First Test Flashcards
Land bridge Theory
30,000 years ago ice age connected the americas
humans followed their food across the glaciers
came from russia and walked to alaska
agricultural revolution
10,000 years ago people discovered how to farm-didst need the chase their food anymore
civilizations, businesses, and materialism started
leif erickson
500 years before columbus
not given credit because non one followed him like they did colombus
1444 trans atlantic slave trade
slaves were kidnapped from africa and brought the americas
portugal started kidnapping slaves before Colombus
The Americas 1491
many dif NA tribes
didn’t need to be saved or converted
Hernando Cortes
Spain, 2nd colombus
conquered aztecs quickly in 1519:
1. aztecs thought he was a god (horses, armor, guns)
2. other natives hated the aztecs and helped hernanda
Francisco Pizarro
1530 took over the Incas
300 years spain dominated
Gold, Glory, and God
half the explorers died within the first year
went to the new world to become wealthy
How did so few Europeans conquer so many NA’s so quickly?: Guns, germs, and steel
Encomienda system
Latin America 200 years
when the spaniards came over and claimed the land they automatically claimed the people too
no respect for the people or their culture
Bartolome de las casas
1500s priest converted savages
appalled by the treatment so he wrote to the K+Q
they told the conquistadors to lighten up which they didn’t like so the african slave trade was started
The Pueblo Revolt
defeated the conquistadors which was so rare for a tribe to defeat the spaniards
60 years later the s came back and wiped them out
rarely did NA’s win bc of guns, germs, and steel
French and Dutch
European countries got jealous of the spanish and came over
wanted direct trade route to Asia
Caravel ships, astrolabes, and accurate maps
God, Gold, Glory
Portugese 1444
started the african slave trade when they went down to african and brought them back to portugal
huge factor of slavery in US which had lots of land but no people
Spanish, Portugese, French, Dutch, and English wanted money but not the people in their country
Africans sold africans trade of goods to European slave traders
racism was born, white people justified this bc black were inferior
millions kidnapped most went to Latin america
Middle passage
6-8weeks packed people like sardines 1 out of 5 died before antibiotics you either recovered or died everyone was forced to watch punishments
Triangular trade
- Sugar, tobacco, and cotton to Europe
- Textiles, rum, and manufactured goods to africa
- trade for slaves to america
risks- slave revolts, disease, shipwrecks
quarter million per year
racism born out of slavery justified that black people were inferior
Indentured servants of VA
first 20 people on US soil were indentured servants-people working to pay off their boat ride to America 1. miserable (no status or rights) 2. most died due to disease 3. servants ran away shaky, unreliable system
glue that held slavery together
terrified the punishments
brainwashed to never escape or revolt
Make you’ll less than human
people learned this in big and little ways
kept ignorant not taught to read or write
crushed spirits
changed names
broke families
branded people like cattle
The stono revolt
1737 south carolina dozens of slaves killed any white person they could it was suicidal didn't end slavery 1st big slave revolt
Three ways to rebel
- Revolt
- least common
- suicidal
- never worked - Run Away
- thousands tried
- sink or swim
- dont wanna get caught - Sabotage
- not cooperate in a stealthy way
- why would you wanna work harder?
- delayed or stopped work
What about 1776?
declaration and the constitution
after the war some people realized they were hypocrites
how can we have documents promoting freedom if we have slavery?
8/12 presidents owned slaves
abolition movement began to grow in the north in the 1800s
only southern states kept slavery
Nat Turner 1831
ex-slave decided he would end slavery in VA
murdered plantation owners and the slaves from them became an army
biggest revolt ever-killed 48 masters and their families
5,000 people from other slave states killed him
death by slave was a masters worst fear
John Brown
sparked civil war made harpers ferry famous white nat turner who failed 1859 never got out of HF people were willing to die about slavery
civil war was over
north won
slavery abolished under abraham lincoln
Jim Crow (1865-1965)
nickname given to racism + segregation
is freedom really free?
“second slavery”
psychological slavery- blacks were 5th class citizens
martin luther king jr abolished this second slavery
Why Europe?
Europe conquered the world but no one was able to conquer Europe
Europe’s geography packed together a lot of different people and they were always fighting with each other
Forced to improve their army over the course of two thousands years
The American pie 1600s
America was seen as the money maker
Other countries wanted a piece of the American pie
Roanoke, NC 1585
British’s first colony
“Lost colony”
Croatoan tribe left their name etched into wood in the colony
America’s first English baby was born in 1587
Jamestown, VA 1607
Twenty years later the British come back and gain Virginia
Bottom of Chesapeake bay
Half the people died within the first year (disease, starvation, fighting)
Constant fighting between white colonists and Native Americans
The people thought they would find gold quickly and then sail back home so they didn’t plant seeds for food but by the winter they did not find gold and started to starve
John Smith brought strict discipline to Jamestown and saved the people from a second starvation
John Rolfe came up with the idea that Tobacco would be a money maker
Exported tobacco to England
First successful colony
First democracy in US
-House of Burgesses
-Fancy word for representative
-It was limited but it was a start
First twenty African Americans stepped off the boat in 1619
Pilgrims 1620
Pilgrims wanted to totally separate from the Church
Came to the America’s for God first before the Puritans
102 people took two months to come on the Mayflower
Found Plymouth rock
Cold, too much disease, and not enough food (for all the colonies everywhere)
Half died after the first year
Natives saved the pilgrims by showing them what to grow and where to grow it
Thanksgiving was with the Natives because they all survived the second year
Puritans 1630
Left England due to harsh treatment
Wanted to purify and change the Church of England (thought it was corrupt and wanted to cleanse it)
Puritans came with 800 people
Publicly shamed people for breaking any Puritan law or banished them
Known as hypocrites- fled England because they couldn’t practice the way they wanted to but when someone broke a rule they were punished
King Philips War 1675-76
White colonists vs. Native Americans- enemies forever
Most vicious Native American war
Hundreds died on each side
After this war many people saw the Natives as wild savages that just had to be killed
Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island
Came to PA in the mid 1600s
Different Christians they were getting a lot of heat in England
Oppose war
Very liberal and support gay marriage today
Settled on the side of a river
William Penn is the statue on top of city hall building
Salem Witch Trials
Thousands of women were stoned, burned or drowned prior to this because witch trials had been happening for hundreds of years
Two dozen women died after being accused in Salem, MA
Girls picked on the governor’s wife which stopped the trials in Salem
The enlightenment 1700s
Educated people
Told everyone around the world that they had to have proof, logic, and reason in a court of law
Shocking, different, revolutionary
Human rights