Fish welfare at slaughter Flashcards
When was the humane slaughter association (HSA) founded?
What are different fish types farmed around the world?
- carp
- tilapia
- salmon
- milkfish
- trout
- snakehead
- catfish
- mandarin fish
- eel
- pirapatinga
- sea bream
- sea bass
- amberjack
- turbot
- barramundi
- cobia
- tuna
- sturgeon
- sole
- halibut
- snapper
- dentex
- mullet
- meagre
- wreckfish
- cod
Why is animal welfare important?
- Scientific research
- Ethical/moral reasons
- Legislation
- EFSA reports, OIE, NGOs, codes of practice, producer groups
- Meat quality
- Retailer demands
- Public perception and customer acceptance/satisfaction
- Human health and safety
What do fish nociceptors detect?
What do trout learn to do as defence mechanisms?
– trout learn to avoid aversive stimuli e.g. nets
– trout injected with acid rub their snouts and their respiration rate increases
– trout challenged with a noxious stimulus ‘ignore’ novel objects
What are potential stressors during killing?
*Decreased O2
*Increased light intensity
*Human presence
*Removal of water
*Ineffective stunning and killing
*Food withdrawal
*Rising stocking density
What are the external carcase damage?
*Eye damage
*Scale loss
*Net marks
What are the internal carcase damage?
*Early rigor
*Flesh texture
*Flesh colour
*Blood splash/spots
What is the aim of humane slaughter?
To make an animal unaware of its surroundings and unable to feel fear or pain (insensible). This can be achieved if one can cause an animal to become unconscious. This is the intention with “stunning”.
What are different types of fish stunning?
*In-water stunning
*Dry stunning
*Percussive stunning
What are indicators of an effective electrical stun?
*fish becomes rigid
* Loss of balance, may turn upside down in the water
* No rhythmic movement of opercula (gill covers)
* Absence of eye-roll reflex
* Small involuntary muscular twitches, tail may flutter
* No reaction to tail pinch
What is the vestibulo-ocular reflex test?
*Eye-roll test
*Negative eye roll = unconscious
*Positive eye roll = Conscious / recovery
What is Exsanguination?
- The process of killing an animal by stopping the supply of oxygen to the brain, through loss of blood
How is fish bleeding carried out?
- It is necessary to sever all of the gill arches on at least one side of the head, and preferably both sides
- Bleeding should be rapid, profuse and complete
What 2 animals must be bled immediately after stunning?
How does percussive stunning work?
*Severe, mechanical or manual, impact to the head
*Disrupts normal electrical activity within brain
What methods cause concern for fish welfare when used without prior stunning?
- Asphyxia in air or ice
- Hypothermia in ice-water slurry
- Gill cut or pull
- Immersion in water containing high concentrations of carbon dioxide
- Decapitation
- Salt or ammonia baths
- Inappropriate electrical parameters, e.g. that cause conscious paralysis