a court order.
A motion for involuntary dismissal on the ground that the opposing party has not proved her case can be
only made in a nonjury trial after the party seeking relief has completed the presentation of her evidence.
Voluntary Dismissal
The plaintiff may voluntarily dismiss her action by filing a notice or by so stating on the record at trial, prior to retirement of the jury or submission to the court in a nonjury case, with the following restrictions
1. The plaintiff may not do so if a MSJ is pending
2. The plaintiff may not dismiss by notice in an action in which property has been seized or is in the custody of the court
3. a plaintiff may not dismiss by notice if a counterclaim has been filed and the counterclaim cannot remain pending for independent adjudication
Notice of Failure to Prosecute
If it appears on the face of the record that no activity has occurred in a case for 10 months, and no order or stipulation staying the action has been issued or approved by the court, any interest person or the court may serve notice to all parties that no record activity has occurred. Then, if no record activity occurs w/n 60 days after the notice is served and no stay was issued or approved prior to the expiration of the 60 day period, the action will be dismissed for lack of prosecution, unless a party shows GC in writing at least 5 days before the hearing on the action why it should remain pending.
Cross Claim
A cross claim is a claim against a co-party. It must arise from the same transaction or occurrence as the original claim or counterclaim. A cross claim is never compulsory.
Right to Amend
A plaintiff has a right to amend their complaint once before the defendant serves his answer. If the defendant files a motion before their answer, the plaintiff still has the right to amend. The defendant has a right to amend once within 20 days of serving his answer.
Depositions (Timing)
Generally, no court order is needed to take a deposition. There are two exceptions
1. A deposition may be taken on court order before the case is filed to preserve evidence because the witness wont be available at trial.
2. A court order is required if the plaintiff wants to take the deposition less than 30 days after serving the complaint unless (1) the plaintiff’s notice states that the person to be deposed is about to leave the state and wont be available after the 30 days or (2) the defendant has already taken a deposition.
Deposition (place)
A plaintiff is usually deposed where the case is pending.
The defendant is usually deposed in his county of residence or business.
A nonparty is deposed at the county of her residence or business unless agreed otherwise.
A court can also order a deposition to be taken anywhere.
Taking a deposition before complaint
To perpetuate another person’s testimony regarding any matter that may be cognizable in any court may file a verified petition in the circuit court in the county of residence of any expected adverse party. The petition must show (i) that the petitioner expects to be a party in an action in FL, but is presently unable to bring it or cause it to be brought (ii) the subject matter of the expected action and the petitioner’s interests in it (iii) the facts which petitioner desires to establish by deposition and reasons for it (iv) name or description of the person expected to be adverse party and their address if known and (v) names and addresses of the persons to be examined and the substance of the testimony which the petitioner expects to elicit from each
and shall ask for an order authorizing the petitioner to take the deposition of the persons to be examined named in the petition only for the purpose of perpetuating their testimony
Relation Back
When the claim or defense asserted in the amended pleading arose out of the conduct, transaction, or occurrence set forth or attempted to be set forth in the original pleading, the amendment shall relate back to the date of the original pleading
A pleading setting forth relief must contain
i) short and plain statement of the grounds upon which the court’s jdx depends, unless the court already has jdx and the claim needs no new grounds of jdx to support it
ii) a short and plain statement of the ultimate facts showing that the pleader is entitled to relief and
iii) a demand for judgment for the relief to which the pleader deems they are entitled
Cross Claim vs Impleader
A cross claim is a claim by one defendant against a properly joined co defendant which seeks affirmative relief against the co defendant
An impleader claim is a claim by a defendant against a third party, claiming that the third party is liable to the defendant for all or part of the amount alleged to be due from the defendant to the plaintiff.
What may a court consider when ruling on a MSJ?
Pleadings, depositions, interrogatory answers, and admissions in the file, together with affidavits filed with a motion and response thereto.
In a civil action, must the jury itemize damages?
Yes. Where the trier of fact determines the defendant’s liability, the trier of fact must, as part of the verdict, itemize the amount to be awarded into - compensatory damages for economic loss, compensation for noneconomic loss, and punitive damages.
When asking judge to disqualify themselves..
You file a motion with that judge to disqualify themselves and if legally sufficient on its face, the judge must disqualify themselves.
Timing for MSJ
A party May move for SJ at any time after 20 days from commencement of the action. The moving must serve the motion at least 40 days before the hearing. The nonmovant must respond 20 days before the hearing.