(FINISHED) 1.2 Measure for measure: Act V Focus Flashcards
Angelo bonds
You make my bonds still greater
Justice , justice, Justice, Justice
Angelo provision of justice
Here is lord Angelo shall give you Justice, reveal yourself to him
Quote demonstrating anaphora and epistrophe?
That Angelo’s a murder, is’t not strange? That Angelo’s an adulterous thief, an hypocrite, a Virgin violator, is it not strange and strange?
concept of deceit
Needs must be a practice
disguise of truth
And hide the false seems true
dark corners
The old fantastical duke of dark corners
publicity of the Duke, A4
Millions of false eyes are stuck upon thee
public commitment
I am bound to enter publically
disguise of death
Oh death’s a great disguise, and you may add to it
Duke on Duke of dark corners
The best is, he lives not in them
habit, A1
Supply me with the habit, and instruct me how I may formally in person bear like a true friar
Be absolute for death
Escalus on the Duke
One above all others strifes contended especially to know himself
Falsehood false extracting
So disguise shall be disguised pay with faslehood false extracting and perform an old contracting
We must not make a scarecrow of the law
carrying sin
Repent you, fair one, of the sin you carry?
Stage to eyes
I love the people, but do not like to stage me to their eyes
dribbling dart
Believe not that the dribbling dart of love cba pierce the complete bosom
Now I will unmask
heart with habit
Not changing heart with habit
Honest in nothing but his clothes