fiqh Flashcards
istibraa (cessation of urine)
After relieving oneself, it is compulsory that one ensures:
- drops of urine have ceased
- and expelled from the private part
one’s heart should be content according to one’s general habit, either by:
- walking, coughing, lying down or any other method.
the woman is not required to do this. She is to wait a small time and then clean herself.
It is unlawful to perform wudu until one is content that the drops of urine have ceased.
instinja (Cleansing the Private parts after relieving oneself)
private parts should be cleaned until bad odour is removed
obligatory to perform istinja if najasa has spread to more, or equal, to the size of a dirham. using water is obligatory and one would not be permitted to use tissue paper alone.
it is best to use both tissue paper (first, to remove the filth) followed by washing with water.
if not possible then it is second best to use only water.
if one does not have access to water and he fears of missing his salah soon, he can resort to only using tissue paper or any other substance (and for the prayer he should make tayyamum due to the absence of water).
sunnah to perform istinja if the najasa that exists on the front and back passages of the private parts and has not spread past the entrance. It is superior to use water to clean in this case, but using paper alone is sufficient to fulfil the sunnah.
Note: One should use dry toilet paper, rather than it being wet, this is because wet toilet paper spreads the filth.
adab of relieving oneself
- before entering, seek refuge in Allah from the rejected Satan
- enter the toilet with the left foot
- recite Dua upon entering:
‘Allahumma inni a’udhu bika min al-khubuthi wal khaba’ith’
O Allah, I take refuge from You from demons, male and female - one should sit down to relieve himself. and not speak, except out of necessity
- makruh tahrimi (prohibitively disliked): to have one’s face/back towards the Qibla
makruh Tanzihi: to urinate standing without an excuse. - One should leave the toilet with the right foot and recite: ‘Ghufaranak”
“Alhamdulilla hilladhi adhhaba annil adha wa afani”
Lord Your forgiveness. Praise be to Allah who rid me of the filth and gave
me health
note: one may recite the Dua’ in the bathroom if they forget to recite it before as long as ones awrah is not exposed.
fardh actions of wudhu
- face: hairline to the bottom of the chin and portion between the two earlobes.
water does not need to reach the concealed (inner) part of the lips when the mouth is closed.
beard - obligatory; if one has a thick beard, water does not need to reach the skin underneath, as long as long as the apparent hair is washed. However, if one has a sparse (thin) beard, it is wajib for the water to reach (wet) the skin having his skin underneath.
- arms - up to and including the elbows.
- feet - up to and including the ankle bones.
- head - wipe (masah) with a moist hand over a quarter of the head.
• compulsory for water to reach the entire outer skin of the body parts
• wajib to remove any substance which prevents waters from reaching the body parts, such as an overgrown nail, dough, nail polish, glue, paint or a ring (for the hands for example) or body parts that prevent water from reaching them, such as hands that are held together tightly. These barriers need to be removed or omitted.
sunnan of wudhu
- intention
- say bismillah
- to use miswaak
- wash hands thrice
- rinse mouth thrice
- rinse nostrils thrice
- gargle water in nose and throat
- saturate a thick beard
- interlace wet fingers when cleaning hands
- wash all limbs thrice
- wipe ears (masah)
nullify wudu
- anything which exits from front or back passage
- flowing of an impurity (blood, pus)
- vomiting a mouthful (food, water, bile, blood clots)
- blood in one’s spit
- sleep
- losing conciousness
- losing one’s sanity
- becoming drunk
- laughter in prayer
things that do not nullify wudhu
- blood which has not flowed from its wound
- exiting of a worm from one’s wound, ear, or nose
- touching private parts
- touching a female
- vomit which is less than a mouthful or is phlegm
- sleeping whilst praying
ghusl - substances
madhi (pre-coital fluid)
- thin, clear, sticky liquid discharged at the time of arousal
- necessitates wudu
mani (sperm)
- thick, white fluid discharged at the time of ejaculation
- necessitates ghusl
- thick, white, cloudy fluid which has no smell and is discharged either before or after urinating.
- necessitates wudu
types of ghusl
- discharge of mani (sperm)
- after sexual intercourse
- after menstruation or childbirth bleeding
- after death of a muslim
- new converts to islam
- friday prayer
- eid prayer
- before going to arafah
- before putting on ihram
things that do not necessitate ghusl
- emission of madhi
- emission of wadi
- upon witnessing an erotic dream but no wetness
faraa’id of ghusl
- rinse mouth
- rinse nose
- wash entire body including head and beard (inc roots)
note: ribbons or elastics must be taken off although hair in a bun or braided is okay as long as water touches roots. if one is injured, then cast should be wiped over with wet hands.
sunnan of ghusl
- begin with bismillah
- intention
- wash hands up to wrists
- wash away najasa
- wash private parts
- perform wudhu
- delay washing of feet until end
- pouring water over entire body thrice
‘intention and purpose’
tayammum is the act of wiping the face and hands on soil which is pure.
this act can allow one to fulfil his wudhu if water is not accessible.
circumstances that allow for the performance of Tayammum
- one cannot find water whilst travelling
- one on in a land where he is separated from water by approximately one mile or more
- a sick person who is afraid that if he uses the water, his sickness will be intensified.
- one in janabah fears that makes ghusl with water will kill him (due to it being cold) or make him ill. In this case one may perform tayammum.
- one is at a funeral and wishes to make wudhu, however is afraid that doing so will lead to him missing out on the funeral prayer (which cannot be made up). Tayammum is permissible for this person unless he is the guardian/executor as he has the authority to delay the prayer.
- one is present at Eid prayer and wishes to make Wudhu, however fears that doing so will make him miss the prayer, then tayammum is permissible for this person.
- It is mustahab (recommended) for one who has no water but expects to find it before the end of the prayer time, to delay the prayer until the (last) part of the prayer time and to make wudhu with it. This must be done before the expiry of the prayer time.
However, if one is certain that he will access water, then it he must not make tayammum and instead use the water. This is even if he will have to miss the prayer and pray qadha.
Tayammum – its manner and obligatory conditions
- intention
- strike hands on a pure earth substance
- wipe hands over face
- strike hands on pure earth substance again
- wipe arms
conditions for khuffain (leather socks)
- cover feet up to ankles
- made from a material by which it is possible to continuously walk for a distance of three miles or more
- free from tears (no hole greater than the size equivalent to the three of the smallest toes)
- socks must remain held onto the feet without being tied, even by an elastic.
- socks must prevent water from reaching the skin. Socks that are thin to the extent the skin is visible will not be permitted.
duration of khuffs
If one is resident (non-traveller) he may wipe on his khuffs over again for a duration of day and a night (i.e. 24 hours). After this time limit, one must remove the khuffs and clean his feet directly when making wudhu. If one is a traveller, one may wipe three days and nights (i.e. 72 hours)
The start (of the time limits) begin from the moment one breaks his wudhu after wearing the socks.
The wiping is invalidated by:
- That which invalidates wudhu.
- Removing the khuff (or removing the majority of it). This will invalidate the wiping, but not the wudhu.
In this case, one will be required to wash his feet again and will not need to perform wudhu.
Note: Removing one khuff will obligate one to wash both feet.
3. Expiry of the time limit.
Masah on Bandages or Plasters (for Wudhu)
masah is allowed if removal is harmful, or causes much pain. This is so the water does not trickle upon the injury, which may result in further damage or infection.
- needs to be made over the entire covering.
- if after performing masah, the bandage, plaster, opens up and one sees that the wound has not healed as yet, then it should be re-tied and the previous masah will suffice. However, if the wound has healed and there is no need to bandage it again, then the masah will be broken. That part of the body should be washed
types of blood
- Menstrual Bleeding [Hayd]
- The minimum menstrual bleeding is three days and nights, anything which falls short of that is not menstrual blood (hayd) but chronic bleeding (istihadah).
- The maximum menstrual bleeding is ten days, anything which exceeds that is istihadah - Post-Natal Bleeding (Nifas)
- There is no limit for the minimum duration of nifas but its maximum is forty days. If the bleeding exceeds forty days then it is regarded as istihadah.
- If a woman has given birth before, she should no longer regard the maximium duration of post-natal bleeding as forty days, rather she must refer to the cycle of her previous pregnancy, and base the new maximum on its duration. Anything that exceeds this period would be regarded as istihadah. - Chronic Bleeding (Istihadah)
- Istihadah does not prevent fasting, nor salah, nor intercourse.
What is prohibited with hayd and nifas
- Prayer and Fasting
- to enter a mosque
- to make tawaf around the Ka’bah
- for husband to approach her [for sexual intercourse]
- to recite the Qur’an
- to touch the Mus’haf [Quran]
types of najasa
Heavy filth
- flowing blood
- urine
- alcohol
- the meat of dead animals
- whatever nullifies a person’s wudhu when it exits from the body, (semen, madhi, menstrual period, post-natal bleeding, vomit that is a mouthful…)
Ruling: If on a person, salah is permissible with it, but it cannot cover more than the size of a dirham.
Light filth
- urine of those animals whose flesh may be eaten
- dropping of birds that are not lawful to eat (such as falcons, hawks and eagles)
Ruling: Salah is permissible with it, as long as it does not cover a quarter of each portion of the garment.
Purification of Filth
Visible filth
- its cleansing is the removal of the substance itself, even if it is achieved by washing it once.
- If some trace of it (colour or smell) still persists and it is difficult to remove, then there is no harm in that remaining
- In summary, washing is not a set condition after the substance is removed.
Invisible filth
- its cleansing is that it be washed three times until the one washing is satisfied that it has been cleansed
- One should wring (twist and squeeze) the clothing after each wash.
Method of cleansing
- Cleansing of filth is permissible with water, or with any pure liquid with
which it can be removed, such as vinegar or rose-water. - If semen [mani] becomes dry there is no longer the obligation to wash it, it will suffices to scratch it off the clothing and body (perhaps by using one’s finger nail)
- If filth becomes affixed to a mirror, or a sword, it is sufficient to wipe it. This can be done with soil or a cloth for instance.