First Aid CH19 Forensic Psych Flashcards
forensic psychiatry
medical subspecialty where psychiatry is applied to legal issues, psychiatrists conduct evaluations requrested by the court or attorneys
standard of care
skill level and knowledge base of the average, prudent psychiatrist
practicing below the standard of care
act of being negligent as a doctor
4 Ds of malpractice
deviation from duty that was the direct cause of damage
reward for malpractice
compensatory damages + punitive damages (to punish the doctor)
Tarasoff duty
duty to warn, obligation of physician to report pts who are potentially dangerous to others
4 Rs of consent
reason for tx
risks and benefits
reasonable alternatives
refused tx consequences
minors are considered emancipated if they’re
in the military
have children or are pregnant
does capacity or competence need to be decided by a judge?
what’s capacity?
able to make genuine medical decisions, must have:
- understanding of relevant info
- appreciate impact of decision
- logically manipulate the info to make a decision
- communicate choice or preference
if unable to meet requirements, POA, spouse, other family, or guardian makes decision
are doctors required to report child abuse? lawyers?
yes, no
mental capacity to stand trial, protections offered under 6th (right to counsel, speedy trial, and to confront witnesses) and 14th (right to due process of law) amendments
does mentally ill mean incompetent to stand trial?
not always
are people with mental illness more likely or less likely to violence?
less likely, people w/ mental illness are more likely to be victims vs perpetrators
legally insane equals
not criminally responsible for their act
mental disorders are neither
necessary nor sufficient causes of violence
feigning or exaggerating sxs for secondary gain (financial, avoiding school or work, obtaining meds, avoiding legal consequences)
- signs: atypical presentation, textbook description, h/o working in medical field, sxs present only when pt knows they’re being observed