FIRST AID Flashcards
What are the 3 main priorities when doing first aid?
- Yourself
- Bystanders
- The casualty
What does DRSABCD stand for?
D- Danger R- Response S- Send for help A- Airways B- Breathing (look, listen, feel) C- CPR (cardio pulmonary resuscitation) D- Defibrillation
When in the ‘STOP’ regime used?
When someone has suspected injuries
What does the STOP regime stand for and describe each stage
S- STOP- Stop the patient from moving/participating
T- TALK- Ask them what happened/ what hurts
O- OBSERVE- Observe to see if there is swelling/deformity
P- PREVENT- get help and perform ‘r.i.c.e.r’ for soft tissue injuries
What are the 3 blood vessels that bleeding can come from? Explain what they look like and state the 2 that are life threatening
Artery (life threatening) = bright, spurt
Vein (life threatening) = dark, steady
Capillary= ooze out
What are the symptoms and treatment for shock?
Paleness, cold & clammy, weak pulse
Treatment= seek help, reassure, raise legs, treat injuries, keep them comfortable
What are the symptoms and treatment of a neck/ spinal injury?
Pain, loss of movement, tingling
Treatment= seek help, reassure, no movement, stiff collar/ hold neck
How would you treat a cut/ laceration?
Cuts/lacerations= pressure, cleanse, apply dressing, seek medical attention
How would you treat a fracture?
Fractures= treat bleeding if bone protrudes, immobilize, observe for shock, seek medical attention
How would you treat a dislocation?
Dislocations= support and immobilize, ice, seek medical attention
How would you treat a concussion?
Concussion= support head, lay down, seek medical attention
How would you treat an eye injury?
Eye injury= no rubbing/removing objects, cover both eyes, seek medical attention
How would you treat a nasal injury?
Nasal injury= instruct to breathe through mouth, if nose is bleeding then lean forward and apply pressure to soft part of nose.
How would you treat a burn
remove casualty from the danger, cold running water, don’t put on any dressings, seek medical attention
How would you treat electrocution?
Electrocution= ensure power source is off, cool burnt areas, monitor for shock, seek medical attention
How would you treat a chest injury?
Chest injury= place in comfortable position, pad area, encourage shallow breathing, seek medical attention
How would you treat an abdominal injury?
Abdominal injury= lie patient on back, seek medical attention
what are the 3 types of slings and what is each used for?
Arm sling= forearm
Elevation sling= collarbone, shoulder
Collar and cuff sling= humorous
How would you treat a heart attack?
Heart Attack= reassure, make comfortable, loosen clothing, monitor, seek medical attention
How would you treat a stroke
Stroke= reassure, make comfortable, monitor, seek medical attention
How would you treat an individual having an epileptic fit?
Epilepsy= remove surrounding objects, do not try to restrain, pillow under head, once over place in recovery position, keep airways open, seek medical attention
How would you treat someone having an asthma attack
Asthma= reassure, upright position, administer ‘inhaler’, encourage controlled breathing, seek medical attention if they do not improve
How would you treat someone who is having an anaphylaxis reaction?
Anaphylaxes= Epi-pen, seek medical attention
How would you treat someone who has swallowed corrosive substances?
Corrosive (acids)= give milk/water, seek medical attention
How would you treat someone who has poisoning from medicinal drugs
Medicinal/general= induce vomiting, seek medical attention
What is hypoglycaemia?
What are the symptoms and how would you treat it?
- shaking, sweating, confusion, dizzy
- encourage them to eat sugary foods, seek medical attention
What is hyperglycaemia?
What are the symptoms and how would you treat it?
- thirst, headache, blurred vision
- Allow self-administration of insulin, seek medical attention
How would you treat a snake bite?
calm, immobilisation bandage, mark spot, seek medical attention
How would you treat a red back spider bite?
ice, seek medical attention
How would you treat a funnel Webb spider bite?
pressure bandage, seek medical attention
What is the difference between heat exhaustion and heat stroke?
Heat exhaustion is dehydration. It is not life threatening
Heat stroke is extreme dehydration and is life threatening
What is the treatment of heat exhaustion?
rest in shade, give water, cool them down, seek medical attention if you are worried they may have heat stroke
What is the treatment of heat stroke?
rest in shade, give water, cool them down, seek medical attention
What is the treatment of hypothermia?
Hypothermia (extreme cold)= protect from cold, remove wet clothes, cover with blankets, warm drinks, seek medical attention
What 4 things must be considered when administering first aid
- The physical environment
- Infection control
- Legal obligations
- Moral obligations
What needs to be considered and done in a traffic environment where there is a first aid situation
- Oncoming traffic: have people up the road warning people and slowing people down
- Fire: turn the ignition of both collided cars off
- Fallen electrical wires: call energy Australia and inform them of the accident
What needs to be considered and done in a water environment where there is a first aid situation
- Rescuers swimming ability. If they can’t swim, make use of ropes and flotation devices to throw out into the water
- the potential for hazardous objects to be submerged in the water
- dangerous rips and currents
- water temperature
How can you ensure infection control in a first aid situation?
- wear gloves
- use a face mask for CPR
- cover open wounds
- wash hands after
What legal obligations need to be considered when administering first aid?
You must receive consent from the casualty. For a child consent must be received from the parent/carer. For an unconscious individual, consent is assumed
What moral obligations need to be considered when administering first aid?
It would be considered a responsible action to help people involved in an accident. It would be irresponsible not to help people unable to help themselves.
What 2 things need to follow a first aid situation? Explain each.
Debriefing- Debriefing after a situation ensures all details and perspectives are taken into account so a full picture can be gathered
Counselling- Rescuers involved in emergency procedures where there were fatalities and serious injuries (for example, spinal injuries or amputations) may need counseling.