First Aid Flashcards
Define first aid
What must be done before delivering first aid?
The initial assistance or treatment given to someone who is injured or suddenly taken ill.
Ensure consent is given
What are the 7 priorities of first aid when arriving at an incident?
What’s the acronym
- Assess the situation
(weather/secondary hazards) - Protect yourself and casualties
(eg/chemicals/pile up and telling passenger to turn away from driver to prevent panick) - Assess all causalities (loud and quiet)
- Comfort and reassure casualties
- Deal with life threatening conditions
- Obtain medical aid if necessary
- Call ambulance
How must you assess the casualty?
What’s the acronym? Within this, what are you looking for in each step? (Also acronyms)
To self or casualty
Alert (hello can you hear me)
Voice (can you speak)
Check (need cleared?)
Look (rise and fall of chest)
Feel (back of hand for 10 s)
Visual check for life threatening bleeds (squeeze thumb)
Pooling of blood
Gloves worn if available (pat down checking hands after each section)
List 5 causes of shock
Anaphylaxis (allergic reaction)
Burns and fluid loss (blood/vomit)
Drug overdose
Heart attacks
What are the 3 signs and symptoms of the first release of adrenaline following shock?
Rapid pulse
Pale, cold, clammy skin (adrenaline takes warm blood to organs)
Sweating (body out of sync)
What are the 5 signs and symptoms of the development of shock and release of adrenaline?
Weakness and dizziness
Thirst, nausea, possible vomiting
Shallow rapid breathing (panick)
Weak thready pulse (due to blood volume loss)
Grey blue skin (hyperventilating)
What are the 3 signs and symptoms of shock when the brains oxygen supply weakens once adrenaline is released?
Relentlessness and aggressiveness
Yawning (lack of oxygen)
Unconsciousness/heart stops
What are the 7 steps to treating a causality of shock?
Treat cause of shock
Lay casualty down (stop falls), then raise and support legs
Loosen tight clothing (can make feel constricted during deep breaths)
Shelter casualty from extreme temperatures
Call for med aid (999/112-can track)
Monitor and record vital signs
Prepare to resuscitate
What are the DO NOTS when treating someone suffering from shock?
Don’t give anything to eat/drink (incase are sick/need op)
Don’t apply direct heat
Don’t allow smoking (further starves brain of oxygen)
Don’t leave casualty alone
What are 6 common triggers of anaphylactic shock? (Allergic reaction)
Medications (eg/penicillin)
What are 4 signs and symptoms of anaphylactic shock?
Red, itchy rash/raised areas of skin
Red, itchy watery eyes
Swelling of hands, feet, face
Abdominal pain
Aside from the initial 4 signs and symptoms of anaphylactic shock (RSA), what 6 other symptoms might there be?
Difficulty breathing
Pale/flushed skin
Swelling of tongue throat, puffy eyes
Feeling of terror
Confusion and agitation (lack of oxygen to brain
Sign of shock leading to collapse and lack of consciousness
What are the 5 steps to treating someone suffering an anaphylactic shock?
Call 999
Auto injector (epipen)
Sit casualty up
Monitor and record
5 min repeat dosage if no improvement
When should you stop CPR?
What is the rate of compressions per minute?
-Begins breathing normally
-Change over people
100-120 per minute
What is the approximate number of adult breaths per minute?
What is the ratio for breaths to compressions?
16 breaths a minute at rest
What should be done if you still dont see the chest rise during CPR?
Re-check head and chin tilt, airways (if blocked, Pinch not Sweep as could lodge further in throat
What are the 6 signs and symptoms of obstruction in airway?
Distress (to extent of grasping)
Noisy, laboured breathing
Cyanosis (grey/blue skin)
Flaring of nostrils (trying to get as much as possible)
Red puffy face
Persistent dry cough
What are the 2 parts to choking?
MILD OBSTRUCTION (still able to speak, cough, breathe)
COMPLETE OBSTRUCTION (unable to speak, cough, breathe, eventual loss of consciousness)
What are the 5 signs and symptoms of hypoxia?
Rapid, distressed breathing and gasping
Difficulty speaking
Cyanosis (grey blue skin)
Anxiety and restlessness
Headache, nausea, vomit
How would you treat a CONSCIOUS choking casualty?
Encourage coughing
Up to 5 back slaps (leaning forwards, between shoulder blades)
Up to 5 abdominal thrusts is fails
Alternate between 5 back slaps, 5 thrusts (check mouth)
After 3 sets, get medical help, then continue till help arrives/unconscious (may relax muscles and dislodge)
How would you treat an UNCONSCIOUS choking casualty?
Open airway and check breathing, if not give 2 rescue breaths
If not effective, begin CPR to relieve obstruction quickly
If starts breathing, place in recovery, monitor every 3 and record every 10
What are the 3 types of bleeds?
Arteries (carry blood from heart - 2, rapid high pressure, spurting)
Veins (carry blood back to heart, steadier flow and easier to control)
Capillaries (small cells, slow and easily controlled stopping spontaneously)
What are the 7 types of wounds?
Lacerated (gash)
Contused (bruised)
What are your 4 aims for dealng with a bleeding casualty?
Apply direct (pressure on wound constricting vessels)/indirect (applied to pressure point-no longer than 10 mins) pressure (if foreign object pad either side and bandage around)
Lie down, raise legs
Dress wound and hold with bandage firm enough to maintain pressure but not impair circulation
Ensure extent is relayed to medic
What are the 7 signs and symptoms of bleeding?
Evidence of major blood loss
Cold clammy skin
Pulse becomes faster but weaker
Blurred vision
Shallow breathing
How would you control a bleed using a dressing? 5
What happens when they bleed through?
Expose wound and apply direct pressure (if direct fails to stem flow of blood, apply indirect)
Raise and support limb
Lay casualty down to reduce flow of blood to wound and minimise shock
Apply dressing
Treat for shock, call for med aid
If it seeps through apply second dressing, then remove both and apply fresh after reassessing
What are the 3 types of fractures and what are the 2 classes?
Stable (bone on bone,still standing)
Unstable (possibly chipped and may slip)
Green stick (fibres still attached-babies and infants)
1- open (bone ends may pierce skin/wound at fracture site, risk of infection)
2- closed (surface of skin intact)
What are the 6 signs and symptoms of fractures?
Swelling and bruising at fracture sight
Loss of movement/power incl. pain moving
Crepitus (coarse grating of bone ends that can be heard/felt by casualty)
Signs of shock
Possible bone ends protruding
What is the general treatment for fractures? 7
Don’t move casualty until injury secured/in danger
Steady and support fractured limb
Stop bleeding and dress open fractures, immobilise by splinting (keep straight) below and above injury to prevent movement but not to interfere with circulation (check circulation every 10m)
Cover wound with sterile dressing
Elevate limb to minimise bleeding and swelling
Treat for shock
Med aid asap
What are the signs and symptoms of a spinal injury? 5
Pain at site of injury incl. tender skin over spine
Step/irregularity in normal curve of spine
Loss of control over limbs and bladder
Loss/abnormal sensations eg/burning
Breathing difficulties
How should you treat a CONSCIOUS casualty with a spinal fracture? 5
Reassure and tell not to move
Summon med aid making them aware it’s spinal
Steady and support head in spinal position but ears not covered
Help support rest of body and protect from elements (eg/stop shock incl hypothermia)
Await arrival of med aid and seek help to monitor vitals (VPERM)
How should you treat an UNCONSCIOUS casualty with a spinal fracture? 4
Steady and support head in neutral position (head neck spine aligned)
Open airway not using excessive force
Check breathing (chest compressions and breaths if not berating
Monitor and record vitals (VPERM AND PERL)
What are the signs and symptoms of a skull fracture? 6
Include one point about treating
Wound/bruise on head/soft spot
Bruising/swelling behind ear or one/both eyes
Fluid from nose/ear
Blood in white of eyes
Lack of symmetry in face
Progressive deterioration in level of response
Check airway, if discharges, cover with sterile dressings then monitor and record vitals (VPERM & PEARL)
What are the signs and symptoms of rib fractures? 5
Sharp pain at site increased by anything more than shallow breathing/coughing
Paradoxical breathing (absurd breathing cycle)
Sound of air being sucked into chest cavity (potential open/sucking wound aka pneumothorax)
Features of internal breathing
If lung punctured, frothy blood coughed up and cyanosis (blue lips)
How would you treat a casualty with no complications and a casualty with a complication with rib fractures?
If no complications support injured side in sling and transport to hospital
If complications:
- Treat sucking wounds by sealing with hand over puncture then cover with sterile dressing secured firmly on 3 sides only
- Help casualty settle in most comfortable position inclined towards injured side
Get med aid
What are the 6 types of burns? And what are the 3 different depths of burns?
Cold injury
- superficial (top layer, red skin, minimal)
- partial thickness (deeper, down to hair follicles, blisters)
- full thickness (deep, close to fatty layers & potentially nerve endings, white and red skin, potential skin graft needed)
What are the 5 general signs and symptoms of burns and scalds?
Pain in and around injury
Reddening around area
Blistering and peeling
Difficulty breathing
What are the treatments for minor burns and scalds? 4
Flood area with cold water for min. 10 mins
Remove constricting items before swelling
Cover with sterile non fluffy dressing
Advise to seek med aid
What are the treatments for severe burns and scalds? 6
Lay down protecting injury & remove burned clothing
Cool with cold water for min. 10 minutes
Get med aid
Check airway & breathing
Remove jewellery before swelling
Monitor and record vitals
What are the 4 sign and symptoms of chemical burns?
Intense stinging pain
Blistering peeling swelling
Remove harmful chemical asap
How would you treat chemical burns?
Make area safe (ventilate and seal)
Flood area with slow running water (cooled for 20 mins/longer (ensuring water drains away) and remove contaminated clothing
Take casualty to med aid and samples found
Monitor vitals
Of phosphorus keep wet
What are the 3 signs and symptoms of electrical burns?
Full thickness burns with swelling and charring/burning at entry and exit points
How would you treat chemical burns? 6
Ensure supply cut
Prep to give compressions and rescue breath
Flood with cold water
Remove jewellery before swelling
Dress would with sterile non fluffy dressing
Take to med aid and treat shock
What are the 2 signs and symptoms of radiation burns?
Redness of skin, itching and tenderness
Severe - lobster red and blistering and potentially heat stroke
What is the treatment for radiation burns?
Move to shade
Cool skin by sponging with cold water
frequent sips of water
Seek med advice
Between which temperatures does the body work efficiently between?
How much faster does body temp reduce in colder water than dry air?
36-37 degrees
30x faster
2 causes of hypothermia?
Body temp falls below 35 degrees
Severe - core temp falls below 30 degrees
What are the signs and symptoms of hypothermia? 5
Shivering and cold pale dry skin
Irrational behaviours and slurred speech
Slow weakening pulse (trying to get blood to vital organs)
Slow shallow breathing
How do you treat hypothermia outside? 5
Shelter asap
Insulate (slowly layer) removing wet clothing, cover head and protect from ground
Seek help
Warm drinks if conscious
Evacuate by stretcher
How do you treat hypothermia inside ?
Replace wet clothes with dry and rewarm via bathing (temp of water no more than 40 degrees) or sleeping bag
Warm food and drinks
Monitor and record vitals
Med aid
What is heat exhaustion caused by and what are the signs and symptoms?
Loss of salt and water
Headache dizziness confusion
Loss of appetite and nausea
Sweating pale clammy skin
Cramps in limbs and abdomen
Rapid and weakening pulse and breathing
How would you treat heat exhaustion?
Lay in cool place
Raise and support legs
Sips of weak salt solution
Advise to see doctor (effects may be longer lasting)
Recovery position if unconscious
Monitor and record vitals
What is heat stroke and what are the signs and symptoms? 6
Body overheating
Headache agitation discomfort
Restless and confused
Hot flushed dry skin
Rapid deterioration in response level
Full bounding pulse
Body temp >40 degrees
How would you treat for heat stroke treatment ?
Move to cool place
Remove clothing
Wrap in cold wet sheet
Monitor and record vitals
What are the 5 ways poisons can enter the body?
Ingestion (ate)
Inhalation (breath)
Absorption (skin, touch)
What are the general signs and symptoms of poisoning? 5
Photo of poison/spot container near
Delusional/convulsions where unconsciousness may develop
Difficulty breathing
Retching, vomit, diarrhoea (body’s natural defence to try get rid)
Burns around casualty’s mouth if contact corrosive poison
(Vary depending on nature of poison and method of entry)
What are the steps to treating poisoning? 4
Whats one thing you shouldn’t do?
Ask what happened
Cool lips id show signs of burning
Place in recovery (conscious/unconscious as may vomit)
Prepare to resuscitate and arrange urgent removal to hospital (sending samples of containers and samples of vomit)
DONT induce vomitting
What are the signs and symptoms of acute stress reaction (ASR)? 4
Dazed, confused, shocked
Severe apprehension and restlessness (pressure and overthink)
Trembling sweating anxiety
Sleep disturbance (lack), headaches, poor concentration
How do you manage casualties suffering acute stress reaction (ASR)?
Don’t leave unattended
Give respite from action/reassure (time for self) and occupy with useful tasks (think of things over than trigger)
Evacuate to med aid if no recovery within 48 hours
What are the signs and symptoms of a heart attack? 7
Persistent chest pain that may spread to jaw and arms with rapid weak irregular pulse
Breathless (due to clenching)
Discomfort in high abdomen (like severe indigestion)
Collapse/sudden dizziness
Cyanosis (grey blue skin)
Profuse sweating/clammy
Air hunger (gasping for air)
How do you treat a heart attack? 4
999 immediately inform of suspected heart attack
Make casualty comfortable (lie and elevate) and encourage rest
Assist in giving full 300mg dose of aspirin / angina med
Monitor record reassure
What are the signs and symptoms/treatment for stroke?
F acial weakeness
A rm weakness
S peech problems
T ime to call 999 (inform suspected stroke)
What are the signs and symptoms of epilepsy? 6
Sudden loss of consciousness
Become rigid, arching back
Breathing becomes difficult, noisy and signs of cyanosis
Convulsive movements then may fall into deep sleep
Saliva at mouth (blood stains if bit tongue)
What causes:
A heart attack
A stroke
An epileptic episode?
HA - sudden obstruction of blood supply to part of heart
S - blocked vessels in brain
E - brains signals go wrong
How do you treat a casualty having an epileptic episode? 5
Make space around, cushion head
Note start time
Loosen tight clothing round neck
Check airway and breathing once convulsions finish
Monitor and record vital signs
What are the signs and symptoms of asthma? 5
Wheezing - difficult breathing, coughing, cyanosis
Difficulty speaking = whispering
Distress and anxiety
Exhaustion after severe attacks
May stop breathing/unconscious
How do you treat someone having an asthma attack? 4
When does it become problematic?
Keep calm and reassured, sit them comfortable
Give usual dose of reliever inhaler, breathing slow and deep
If doesn’t subside after few minutes give 1-2 puffs every 2 mins, max 10
If severe (inhaler has no effect/casualty gets worse) call 999
If lasts longer than 5 minutes, can cause LT problems
What is type 1diabetes and what are the symptoms? 5
What is the treatment?
HypERglycaemia (high blood sugar,pancreas can’t produce insulin, born with)
-warm dry skin
-rapid pulse & breathing
-fruity sweet breath & excessive breathing
-med warning tag
-drowsy=unconscious if not treated
Call 999, monitor and record vitals
What is type 2 diabetes and what are the symptoms? 5
How would you treat someone?
HypOglycaemia (low blood sugar,pancreas can’t produce enough insulin, result of bad diet)
-history of diabetes
-weakness, faint, hunger
-sweating with cold clammy skin
- rapid pulse
-deteriorating level of response
-med tag & med eg/insulin pen/tablets & glucose testing kit
Sit down and give gels or sweets (if improves give more), no improvement call 999
What are the 3 symptoms and 3 treatments for chemicals in the eye?
Intense pain and inability to open it
Redness, swelling and watering
Evidence of chemical substance in area
Irrigate for 10 mins (draining away)
Dress with non fluffy sterile dressing
Sleek med help
What are the 4 symptoms and 3 treatments for dust and grit in the eye?
Blurred vision
Redness and water
Eyelids screwed up in spas
Advise not to rub
Gently separate lids with clean hands and look for object
Seek med aid
What are the 4 symptoms and 3 treatments for cuts in the eye?
Pain in eye/lids
Visible wound/bloodshot
Partial/total loss of vision
Leakage of blood/fluid from wound
Tell casualty to keep eye still
Apply dressing
Arrange for urgent removal to med aid