Fitness components & Training methods Flashcards
What are the fitness components associated with anaerobic systems?
anaerobic capacity, speed, muscular strength, muscular power, agility, dynamic flexibility, reaction time
What are the fitness components associated with aerobic system?
aerobic power, muscular endurance, static flexibility
what are the other components that are not attached to either the aerobic or anaerobic systems?
co-ordination, balance, body composition
muscular endurance
repeated muscle contractions (sit ups in 30secs)
muscular power
produce force quickly (vertical jump)
muscular strength
peak force (resisting an opponent in a sport aflw)
point a to point b in the fastest time
(20m sprint)
dynamic flexibility
joints and muscles through full range of motion
(hamstring stretch)
aerobic power
resynthesising ATP with oxygen at the fastest rate
(beep test and yoyo test)
reaction time
reacting to an outside stimulus in the fastest time (posner test)
change of direction quickly while maintaining speed and balance
(505 change of direction)
What is the purpose of fitness testing? give 5 reasons
- determine athlete’s strengths and weaknesses
- provides base line data to base future performances
- helps determine team positions
- talent ID
- provides motivation for improvement
What is the purpose of post testing?
determines if the training was successful
have the components improved from the beginning
What should fitness tests replicate?
- movement patterns or skills performed
- major muscle groups
- fitness components in the sport
- energy systems in the sport
20 meter sprint
speed for a netballer