4.1 The Pardoner's Tale Quotes Flashcards
The Pardoner's Tale Key Quotes
Pardoner’s hair
“This Pardoner hadde heer as yelow as wex”
Pardoner’s beard
“No berde hadde he, ne nevre sholde have”
I trowe he were a gelding or a mare”
Greed is…
Radix malorum est cupiditas”
He made the person and the peple his apes
Honest things
“I moot thinke upon som honest thing while that I drinke”
Bell quote
And ringe it out as round as gooth a belle”
Holy work
Me to destorbe Cristes hooly werk
To saffron with my predication
Authority of the bull
And I assoille him by the auctoritee which that by bulle ygraunted to me”
I stonde lyk a clerk in my pulpet”
Telle an hundred false japes more
hir soules goon a-blakeberied”
that I wol live in poverte wilfully? Nay, nay, I thoghte it nevere, trewely
Labour with my hands
“I wol nat do labour with mine handes”
Money, clothes etc.
I wol have moneie, wolle, chese, and whete”
Liquor of the vine
“ I wol drinke licour of the vine, and have a joly wenche in every toun
Triadic cursedness
O glutonye, ful of cursedness!/ O cause first of oure confusioun!/ O original of our
Triadic cod
O wombe! O bely! O stinking cod”
Wyn and dronkeness
A lecherous thing is wyn, and dronkenesse”
Sampsoun, Sampsoun
Nat Samuel, but Lamuel, seye I
stilboun, that was a wys embassadour
For the love of Crist
bell 2
Herde a belle clinke
Death shall be dead
Deeth shall be deed
The eucharist
Cristes blessed body al torente
To the end of the earth
I walked into Inde
Mother nature
Leeve mooder, leet me in!/ lo how I vanisshe, flessh and blood and skin!
Finde deeth
If that yow be so leef, to finde deeth
Of florins fine of gold ycoined rounde”
O cursed since of alle cursednesse!/ O traitours homicide, O wikkednesse
Offre nobles or sterlinges”
or elles silver brooches, spoones, ringes”
breaking necks
Dooun of his hors, and breke his nekke atow
com forth, sire Hoost, and offre first anon
Thou wouldest make me kisse thyn olde breech, and swere it were a relik of a seint”
Knight intervention
Namoore of this, for it is right ynough
Knight intervention 2
I prey yow that ye kisse the Pardoner”
“For though myself be a ful vicious man,
A moral tale yet I yow telle kan”
“Thus kan I preche again that same vice
Which that I use, and that is avarice”.
Death dead
“Deeth shal be deed, if that they may him hente”
Excerpt From: Richard, Swan. “Philip Allan Literature Guide (for A-Level): The Pardoner’s Prologue and Tale (Philip Allan Literature Guides).” Hodder Education, 2012-12-07T00:00:00+00:00. iBooks.
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Leeve mooder
“And on the ground, which is my moodres gate,
I knokke with my staf, bothe erly and late,
And seye, “Leeve mooder, leet me in!”
Excerpt From: Richard, Swan. “Philip Allan Literature Guide (for A-Level): The Pardoner’s Prologue and Tale (Philip Allan Literature Guides).” Hodder Education, 2012-12-07T00:00:00+00:00. iBooks.
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“I wolde I hadde thy coillons in myn hond
In stide of relikes or of seintuarie.
Lat kutte hem of, I wol thee helpe hem carie;
They shul be shrined in an hogges toord”
Excerpt From: Richard, Swan. “Philip Allan Literature Guide (for A-Level): The Pardoner’s Prologue and Tale (Philip Allan Literature Guides).” Hodder Education, 2012-12-07T00:00:00+00:00. iBooks.
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My theme
My theme is alwey oon and evere was Radix Malorum est Cupiditas
In Latin
In Latin I speke a wordes fewe
Offre pens, or elles grotes
Spitting venom
Thus spitte I my venym under hewe of hooliness
Looke, Attilla, the grete conquerour, deyde in his sleepe
And ever the hyer he is of estaat, the moore is he hllden desolaat