First Two Years - Biosocial Development Flashcards
Often measurements are expressed as a __________, from 0 to 100. They indicate where an individual ranks on a particular measure.
____ ______ is a biological mechanism that protects the brain when malnutrition disrupts body growth. The brain is the last part of the body to be damaged by malnutrition.
Head sparing
- Body sized is measured in…
1) “_____” an average or standard for a particular population.
2) “_______ ________” a representative sample of, for example, North American infants.
3) “_________” a number that is midway between 0 and 100, with ½ the children above it and ½ below it.
Particular population
A _______ is one of billions of nerve cells in the central nervous system, especially the brain.
Communication within the CNS - the brain and spinal cord - begins with nerve cells, called ________, which proliferate in the last half of the fetal life.
The newborn brain has billions of neurons, about 70& of them in the ______, the brain’s six outer layers.
The ______ is the outer layers of the brain in humans and other mammals. Most thinking, feeling, and sensing involves the cortex.
The final part of the brain to mature is the ________ _____, the area for anticipation, planning, and impulse control.
prefrontal cortex
Within and between areas of the CNS, neurons are connected to other neurons by intricate networks of nerve fibers called ______ and _________.
axons and dendrites
An ____ is a fiber that extends from a neuron and transmits electrochemical impulses from that neuron to the dendrites of other neurons.
A _________ is a fiber that extends from a neuron and receives electrochemical impulses transmitted from other neurons via their axons.
A ________ is the intersection between the axon of one neuron and the dendrites of other neurons.
A ___________ is a brain chemical that carries information from the axon of a sending neuron to the dendrites of a receiving neuron.
The axon of one neuron meets the dendrites of other neurons at intersections called ________, which are critical communication links within the brain.
The electrical impulses in axons typically cause the release of chemicals called ____________, which carry information from the axon of the sending neuron, across a ________ ____, to the dendrites of the receiving neuron.
synaptic gap